English Catholics urged to divulge ‘eco-sins’ during Confession

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June 2019 headline.

“ Cardinal Vincent Nichols, England’s leading Roman Catholic, is blasted by abuse inquiry and accused of putting Church’s reputation before safety of children”

December 2019 headline.

“Catholics urged to divulge ‘eco-sins’ during Confession as Bishops launch a new environmental campaign”

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Neat graph that was in the article.

I can imagine this strikes fear in the 1/3 or 1/2 of America that denies Climate Change will cause damage to the Catholic Church of 2150.
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No. Personally I consider ‘eco-sins’ a new form of rule-based Phariseeism informed by a new strain of paganism and I can’t see anything changing my mind on that.
Take a look…

  1. Sin must be willful.
  2. MMGW is junk science - even worse, it is pseudo-science which seeks only that which agrees with it - like progressives. Listen to a liberal Norwegian Nobel Laureate in physics:

It all depends on how gullible you are, and which fabricated chart-of-doom you choose to believe.
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I don’t see the Church defining “eco-sins,” although it is appropriate for the Church to remind the faithful to love one another, which includes being good stewards of the world God has given us.
I don’t see the Church defining “eco-sins,” although it is appropriate for the Church to remind the faithful to love one another, which includes being good stewards of the world God has given us.
Bemoaning “eco-sins” is so much easier and more trendy than proclaiming the Gospel of Christ.

We constantly see the flow chart of the “evolution” of man. From primordial ooze, to amphibian to lower then upper primate to man. Truth to tell, it is going the other way and we are becoming invertebrates.
The US is one of the few countries with decent recording of temperatures back to 1850. It’s not scarry

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Unless one is showing incredibly, intentionally poor stewardship such as dumping a barrel of anti-freeze in the local pond, I’m having trouble seeing how culpability for eco-sins falls to the individual here.
He’s a physicist. This isn’t his field. And to be honest a lot of his points are rather… underwhelming, blind, and one-dimensional; for example, when he compares health over the last 150 years to estimated impact about the next 150 years.
“Catholics urged to divulge ‘eco-sins’ during Confession as Bishops launch a new environmental campaign”
So, the Catechism already references stewardship of creation in the seventh commandment (as do other Church documents, but the CCC sums it up nicely):

2415 The seventh commandment enjoins respect for the integrity of creation. Animals, like plants and inanimate beings, are by nature destined for the common good of past, present, and future humanity. Use of the mineral, vegetable, and animal resources of the universe cannot be divorced from respect for moral imperatives. Man’s dominion over inanimate and other living beings granted by the Creator is not absolute; it is limited by concern for the quality of life of his neighbor, including generations to come; it requires a religious respect for the integrity of creation.

If a bishop wants to support a lay initiative and focus on helping people form their conscience around this particular sin, I am not sure why you have an issue with it.
Of course you may!

They illustrate the tragicomedic state of Catholicism in the UK at present.
Well, let’s please forget any ad hominem. Also, try to avoid falling into the progressive left’s trap of attacking the messenger. What about the numbers? Did you even take note of the numbers? I know that they may not be numbers which agree with you, but to dismiss them out of hand seems not to be consistent with a pursuit of the truth. IMO. Help me out here.

Is there a claim that there is zero crossover and that “Climatology” - a very recent innovation by the progressive left - and which is designed to validate itself - is so precise and in possession of such secret/proprietary data that we all must obey without question? OooooK…

If anyone thinks that temperature measurement in the 1800s was anywhere near as precise as today, well…and they keep shifting the thermometers around. That utterly destroys the scientific method by basing conclusions on varying methods of data collection. This is not science: it is progressive parameters. I know that many believe them, as it is currently very trendy.

Of course he’s not a “climatologist.” He thinks for himself and does not push a leftist agenda or fall into group think or mass hysteria. IMO, the radical climatologists and their prognostications seem little more than upper-level degreed, highly paid weathermen who are just as poor at predicting the future.

MMGW/CC/EW “Climate science” is, under scrutiny, a political pseudoscience of those seeking money and power.

What, does any of us actually think that human nature has changed or something? True believers find fault is all views they disagree with.
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I likewise could select two news articles to illustrate anything.

What else is going on in Catholicism in the UK? What’s good or holy?
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I see. I am afraid I am not qualified to know how representative those two topics are. The first requires rather intimate knowledge of the exact situation to know if the bishop acted reasonably, mistakenly, or indifferently. I am sure you know better than I. The second I do not understand without context. As pointed out above, it may be a minor point of sin, but care for our common home is part of Catholic teaching.
That’s actually kind of funny, not that I know Catholics who worship nature.
Climate is global, weather is local. The area of one part of the planet is not as interesting to me.
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