ER episode

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John Higgins:
Let’s see–the episode didn’t depict the Christian parents as maniacs…in fact I think it presented their viewpoint respectfully. As far as a Catholic doctor offering a potentially abortive procedure, how is this Catholic bashing? I don’t get it. Are there Catholic doctors who do this procedure? I bet there are Catholic hospitals that do.

So, you could certainly complain about the show depiciting things which violate Canon Law and the Catechism, but that isn’t Catholic bashing.

The thing that makes it catholic bashing is when they think that the baby inside the womb has no soul. That is what is so anti-catholic about it. I do not think that an episode showing a doctor convincing a teenager to get an abortion is being respectful. It’s blasphemy of God and a rejection of life.
I used to be a big fan of ER. I stopped watching it a few years ago, and now, I am really glad that I did.

To be fair, there was one episode several years ago when an abortion clinic was bombed. The patients were taken to County General, where one doctor refused to do the abortion on a patient. Carrie ended up doing it, but I think that it was because the woman was already in mid-procedure when the clinic was bombed and was having problems in the ER. The doctor that refused to do it was Catholic.
The thing that makes it catholic bashing is when they think that the baby inside the womb has no soul. That is what is so anti-catholic about it. I do not think that an episode showing a doctor convincing a teenager to get an abortion is being respectful. It’s blasphemy of God and a rejection of life.
No, that makes it a difference of opinion, not catholic bashing.
No, that makes it a difference of opinion, not catholic bashing.
The catholic bashing part was that the Catholic doctor was shown in an unfavourable light and there was no insight into the Gospel of Life.
I was disturbed by the fact that they used a “Catholic” he is a non-practicing catholic btw, to do the abortion on the “christian” girl and giving her Scripture to justify the abortion. Basically telling her that until God breaths the life into a person they don’t have a soul. Awful, awful stuff. That is the last time I will ever watch ER.
And here is the dark deception. The doctor is identified as ‘Catholic.’ Yet from his mouth comes this teaching about breathing life into a person. Completely and conveniently omits the Catholic teaching that God breathes life into child at conception.

The show presented a false conflict. It was a done deal from the getgo. Disgusting. The producers can’t be satisfied with merely presenting their own point of view. They have to misrepresent the point of view of the Catholich Church and they have to misrepresent a heretic as someone representing the Catholic Church. Disgusting.
But for you to say that it is cowardice to not want to look your attacker in the face every day for the rest of your life is absolutely outrageous.
Here is a big reality check: the baby is not the attacker.
You obviously have NO IDEA what that feels like.
What what feels like? Looking into the eyes of your child or looking into the eyes of an attacker which you could be well rid of if you should so choose?

Here is another big reality check in case you missed it the first time: the baby is not the attacker.
I wonder if any of you paid attention to the scene preceeding the one being spoken about here. It showed that the girl was raped, perhaps repeatedly, and didn’t even know who it was that raped her. Is that the will of God?
It is not the will of God.
I’m not a huge fan of abortion so please dont think that
And then you say:
I think there are instances that warrant termination.
So which do you want us to believe? That you are for or against abortion?
but as someone who survived a rape myself, I know that if I had become pregnant from that, there is no way that I would have been able to look at that child and not relive that horrific experience.
And you know this how? You are assuming that because you know the experience of being raped that you also know the experience of being pregnant from rape. And that is a false analogy. The baby is not the attacker.
The real battle is about to begin!!! The war of the Church vs. antichurch, just as John Paul II predicted. The worst of the persecutions is yet to come.
What persecutions have happened recently?
The object of this thread, for one…

Main Entry: per·se·cute [](javascript:popWin(’/cgi-bin/’))
Pronunciation: 'p&r-si-"kyüt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -cut·ed; -cut·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French *persecuter, *back-formation from *persecuteur *persecutor, from Late Latin *persecutor, *from *persequi *to persecute, from Latin, to pursue, from *per- *through + *sequi *to follow – more at SUE
1 : to harass in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict; specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief
2 : to annoy with persistent or urgent approaches (as attacks, pleas, or importunities) : PESTER
What persecutions have happened recently?
There have been many episodes that I was actually impressed with. They usually treat preemies with dignity and it tends to weigh more heavily on the pro-life side. This began to change when Carrie came out of the closet and has gone downhill since. I was disturbed by the fact that they used a “Catholic” he is a non-practicing catholic btw, to do the abortion on the “christian” girl and giving her Scripture to justify the abortion. Basically telling her that until God breaths the life into a person they don’t have a soul. Awful, awful stuff. That is the last time I will ever watch ER.

