There is almost an obsession to credit, or, now, to blame V2, for everything. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Catholic or Protestant country, if it’s a Secular trend in 1970 or 2020, it doesn’t matter. It’s all V2.Genesis315:
I agree butThe Cardinal interviewed in the article points to this as a cause.
how would you answer the objection I see posted on CAF all the time, that although it is true that after Vatican II
that Vatican II did not cause this. We read here post after post claiming that to say Vatican II caused this is to commit the fallacy of post hoc ergo propter hoc? It was the culture, the 60’s, the rise of secularism, or the smoke of Satan that caused this, but it was not Vatican II.The Church then fell into one of the deepest faith crises in its history
It’s wrong to ignore history. But it’s also wrong to “live” in one specific decade, one specific event in that decade, not others.
The documents of V2 aren’t going to change. They have been clarified, will be clarified in the future. If websites can raise money by “finding” fatal ambiguities here and there, they will continue to do so forever. No clarification will deter them.
What helpful actions can we take, in 2020? What practical actions are feasible for laity to spread doctrinal content, evangelize, support prolife, in Netherlands or New Jersey in 2020?
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