End Times

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I am very curious as to what anybody knows about the end times.

I have heard so many things like:

George Washington has a “vision” or something where God said to him that the world would begin with George and end with George.Some though it would end with George Bush but everything else that was supposed to happen didn’t jive with other apparitions and seer messages…

That this the last Pope of these times. That Mary has appeared and told of 3 more Popes and one being short lived , of which happened…

That the end times as we know them must happen before sister Lucy passes on. I believe that she is something like 98 years old and is kept in seclusion because of her final message.

The 3 days of darkness

Illumination of the soul.

Can you expand on any of these or add to this list? 🙂

End Times - Often get misunderstood. The short of the answer is that your question doesn’t ask the right question. It is often a question asked by many, Catholic and Protestant alike, however - The End Times and Apocalyptic Lieterature like Daniel and Revelations etc… are not meant to be time lines of events that lead to the Ultimate Welcome Home Party for Jesus. This style of literature is meant to give hope to those that are oppressed or depressed or some other kind of essed. You can check out any good catholic commentary or find some end times threads and you will find the same thing. Images and symbols are used to depict people, events, or ideas - this makes it easy to remember and to pass on. But the story line always ends with the Good Guy, God in this case, riding off into the provebial sunset. The message is primarily HOPE!!! If you Google Catholic Home Study - you’ll find a great book on the bible for Free by Fr. Oscar Lukefahr, A Catholic Guide to the Bible.
Have you used the ‘Search’ menu on this site?
There are MANY other older threads that may answer your questions.

As far as I can make understanding of the ‘end times’ when we died that is our personal ‘end time’. As for the propheices, I don’t hold too much stock in them. From what I understand, the offical teaching of the Church says that we really should take private revelations at our own disgression, even the approved ones. Sometimes they tend to be very vague. Besides, even Christ stated that only the Father knows when the END will come.

go with God!

P.S. about the George to George statement, if kerry wins then that end that prophecy. Besides we already had George Sr. and the End didn’t come then either.
I guess I should have titled this prophesies rather than end times.
I am curious about prophesies about end times as we know them.
I know that nobody but God knows when the end will come. I have just heard so much about prophesies that I was curious.
and yes like I said they thought it would end with Geroge Bush but other prophecies did not fall in to place at that time. The timing was off. I don’t have a clue that s why I was asking about it. :confused:
I wasn’t aware of any of the thing you listed above, but they are very interesting. I’m curious if anyone knows anything too.
If you believe in the prophecy of St. Malachi there is only one Pope left, I think. Although someone else has said that the current pope is the last. Who knows? If you read the obits every day it seems that most people’s personal end time precedes the end times.

The Church could go on for another 3 or 4 thousand years or longer. Or the second coming could be tomorrow.
Prophesy and End times are intertwined. The word prohet means mouth piece in the biblical sense. With this understanding I have to ask, Why are you searching for the meanings of these prophesies?

Do you think these things are to “come to pass” and that they are acutall events that will take place and lead to ???

Or do you think they are symbolic in nature and don’t necessarily represent actuall events?

With that in mind, here are some quotes from Newadvent.org.

Prophet -Nabi is a root word for prophet.
The historic meaning of nabî’ established by biblical usage is “interpreter and mouthpiece of God”. This is forcibly illustrated by the passage, where Moses, excusing himself from speaking to Pharao on account of his embarrassment of speech, was answered by Yahweh: “Behold I have appointed thee the God of Pharao: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. Thou shalt speak to him all that I command thee; and he shall speak to Pharao, that he let the children of Israel go out of his land” (Ex., vii, 1-2).

I think all to often we get caught up in “future” telling, it’s fun and exciting - and taboo. We really want to know what is going to happen next, we want a sense of control - to be informed. This is just a basic part of the human psyche. However, No one knows the hour or the day, not even the Son. Not to mention that is not WHY the apocalyptic literature was written. It was meant to give us HOPE, not ask how - but WHY. The focus should be instead on the symbolism of the prophesies and what they mean for us. The whole 666, George, and a lot of other stuff are just tricks by Satan to misdirect our attention away from the Lamb.

If you have a specific passage in mind that you would like explained just post it and I, and hopefully others too, will try to explain it. But if it’s about a prophesy rather than a biblical text, then I can’t help you with that. St. Jerome, when commenting on Phillipians 3:8 said that ignorance of scriptures is ignorance of Christ. I’m excieted that you are questioning these things in that they will lead you closer to the Lamb and a better understanding of scripture.
if the world began with a George, who was George? I don’t think George Washington was in the garden of eden. This entire thread sounds like a lot of hoo-hah. End times started when Jesus ascended into heaven. How long will it take? As long as it takes.
if the world began with a George, who was George? I don’t think George Washington was in the garden of eden.
You don’t remember the story of Adam and Eve and George? Maybe you just have to read between the lines. Or maybe George Washington was there and just didn’t want to tell us.
You don’t remember the story of Adam and Eve and George? Maybe you just have to read between the lines. Or maybe George Washington was there and just didn’t want to tell us.
Thanks for the laugh, Jim.
If you’re really interested in Catholic prophecies concerning the end times, there are several books available that go into some detail regarding prophecies made in the Old Testament, by Our Lord, in the New Testament, and by the Saints.