Abortion doesn’t “fix” a rape, all it does is add more to weigh on the woman’s conscience. If a woman has the baby and gives the baby up for adoption, at least she will know that the child was not a victim of murder. Why add one more thing to haunt a woman forever? Far too many women are left with regrets after being told by our culture that it was their “right” so they have nothing to feel guilty about. I know women who have attempted to drown out that guilt with drugs, risky behavior, risky sex, you name it. Our culture makes women vicitims once more by not validating the woman’s feelings of regret for having an abortion. So many women do it out of duress and realize that they made the wrong decision and it truly does haunt them for their entire lives.

It was obvious in that show last night that the girl was so distraught and upset, yet she was also unsure of her decision. Abortion isn’t an act that you can take back. It can’t be undone. A friend of mine from highschool tried to commit suicide* months* after an abortion. None of her friends knew about it until we went to see her in the hospital and she started screaming “I killed my baby, I killed my baby!” There was no one to make her feel guilty, she was pro-choice, she was 17. We had pro-choice friends who would have supported her, but she didn’t even tell them. She kept looking at me and saying “Why didn’t I listen to you? You were right! I killed my baby, I don’t want you to look at me, I don’t want anyone to look at me.” She has never been the same since. She later said that she didnt’ want to tell me about it because she knew I would try to talk her out of it. I told her that no matter what she is my friend and I love her, but her life has spun out of control. It’s very sad. This experience is one of the many that lead me to be actively prolife. Abortion is bad for women, it doesn’t fix any problem, it only creates much more baggage for them to carry around.
An excellent post. It has been clearly shown that many woman who have optef for an abortion suffer from post-abortion syndrone. It might happen in a few weeks, months, or even years, but the trauma of having had you own child killed will evnetually catch up with most women.

I haven’t watched ER for a long time, but for some reason recorded this episode on our DVR. I was absolutely disgusted, and will not watch this show again. It made the abortion into some wonderfully compassionate event…
It was a very painful episode.

I actually blogged about it while I watched it and I screamed in rage more than a few times.

Here’s my take on it:
  • They didn’t make the parents look like idiots…well, maybe the mother. They just made her cry.
  • The father was articulate, spoke his piece and made it clear they would support their daughter. We later learned also that the parents were aware of what had happened to their daughter…and still, they relied heavily on their faith in the face of the same crisis that made Neela go off the deep end.
  • I think Neela looked like the idiot, but also typical of the death agenda.
  • I think this happens EVERY DAY, all over the place, and this time, we got to watch it happen. We CANNOT afford to turn this into a Catholic-bashing thing, and ignore the fact that this is likely aTRUTHFUL portrayal of what happens EVERY DAY.
  • Catholics are attacked every day, and I suspect Catholic doctors pull a Kerry constantly in the face of exactly what Neela pulled. Catholics aren’t allowed to have opinions or practice their faith, nor are we considered to have the ability to do the right thing. There are secular arguments against abortion…and yet, if a Catholic presents them, they are dismissed.
Face it, guys…ER nailed it last night and we need to see the face of the enemy…and it isn’t about Catholic-bashers, but about savign the lives of the unborn. It’s not about US, it’s about the children and the culture which pushes so hard for the children to be murdered. Lood hard at this episode and recognize the diabolical hand of Satan winning this battle EVERY DAY.
The object of this thread, for one…

Main Entry: per·se·cute [](javascript:popWin(’/cgi-bin/’))
Pronunciation: 'p&r-si-"kyüt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -cut·ed; -cut·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French *persecuter, *back-formation from *persecuteur *persecutor, from Late Latin *persecutor, *from *persequi *to persecute, from Latin, to pursue, from *per- *through + *sequi *to follow – more at SUE
1 : to harass in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict; specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief
2 : to annoy with persistent or urgent approaches (as attacks, pleas, or importunities) : PESTER
OK. So what persecutions have happened recently?
It was a very painful episode.

I actually blogged about it while I watched it and I screamed in rage more than a few times.

