Look my friend. If you think enough in this life you would realize that joy is a form that we experience, it could be endless forms, but there is a point without return when you realize that what is the point?It is only in this life we get used to a limited state of joy; This is because we were made to receive our joy from God and so all created goods leave us ultimately unsatisfied. If we could be totally satisfied by created goods we would stop seeking God. Heaven gives us an infinite duration of happiness but not an infinite quantity. In heaven we will be perfectly satisfied with the happiness we have because our wills will be perfectly conformed to the will of God Who wills that we should experience the exact amount of joy we will be experiencing. In heaven, there will be one joy after another and we will look forward to the next joy, but this will not cause us suffering or prevent us from enjoying what we have. If you wish to know more about the joys of heaven I recommend you the Dialogues of St. Catherine of Siena.