End Times

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The condemnation of the Garabandal apparitions has been reaffirmed in 1996:

Tru dvotion,
Speaking which of, the last site Hudsonite spoke of lists the apparitions in which no desicion has been made. John Leary’s was one, has the church come down to a desicion on his apparitions yet? Thanks in advance.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
Dear bones,

Speaking of which, “No decision has been made” is incorrect. Decision has been made! Take a look at the link. Not every website is credible or without incorrect information.

But to the original poster of this thread:

Our individual end time can come at any time. There were many “end times” in the Church; right from the start. Two thousand years ago people already believed the end was imminent and will begin during their lifetime. Ever since then people are looking for signs and have found them in every age. But as Jesus said, nobody knows the day or the hour, except the Father. But for your interest here is a link that Catholic Culture gives its approval. It features a novel though, so that is not to be taken as an interpretation. But there are other tid-bits relating to the end times

This is how Catholic Culture rates it:


Resources: Excellent

Useability: Normal

Thanks tru devotion,
This site goes to show who your real friends are. It seems to me that given doctrinal errors in many of John Leary’s visions that the appiritions would be unnapproved wouldn’t they?

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
Dear friends,

The Garabandal apparations have never been condemned, the only ones who can condemn an apparation is the supreme magisterium of the church, not a bishop.

Here is a link to the church’s position, and no decision has been made officially yet.


or if your not satisfied with that link here is another


we must be careful not to condemn everything when the magisterium has not even given an answer, we could find we are condemning the works of the holy spirit so please leave it up to the magisterium. This is all I will say on this now, I’m not here to argue.

God Bless You,
You can also look at this link

www.garabandal.com/news/news/htm click on garabandal clarification

Again, I’m not here to argue, just to clarify that certain apparations you are saying are condemned are not condemned.

As with John Leary, I agree completely with you, I believe his are false.

That is all I will say on this now.

God Bless
Dear friends,

The Garabandal apparations have never been condemned, the only ones who can condemn an apparation is the supreme magisterium of the church, not a bishop.

Here is a link to the church’s position, and no decision has been made officially yet.


or if your not satisfied with that link here is another


we must be careful not to condemn everything when the magisterium has not even given an answer, we could find we are condemning the works of the holy spirit so please leave it up to the magisterium. This is all I will say on this now, I’m not here to argue.

God Bless You,

FYI - A Local Bishop can disapprove of an apparition just as he can approve it. His decsion can be overturned however by Rome, but I don’t beleive this has ever happened, I’m not sure. But if you read the links you posted, it even says in their content that it is up to the local Bishop.

Lourdes and Fatima have received “approval” from Rome by the very fact that the Popes have mentioned, made pilgrimage and encouraged others to venerate the Saints there. I don’t think however you will find any Church document stating “These are approved apparitions, JPII” I may be wrong, but if you search EWTN and New Advent.com and sites like those - they all say the same. The local Bishop is the Authority, with the Pope haveing Veto rights! (Sorry I coulnd’t resist being election day and all!)
**A Summary on the Proposition that THE AntiChrist is Now Among Us **
by Desmond Birch, Author of “Trial, Tribulation and Triumph”
A long list of Canonized Saints, Blessed, and Venerable have stated that the period of turmoil we are living through with be followed by an Age of Peace - and that that 'Peace' will precede the rise of the Antichrist.

Those Church approved Catholic Prophets are very very specific about the chain of events which will precede the rise of the Antichrist. They all say that the Age of Peace comes before the Antichrist.

The Church has always taught that until the entire world is evangelized - and a following worldwide apostasy takes place - the antichrist cannot come. Read St. Paul. He had to write to one of the early Churches telling them about these things - because they were going off the rails thinking that Antichrist had already arrived. Read St. Paul. The more it changes, the more it stays the same. We have been given signs as to what must precede the Antichrist. And they have not yet been fulfilled.

I also sense (as put it so well) a 'new grace afoot'. 

In my experience, those who do not sense the 'new grace' are immersing themselves only in bad news - and will even on occasion violently resist and reject any good news. When that happens it usually emanates from a kind of spiritual 'death wish'.

Those who fully accept the Christian Virtue of "Hope" (on an equal footing with those of "Faith" and "Charity" do not suffer from that particular problem.

St. Faustina tells us that Our Lord told us to concentrate on His Divine Mercy at this time in salvation history.

That is good direction and advice.

