horrible if true, but why would the state give the kids back if that was a possibility?
Because the people who do it are so riddled with fear that they will burn in hell and be ostracized completely from their family and friends, that they will not discuss it. They have been taught, since day one…the outside world is evil and to trust no-one but the prophet. There have been members of the FDLS that have had the courage to leave(or were forced) and have written numerous books.
Unless you can witness the event, and prove that it happened, it cannot stand up in a court of law.
‘breaking a child’s will’ is not a bad thing in itself, because of the nature of my work i see the results of an improper upbringing all the time.
If you break the will of a human, then you are removing their free will and hence their choice. This concept of free will is rather important to both believers and non-believers.
I will follow up by saying that it is one thing to “teach” a child to control their own behaviour through discipline and to completely remove from that child their own identity.
as for the kids i raise, i do the same thing with labor, should they be acting out, or unnecessarily whining, or not applying themselves to their school or house hold duties, then we go work, we haul firewood, buck hay, clean out the ponies stall, and when we run out of real work, we pile bricks, dig holes, or such work. nothing wrong with that at all
I agree, children need to be a part of their family and contribute.
one of the Tricks the FDLS, uses is to stop a child from using the words, me, I , or mine. They are not allowed to “refer” to themselves as a seperate person if they do they are beaten. Their will is to be the same as their father. So instead of “Can I go play father”…it would be “Is it fathers will that thomas goes and plays”. That kind of thing.
They completely strip a human, of their identity and will. I should have added to my previous comment on the water treatment, that they actually deliberately smack the baby to make it cry THEN put it’s head under the water. It is not just a very bad form of discipline, it is done deliberately and systematically to stop a child from crying because the child is supposed to Make sweet with their human fathers, and hence their father in heaven. To cry, is to offend their father and hence God.
It is a systematic attempt to break the human will, from birth and it works. It is an atrocity.
now we agree these means are unacceptable and barbaric, but if true why did the state return these children?
I would suggest reading the book called “escape”. It is written by a woman who is the only woman to ever get out of the FDLS with all 8 of her children.
The state, is bound by laws and rights and unfortunately they do not alway’s protect the victims. The cycle of abuse prevents the victims from helping themselves.
It’s complicated and I suggest you do some reading on it if you are interested. as I cannot explain the full mindset behind it in one forum thread, nor do I actually understand all of it.
what is your source for this information, could it be biased, or is the state of texas unaware of this information?
It started in Utah, not texas and the problem exists whereever the FDLS remain. In Utah, the majority of law enforcement officals , local politicians and business owners ARE FDLS in this area, meaning when a woman tries to run with her children, they are apprehended before they can leave the area. Women are afforded no education, all money given to them by the state for welfare of the kids go to the husband and they are often not allowed to even learn how to drive. They are controlled completely. The FDLS is worse than the Saudi Government when it comes to rights for a female.
The state knows this kind of thing goes on, but without a person claiming it is happening, and being able to prove it WHEN it occurs the law cannot help.
The reaction to the phone call they got, was in some way’s extreme, but you can probably tell they were just waiting for something ANYTHING within the law that gave them the right to investigate.
As to sources of information, there are numerous books written by ex-FDLS members. There are help organizations for the men and women who are removed from teh society.
Another thing that may be of interest to you, is what they do to young males. The religion states, that you will only be granted heaven, by default if you have 3 wives. Of course humans have an approx 50/50 ratio male to female, so how do they achieve this?
By taking teenage boys, age 14 or so, and dumping them on the streets outside of the community as a result of an imagined infraction(you looked at a girl funny, you will leave home and never return).There aren’t “enough” young girls to go around. These boys are referred to as “The lost boys”. Look them up.