End Times Speculation XXIV ver. 2.0

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Yeah, and have you seen what Bill Gates wants to put in his vaccines? I’m sure this is just a coincidence, too, with all the 666 bills floating around.

I understand that it’s called Luciferase, but that’s strictly pointing to the fact that its a molecule that emits light in certain circumstances.

As to it being included in vaccines, where did you hear it was being included in them? and why? aside from having a light readout that tracts a certain gene sequence, it doesn’t seem particularly practical (aside from having a glow in the dark tattoo lol).

Yes of course the implications with the name of the molecule combined with a mandatory vaccine and a bunch of the other patents (2020060606 as I mentioned) and the new bill 6666 (contact tracing bill) we could go WAY down the rabbit hole with this stuff. Though I personally do think all this stuff coming up at one time is suspect, I’m a little skeptical about the “luciferase actually being included” in the vaccine until i see source material.
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It’s been suggested that luciferase be included because then you’d have quick visual proof that you have recv’d the vaccine. The official could simply shine a portable UV light on your arm and you can get approved to enter the store (no buying or selling except with the mark).
Thus we have our “mark of the beast” definitely not ruling it out haha. I personally think we are on the horizon of it.

Pure Speculation:

Is it possible that since Satanism mocks Catholicism strictly (black masses, high priests/priestesses, covens, abortions, and they need a Eucharistic Host to preform their blasphemy, etc.) we could see the advent of an Anti-Christ like figure in 2030 that lasted for 3.5 years (like Christ appeared publicly in AD 30 and died in 33 almost midway through the year)?
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Any injected enzyme would eventually be recycled into aminoacids by the body itself. If it is a vaccine, and a “mark” as the Prophecy says, it has to be a one time thing, I think.
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This was a long video and hard to condense into a few thoughts because it was going in many directions.

The main crux is Laudato Si, Climate change, and the May 14th scheduled meeting at the Vatican of influential leaders in various fields to come together to sign a Global Educational Alliance Initiative for the purpose of educating everyone “to cooperate in caring for our common home and to confront together the challenges that we face.”

Pope Francis has said that the greatest issue we face today is climate change, and this video says that, “The world is looking to Pope Francis and saying “Help Us.” He (Mark Fox, of “Forever Free Ministries” and the author of this video) includes quotes from President Obama who said that Pope Francis is the “Moral leader in word and deed.” He also includes a quote from Al Gore who said, “Pope Francis is a moral force for solving the climate crisis.” So “The whole world” is looking to Pope Francis to solve its problems—definitely a sign of the anti-christ. But what tops it off and “proves” that St. Francis is the Anti-Christ, as this video says, is that as part of this World Education Pact, Pope Francis wants to catechize the world according to Church Teachings and part of that would be to enforce a Sunday Day of Rest upon the whole world because Sunday, according to Laudato Si, “heals relationships with God, with ourselves, with others and the world.” And this officially changes the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday and is exactly what Daniel prophesied the Anti-Christ would do in Daniel 7:25, that he would “…think to change times and laws…”

But another summary of this video, which I thought of, is that Evangelicals are always leery of anything that would sound like an attempt to bring the world together. They would almost always see this as promoting the One World Government that the Anti Christ will have rule over, and so anything that remotely seems to form in order to accomplish this is automatically suspect and is evil. But then, add the Catholic Church to the mix, and POW, that’s it, because everyone knows the Pope will be either the Anti-Christ or the False Prophet spoken about in Revelation. :roll_eyes:

At the end of the video, and speaking about himself, he said, “Don’t believe anything I say.” In other words, I guess he was saying “prove it to yourself,” which I hope people do, because although this could be a foundation which forms the world into a one-world government, it’s just another Conspiracy Theory that sees the Anti-Christ behind every bush.
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I looked up Forever Free Ministries, the organization (or at least the guy) who produced that video. They are Texas based and perhaps associated with 7th Day Adventists. Seems to have a following: http://bibleprophecy.info/about/
I was wondering when I was listening to that if they were 7th Day Adventists. I thought he really focused intensely on that issue.
Another thing that really caught my attention in that video was when it said that Pope Francis wants to gather a group of people worldwide who will become servers of the world to unite it. It reminded me of “The New Group of World Servers” which says, “Humanity is not following a haphazard or uncharted course–there is a Plan. The success of the Plan depends upon the intelligent co-operation of all men and women of goodwill everywhere in the world.” Their aim is also to bring together a group of individuals to serve as World Servers to serve humanity and unite the world as one.

This organization is related to the New Age, Alice Bailey, and an organization called Lucius Trust (originally called Lucifer Trust) whose goal is to unite the world and usher in the Anti-Christ. A lot of their ideas are based in Eastern Religions.