Here’s my take on it:
  • They didn’t make the parents look like idiots…well, maybe the mother. They just made her cry.
  • The father was articulate, spoke his piece and made it clear they would support their daughter. We later learned also that the parents were aware of what had happened to their daughter…and still, they relied heavily on their faith in the face of the same crisis that made Neela go off the deep end.
  • I think Neela looked like the idiot, but also typical of the death agenda.
  • I think this happens EVERY DAY, all over the place, and this time, we got to watch it happen. We CANNOT afford to turn this into a Catholic-bashing thing, and ignore the fact that this is likely aTRUTHFUL portrayal of what happens EVERY DAY.
  • Catholics are attacked every day, and I suspect Catholic doctors pull a Kerry constantly in the face of exactly what Neela pulled. Catholics aren’t allowed to have opinions or practice their faith, nor are we considered to have the ability to do the right thing. There are secular arguments against abortion…and yet, if a Catholic presents them, they are dismissed.
Face it, guys…ER nailed it last night and we need to see the face of the enemy…and it isn’t about Catholic-bashers, but about savign the lives of the unborn. It’s not about US, it’s about the children and the culture which pushes so hard for the children to be murdered. Lood hard at this episode and recognize the diabolical hand of Satan winning this battle EVERY DAY.
Catholics can hold any opinion they choose. Is someone controlling your opinions? Who?
Catholics can hold any opinion they choose. Is someone controlling your opinions? Who?
Don’t be condescending. Obviously what I was saying regarding Catholics not being allowd to have opinions is a little sarcastic.

The example I can give: I was involved in an online debate contest some years ago. Someone asked me for a source for what I was saying so I quoted the CCC and a couple other Catholic sources. Yet not all that I said was Catholic in nature in my argument.

That did not deter a woman from venting the frustrations of her life all over me and declare she had the armor of God on and that she didn’t want any more “Catholic doctrine” “shoved down her throat”!

I’ve found this to be actually a typical reaction for those who are pro-life. “Oh? You must be Catholic.” From that point on, we have no recognizable or valid opinion on any subject.

Catholics are invisible. Unless the media is attackig us then it’s OK.

THAT’S what I’m talking about my friend, and don’t condescend that you did not understand that.
Don’t be condescending. Obviously what I was saying regarding Catholics not being allowd to have opinions is a little sarcastic.

The example I can give: I was involved in an online debate contest some years ago. Someone asked me for a source for what I was saying so I quoted the CCC and a couple other Catholic sources. Yet not all that I said was Catholic in nature in my argument.

That did not deter a woman from venting the frustrations of her life all over me and declare she had the armor of God on and that she didn’t want any more “Catholic doctrine” “shoved down her throat”!

I’ve found this to be actually a typical reaction for those who are pro-life. “Oh? You must be Catholic.” From that point on, we have no recognizable or valid opinion on any subject.

Catholics are invisible. Unless the media is attackig us then it’s OK.

THAT’S what I’m talking about my friend, and don’t condescend that you did not understand that.
So what? I’d say you are complaining that people don’t take you seriously. That may be a function of your presentation.

What did you say that you backed up with the CCC?
OK. So what persecutions have happened recently?
As I said, once again, the object of this thread.

The constant barrage in the media (TV and movies, especially) of negative stereotypes of Catholics and other Christians and the ridicule of our values.
So what? I’d say you are complaining that people don’t take you seriously. That may be a function of your presentation.

What did you say that you backed up with the CCC?
You not Catholic are you?
So what? I’d say you are complaining that people don’t take you seriously. That may be a function of your presentation.

What did you say that you backed up with the CCC?
And what, pray tell, is the function of YOUR presentation?

Opinions are like rear ends, my friend…everyone has one. So what YOU say about a complaint I have not made can pretty much disappear back into the darkness.

The information from the previous debate is not a part of this thread.
John Higgins:
Let’s see–the episode didn’t depict the Christian parents as maniacs…in fact I think it presented their viewpoint respectfully. As far as a Catholic doctor offering a potentially abortive procedure, how is this Catholic bashing? I don’t get it. Are there Catholic doctors who do this procedure? Yes.I bet there are Catholic hospitals that do. Many do.
John Higgins:
Let’s see–the episode didn’t depict the Christian parents as maniacs…in fact I think it presented their viewpoint respectfully. As far as a Catholic doctor offering a potentially abortive procedure, how is this Catholic bashing? I don’t get it. Are there Catholic doctors who do this procedure? I bet there are Catholic hospitals that do.

So, you could certainly complain about the show depiciting things which violate Canon Law and the Catechism, but that isn’t Catholic bashing.

I’m with you on this one sir!
~ Kathy ~
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