The Antichrist cannot already be here for the following reasons:

All the Fathers and Doctors of the Church who have written on the Antichrist state the following:
  1. The Gospel will first have to have been preached to all nations/peoples in world. That hasn’t happened yet.

    a. If you will read the Holy Father’s Encyclical ‘Redemptoris Missio’ - he specifically states that the Evangelical work of the Church is “far from over” and “only just beginning”.

    b. John Paul II states in ‘Ecclesia in Asia’ - that it is ironic that on the very continent in which Christ began his mission - that Continent has not yet been evangelized except in scattered parts of that Continent - and Asia holds 2.3 of the worlds people.

    c. The Holy Father further states in ‘Ecclesia in Asia’ that he “sees” Asia finally being evangelized in the Third Millennium.

    d. The Holy Father and the Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples have also both stated that “East Africa” has virtually never been evangelized at all. The reason for that is that the Moslems got there before Christianity - and have martyred Christian Missionaries ever since - almost as fast as they arrive there.
  2. The worldwide ‘Apostacy’ which St. Paul speaks of has not happened yet. Apostacy and heresy are not the same thing. Apostacy is a total renunciation of their Christina Faith by a baptized Christian. Far from the happening, in large parts of the world the Church is growing faster than ever before in history. Africa is a case in point, and so is Asia.

    These are just a couple of things which we know from Scripture and Tradition must precede that arrival of the Antichrist. No - the Antichrist is not here - and he won’t be coming till after the entire world has been evangelized - and then after that - the apostacy occurs.
Part 2 follows
Part 2:

According to literally dozens of Canonized Saints, Blessed and Venerable (who are prophets who enjoy Church-approval - the era we are living through now is going to come to an abrupt end (attempts at World Govt., etc.) and the Age of Peace will ensue. After that Age of Peace - they all state that then and only then does the Anticharist make his appearance.
Now - that is looking at things from the perspective of 'private prophecy' from many dozens of Saints, Blessed, and Venerable and other Church-approved prophets.

From the perspective of Public Revelation - we are told and the Church teaches that first the Gospel must be preached to all the nations/peoples. The Holy Father and Church History teach us this has not yet occurred - not even close.

After the World has been totally evangelized - which the Holy Father has repeatedly stated will occur sometime in the Third Millennium - then we have to go through the Apostacy - which St. Paul teaches us the faithful must precede the coming of the Antichrist.

As to your last question - I deal with the attraction of believing the Antichrist is coming at any time at length in 'Trial, Tribulation & Triumph' (TTT). If you have not read it - you will find a full discussion of this subject in there. Every single century has had false deluded 'alleged' prophets claiming they were told the Antichrist is either already here - or is about to come.

In every century, there have been people wildly enamored of listening to their false prophecy - for reasons I discuss in depth in TTT.

BTW, I discussed in TTT the fact that there were current prophets claiming the Antichrist would make his actual appearance by the year 2000 - or by the year 1998. I was the only author to write a major book on the subject who came right out and said that could not possibly be so. I put my reputation on the line by stating that.

How did I know??? Because the signs given in Scripture and Tradition and found in the writing of the Fathers of the Church from the Apostolic Tradition clearly delineate certain events which must precede that Antichrist. I knew all those thing could not happen in the five years between 1995 (when I was writing that part of TTT) and the year 2000. It was a no-brainer.
Dear friends,

as for the end times, we should live each day as if its our last because who knows exactly when these events will occur. So let us work on growing in the Spirit and truly loving God and our neighbor!

God Bless,
Sean O L:
Part 2:

According to literally dozens of Canonized Saints, Blessed and Venerable (who are prophets who enjoy Church-approval - the era we are living through now is going to come to an abrupt end (attempts at World Govt., etc.) and the Age of Peace will ensue. After that Age of Peace - they all state that then and only then does the Anticharist make his appearance.

Now - that is looking at things from the perspective of ‘private prophecy’ from many dozens of Saints, Blessed, and Venerable and other Church-approved prophets.

From the perspective of Public Revelation - we are told and the Church teaches that first the Gospel must be preached to all the nations/peoples. The Holy Father and Church History teach us this has not yet occurred - not even close.

After the World has been totally evangelized - which the Holy Father has repeatedly stated will occur sometime in the Third Millennium - then we have to go through the Apostacy - which St. Paul teaches us the faithful must precede the coming of the Antichrist.

As to your last question - I deal with the attraction of believing the Antichrist is coming at any time at length in ‘Trial, Tribulation & Triumph’ (TTT). If you have not read it - you will find a full discussion of this subject in there. Every single century has had false deluded ‘alleged’ prophets claiming they were told the Antichrist is either already here - or is about to come.

In every century, there have been people wildly enamored of listening to their false prophecy - for reasons I discuss in depth in TTT.

BTW, I discussed in TTT the fact that there were current prophets claiming the Antichrist would make his actual appearance by the year 2000 - or by the year 1998. I was the only author to write a major book on the subject who came right out and said that could not possibly be so. I put my reputation on the line by stating that.