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I could not find where this group states that they want to “usher in the anti-Christ.”
I could not find where this group states that they want to “usher in the anti-Christ.”
For that information you would need to read up on the founder Alice Bailey. A few of her books are called “The Reappearance of the Christ”, “A Treatise on White Magic”, “Initiation, Human and Solar”, and “Esoteric Astrology”. (not recommend reading…but the titles are very revealing.)

But this organization would never come right out and say that their goal is to bring the Anti-Christ into power because that would turn people away. What the Bible says about the Anti-Christ is that the world will be deceived.

A good book from a Christian perspective is by Constance Cumbey called “A Planned Deception: The Staging of a New Age Messiah.” Her first book called “The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow” is excellent also.

The title of this book, “The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom” by Benjamin Creme also says a lot. Benjamin Creme (who passed away in 2016) was a spokesman and “guru,” if you will, for the New Age Movement. The “Christ” spoken about in the title is not the Jesus we know, but an “enlightened being” who comes to lead the world into utopia. He will deceive the world into believing that he is The Christ, the long-awaited one. Another of Benjamin Creme’s books is called “The World Teacher For All Humanity.” It is their goal to bring this person into power.

I wouldn’t recommend reading any of these books…they are so heavily into the occult. Start with Constance Cumbey if you’re interested.
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Thanks for the info. My opinion is that it is much later than we think and that the anti-Christ has already come and gone: it was Adolf Hitler.
Also, the so-called “second coming” is, in reality, the visitation of YHWH on the earth through a global nuclear war:
Isaiah 66:15-16
For see how YHWH comes in fire,
His Chariots like the tempest,
to assuage His anger with burning,
His threats with brilliant fire.
For by fire will YHWH execute judgment,
and by His sword against all mankind.
The victims of YHWH will be many.

A certain censored prediction holds that the next Pope will be the last and he will be St. Peter resurrected who will "feed his sheep"through “many tribulations” prior to judgment day.
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My opinion is that it is much later than we think and that the anti-Christ has already come and gone: it was Adolf Hitler.
I understand what you mean about Adolf Hitler. I read somewhere in one of my New Age Books, and I need to find the quote, but it was a book by a New Age leader who said that they had tried to set up Hitler as the world leader, but it didn’t work.

The World Leader (or Anti-Christ) is supposed to issue in world peace, harmony, and enlightenment. One of my New Age books says that they will need to do away with anyone who doesn’t cooperate with “The Plan” – but that’s just so they can reincarnate and be re-born as someone who will fit in. (This is them speaking…not a Christian reporting that “they said.” I have the book…it is somewhere…I haven’t read that stuff for a while.)
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I understand what you mean about Adolf Hitler. I read somewhere in one of my New Age Books, and I need to find the quote, but it was a book by a New Age leader who said that they had tried to set up Hitler as the world leader, but it didn’t work.
The people who nurtured Hitler and initially supported him were members of the Thule Society, a mystical/magikal group.
The people who nurtured Hitler and initially supported him were members of the Thule Society, a mystical/magikal group.
Blockquote "Dietrich Eckart, a central figure in the Thule Group, also played a prominent part in the committee of the German Workers’ Party and became one of the seven founder members of the Nazi Party. When he died in December 1923, he is reported to have said: “Follow Hitler! He will dance, but it is I who have called the tune! I have initiated him into the ‘Secret Doctrine,’ opened his centers in vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers. Do not mourn for me: I shall have influenced history more than any other German.”
Yep, sounds exactly like all the New Age stuff…right out of the occult and the Eastern Mystics.
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from the article:
Blockquote "“It allows the police, the New Zealand police, to enter your home without warrant” based simply on “the suspicion that there might be too many of you gathered in your home,”…
They already have sensors that can see into people’s homes. Related to religious purposes such as closing churches, they eventually might want to enter your home to make sure no one’s gathered to pray or have Bible studies together. Since the 70’s I was hearing that things like this were coming.
And perhaps they’re beginning now.
We will see…it may someday come down to this.
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Thanks for the info. My opinion is that it is much later than we think and that the anti-Christ has already come and gone: it was Adolf Hitler.
The ’ wicked one ’ refers to antichrist.
2 Thess 2:7-8 For the mystery of iniquity is already at work;provided only that he who is at present restraining , does still restrain , until he is gotten out of the way. 8 And then the wicked one will be revealed whom the Lord Jesus will slay with the breath o his mouth and will destroy with the brightness of his coming. "
The antichrist has not yet been manifested because Hitler does not fulfil this bible prophecy.
Hitler is not THE antichrist , but he is A type of antichrist. History awaits the antichrist in the not too distant future .
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