End Times

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George Washington has a “vision” or something where God said to him that the world would begin with George and end with George.Some though it would end with George Bush but everything else that was supposed to happen didn’t jive with other apparitions and seer messages…
The vision of George Washington had nothing to do with “Georges” in any age. It has to do with preservation of the union and three major conflicts in which the US would have to be involved in armed hostilities.
That this the last Pope of these times. That Mary has appeared and told of 3 more Popes and one being short lived , of which happened…
Mary has never said any such thing AFAICT, it seems as if you are confusing the Malachy prophecies regarding papal lineage and you are right in one fact - Mary has appeared on numerous occasions, all of which are rather well documented and church approval given.
That the end times as we know them must happen before sister Lucy passes on. I believe that she is something like 98 years old and is kept in seclusion because of her final message.
This is pure balderdash - Sister Lucy nor anyone legitimately connected with her has ever said any such thing. The third secret given to the pope by Sr. Lucy had instructions with it allowing it to be released EITHER at her death or the year of 1960 depending on which occured first.
The 3 days of darkness…Illumination of the soul.

Can you expand on any of these or add to this list? 🙂
The three days of darkness have been referred to by many prophetics - illumination of the soul I think belongs to the visionary of Garabandal and frankly you really need to read some accurate material if you are interested in Marian apparitions from a legitimate standpoint. Try Woman Clothed With the Sun which is a short overview of several Marian apparitions.

Always remember – minds are like computers - GI, GO.
the thing about George Washington sounds like utter nonsense to me. Obsessing about the “third secret” of Fatima borders on nonsense too. Mary doesn’t know when the end of the world will be, neither does St Malachi. Jesus Himself does not know when the end of the world will be. Focus on living a holy life so you’re ready for death however, whenever it comes. Don’t waste your time on apocalyptic silliness.
The visions and prophecies of many of our great saints are not to be ignored; neither are they to be obsessed over, there are legitimate prophetics in the church, always have been and hopefully always will be.

The end of our world comes for each of us when we leave it.

And when people are asking questions or have bad information, it is kindness to try and give them facts rather than chastise them. Those not interested in the voice of prophecy or visions are not compelled either by the church or anyone else to look into them. For those that are, it’s best to have good information rather than disinformation.
Dear friends,

The Garabandal apparations have never been condemned, the only ones who can condemn an apparation is the supreme magisterium of the church, not a bishop.
  1. Who precisely are you speaking of when you say “magesterium”?
  2. You are incorrect as the bishop where the “Roses” people are located definitively told people to have nothing to do with it. As bishop of his diocese he was perfectly within his rights to do so.
  3. The Bishop of Mostar asked his fellow bishops to discourage pilgrimages to Medjugorge when the scandal regarding the defiance of certain priests toward their bishop occurred. He also was perfectly within his authority to do so.
The visions and prophecies of many of our great saints are not to be ignored; neither are they to be obsessed over, there are legitimate prophetics in the church, always have been and hopefully always will be.

The end of our world comes for each of us when we leave it.

And when people are asking questions or have bad information, it is kindness to try and give them facts rather than chastise them. Those not interested in the voice of prophecy or visions are not compelled either by the church or anyone else to look into them. For those that are, it’s best to have good information rather than disinformation.
Most certainly this is a well balanced outlook however there still is a deficiency among those who approach those facets of Biblical text which are blatantly and intentionally enigmatic such as the Book Of Revelation.

St Augustine when he features the symbolism of the ‘153 fish’ (John) correctly identifies that it is the triangular number from 1 through 17 (1+2+3…) and insofar as this is a perfectly acceptable explanation,it tends to leave people who are not familiar with these mathematical/structural facets cold.

As far as I can tell,people will look for patterns amid the Johannine text of Revelation for contemporary outward situations and in truth,many do not help the matter by proposing that the author engaged in gematria which would facilitate such a procedure .

I suspect that many people would be more comfortable with the traditional imagery of the Book of Revelation than with the approach hinted at by Augustine in Johannine literature,perhaps some day that will change but I have’nt seen it in years dealing with the symbolism.
I used to be fixated with the end times but all it breeds is fear and I’m fed up with fear. I prepare each day as if it is my last. I fall sometimes. I will go to Confession. Reading these end-times ‘prophecies’ e.t.c. is a waste of time. Say a Rosary instead
Dear friends,

as for the end times, we should live each day as if its our last because who knows exactly when these events will occur. So let us work on growing in the Spirit and truly loving God and our neighbor!

God Bless,
The best advice yet! 🙂

When I was a teenager, my father was very much obsessed with endtime prophecy (mostly of the Protestant televangelist ilk). So I would be exposed to it until I couldn’t sleep at night and didn’t see any point in going to college, or getting married and having a family, because according to Jack van Impe the world wasn’t going to be around long enough for that to happen.

Guess what? 12 years later, I have a college degree and a marriage. We will hopefully have children soon. And Jack van Impe et al. are still on the air, preaching the same endtime prophecies. Personally, the only words I take seriously on the subject are those of our Lord Jesus Christ: “But of that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.” (Matthew 24:36) So why worry, and why make someone else rich by buying into it?
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