The word eternity can have more than one meaning. When talking about time it is usually meant to convey unending time. However, when applied to God it often means outside of time, or timelessness.Eternity is define as continuous time without beginning and end. Here we provide an argument to show that eternity has to have a beginning but it could be endless. When we said that eternity does not have any end or beginning we mean that if it takes infinity to reach to eternal future or past if we start from now. It is simple to understand that it takes infinite amount of waiting from eternal past to reach now which is impossible hence we cannot have eternal past. This means that everything which is time bound has to have a beginning which start from finite past too.
infinite or unending time.
“their love was sealed for eternity”
synonyms: ever, all time, perpetuity
“the memory will remain for eternity”
I agree with you that things within time must have a beginning, indeed time itself, must have a beginning. And, that it would be impossible for there to have been an infinite past. However, in order for all things within time (and time itself) to have a beginning there must be something that exists outside of time, that causes time and all things that exist in time to be actualized or to exist. Because you can’t have these things popping into existence uncaused and from nothing. Nothing can not cause anything. It makes no sense to say everything came into existence from nothing and by nothing. If you can see that time must have a beginning, and everything in time has a beginning, then you can also see that there must be a timeless cause of these things. A fixed point if you will from which all time is traced back to.Theology
- a state to which time has no application; timelessness.
- endless life after death.