  1. *]Catholic Prophecy by Yves Dupont
    *]The Reign of the Antichrist by Rev. R. Gerald Culleton; and
    *]The Prophets and Our Times by Rev. R. Gerald Culleton

    All three are published by TAN Books and are available via their website.

    Patrick Laws
I guess I should have titled this prophesies rather than end times.
I am curious about prophesies about end times as we know them.
I know that nobody but God knows when the end will come. I have just heard so much about prophesies that I was curious.
and yes like I said they thought it would end with Geroge Bush but other prophecies did not fall in to place at that time. The timing was off. I don’t have a clue that s why I was asking about it. :confused:
Sorry Hudsonite, I know exactly when Jesus is coming back and that is when you least expect Him. 😃
the thing about George Washington sounds like utter nonsense to me. Obsessing about the “third secret” of Fatima borders on nonsense too. Mary doesn’t know when the end of the world will be, neither does St Malachi. Jesus Himself does not know when the end of the world will be. Focus on living a holy life so you’re ready for death however, whenever it comes. Don’t waste your time on apocalyptic silliness.
If you’re really interested in Catholic prophecies concerning the end times, there are several books available that go into some detail regarding prophecies made in the Old Testament, by Our Lord, in the New Testament, and by the Saints.

  1. *]Catholic Prophecy by Yves Dupont
    *]The Reign of the Antichrist by Rev. R. Gerald Culleton; and
    *]The Prophets and Our Times by Rev. R. Gerald Culleton

    All three are published by TAN Books and are available via their website.

    Patrick Laws

  1. Thank you ! Finally an intelligent response.

    As for the others of you, it’s people like you that make people like me never want to ask questions for fear of being mocked and laughed at. 😦
it certainly was not my intent to laugh at or mock anyone, except the person who planted the story about George Washington in your mind, I wonder if they were trying to mislead you. It is just that your original post was somewhat indefinite, and it was hard for me at least to discern exactly what was the nature of your question. Perhaps if you have some more specifics about the prophecy you have read or heard of it would help us to give better, more sensitive and helpful answers. For instance, I did not know who Lucy was until another poster referred to Fatima, then it clicked.

I have just remembered a book by Regis Martin called The Last Things (death, judgement, heaven and hell), which discusses our own end, and the end of the world. The other helpful book is called The Rapture Trap which contrasts Catholic and fundamentalist views of the Second Coming and the Last Days. Both are from Ignatius Press.
These are the types of things I was talking about:
I’ll keep looking to see if I can find some more.
and…I’m sorry for not posting my questions in a matter that one would understand them.I tend to do that. Sorry 😃

I find the Bible to be very informative. I don’t think that there are coincidences, only God incidences. Like someone had mentioned the 666 thing. I don’t think it’s a coincidence 666 is the sign of the beast and that Goliath, who didn’t acknowledge God was 6 cubits high, and that Nebechadnezer(sp) who dominated the Jews made a statue of himself that was 60 x 6 cubits high, or that Solom had 666 talons of gold that he was told not to take and he became a tyrant…like a beast. or in John 6:66 is where His diciples left Him…

Prophecies from Catholic saints and Catholic mystics (church-approved):

Prophecies from Our Lady of LaSallette (church-approved)

Prophecies from From Our Lady of Fatima (church-approved):

Prophecies from Garabandal (yet-to-be church-approved):

A comprehensive compilation of end times prophecy from church-approved prophets, visionaries, and mystics:
if I have already mentioned this book I apologize, it is called A Still Small Voice by Fr Benedict Groeschel and gives very good guidance on how we are to regard private revelations given to visionaries such as those you reference. thank you the links are very helpful, I understand much more now what you are referring to. I believe www.spiritdaily.com has all kinds of links also and usually its headlines deal with prophecies and other such events.

the Bible is indeed informative useful for instruction and guidance as Paul says, but we must read it in the spirit in which it was written and in union with the Church and guided by the Church, not looking for secret knowledge and revelations, but the revelation of Father in the Son through the Holy Spirit, available to all, not only to seers and visionaries.
if you’re interested in reading some excellent apocalyptic fiction by a catholic writer, i would recommend ‘father elijah’ by michael o’brien. great writing, great wisdom. he’s my third fav writer of all time.

i would definitely stay away from the left behind series, and would take the ‘pierced by a sword’ books with a grain of salt, if you read them at all.
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