No one said anything about the media, bridgeman. But since you brought it up, you are absolutely correct! I watched State TV, I mean Fox, a little each day and everytime reeks of lies, disinformation, and propaganda. I don’t accuse them of racism, but because accusing someone or an entity of racism is wrong. It does cause me to wonder why on State TV that all one sees and hears are all about the rioting and looting (and only showing when a certain race, and not the other), and hardly anything about the peaceful protests and why they are protesting. And labeling everyone who agitates, riots, loots, and protests as ‘thugs’ (in which they only show largely darker skinned people rioting or looting. Fox never labels caucasians as ‘thugs’, so there’s an agenda there) or as only the supposedly ubiquitous “antifa” (anyone who is anti-fascist and anti-Trump is ‘antifa’ according to him. By his declaring ‘antifa’ a ‘terrorist’ organization, then he’s admitting that he’s a fascist. I’m anti fascist and anti-Nazi, so am “I” a terrorist? Nazi Germany declared those who resisted it as ‘terrorists’, too) while not even mentioning organizations white supremacist groups, white nationalists, boogaloo boys, the KKK neo-Nazis, etc., that are doing it and proud that they’re doing it to incite a race war, then their agends is clear. If you don’t acknowledge it, then it doesn’t exist, just like COVID-19.