How did I know??? Because the signs given in Scripture and Tradition and found in the writing of the Fathers of the Church from the Apostolic Tradition clearly delineate certain events which must precede that Antichrist. I knew all those thing could not happen in the five years between 1995 (when I was writing that part of TTT) and the year 2000. It was a no-brainer.
Thanks for your (name removed by moderator)ut.
By the way I have read the EWTN links and their position is still the same. EWTN is usually on the mark about those things. Medjugojre is still going on. But I have reservations about Medjugorje though.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
I suppose the church can’t make a definitive decision until all prophecy has been fulfilled or not fulfilled for that matter. But we do know that Fatima and Akita are both approved by the church and they have grave warnings to us and yes there is nothing new they are telling us but we should listen when heaven speaks because they don’t just send us warnings like Fatima and Akita for no reason at all, they come to warn us out of love that we might repent and turn back to God and live according to the gospel.

So, let us pray, do penance and fast as our Holy Mother has been asking and spread the kingdom of Divine Mercy!

Bless you all,
I have no doubt that the world is in very real danger. Jacinta even said so herself where she said “If people do not turn back to God, the greatest chastisement ever known to man will occur.” This was said on her death bed in the hospitle. Let’s bring God back into our public schools. Let’s bring God back into politics. Let’s bring God back into our Supreme Court.

Here are some signs to look for.
  1. Anti-Catholic books would have well made their circulation by now. We have a lot of them going around trying to discredit the church Christ founded. And to think the Da vinci code came out!
  2. General economic failure. We haven’t seen this yet.
  3. A massive apostasy. The Holy scriptures warn us of a massive apostacy. One out of every four catholics go to church today! Seventy percent of Catholics do not believe in the real presence. Fifty percent of Catholics support abortion, homosexuality and Euthanasia. Ninety percent of Catholics do not accept the church’s teaching on contraceptives.
I’m not denying the possibility of a chastisement. It can be averted but you never know. But then again its just like the Blessed Mother said in Fatima, “God is already very much offended by the sins mankind has committed.”

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
This post began with a reference to George Washington. There are two issues of minimal interest regarding the first President of the USA. First, a story has circulated, almost from the time of his death, that GW (a baptized Episcopalian and known Deist) converted to Christianity on his deathbed. Another story specified that he converted to Roman Catholicism on his deathbed. I’m not sure that I give either story any credence.

The second issue is a story that has circulated since the middle of the 18th century that Washington received a vision of the future of America while entrenched at Valley Forge. This vision is said to have changed the General’s mind about capitulating to the British. Some versions of the story have the Blessed Virgin appearing to Washington, however, others suggest that it was the spirit of the chief of the Indian forces at the Battle of Monongahela.

A Google of the term “George Washington’s Vision” will display any number of sites where an account of the alleged vision appears.

Personally, I don’t put much stock in either of these stories, but I thought since they were mentioned I’d give a little info.
Yes bones,

You are right, I believe we are in the apostasy foretold in scripture already, Mary said in Fatima, that bishops would be against bishops and cardinals against cardinals, which has happened, much of the church is in disobeidience to the Pope and this Pope is a rock, I have great love for this pope. As you stated 70 percent of Catholics no longer believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, well if you look in Daniel, I’m not sure of the passage, I’m at work right now, talking about the perpetual sacrifice being abolished, well the perpetual sacrifice is the Holy Sacrife of the Mass and as we can see many do not believe in it anymore and it also talks about in 2Thessolonians chpt 2 about the one who holds back the rebellion must first be taken out before the lawless one can make himself know, well I believe that one is Pope John Paul II who holds back the rebellion. We can see like you mentioned all the false doctrines becoming rampant in our days, such as this Da Vinci code book and this attack on the Divinity of Jesus Christ, the new age movement, among other, people trading the truth for a lie. So I think we are in agreement here. i know the church has always had to battle false doctrines, but this apostasy is worldwide, I think that is the difference. Why else does Heaven warn us of the man of lawlessness, so we are aware when/if we are here to see him, we will not fall into his traps.

God Bless,
I have no doubt the anti-christ is coming. According to Simon Birch in his book* Trail, Tribulation and Triumph *he states that it is unlikely that the Anti-christ will come anytime soon. Yes there is a great apostacy right now but the church has suffered worse than this. I don’t think we will see the anti-christ any time soon therefore. There will be Popes until the final coming of Christ. God would never allow his church to run without a Pope. He would never allow the Pope to be slain and have the Anti-christ take over with a man to succeed John Paul II. I think that you are wrong in saying the anti-christ will come duringh John Paul II.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
Yes there is a great apostacy right now but the church has suffered worse than this. QUOTE]

Just out of curiosity…when has the Church suffered MORE than it is right now?
What could be more horrible then the decrease in priestly vocations, sexual abuse scandals, nuns loosing thier habits and thier vocations, the apostacy, Catholics not beleiveing in the true presence, etc etc etc. :confused:

slowly learning
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