EU Banning Ronald McDonald?

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McDonald’s characters a menace to society?

Ronald McDonald is sure to grimace when he finds out the latest plan by governments across the Atlantic.

The clown of renown, along with other animated characters like Kellogg’s Tony the Tiger, could be banned from television in Britain and the European Union, as cartoon food hawkers are now regarded as a threat to society.

At issue is the expanding waistlines of children, and health authorities are looking to trim the amount of junk-food advertising to kids.

The European Commission says urgent action is needed to battle widespread obesity, and it’s pressing food companies to take voluntary steps to halt the promotion of foods loaded with sugar, fat and salt to young people.

“I would like to see the industry not advertising directly to children,” European Health Commissioner Markos Kyprianou told the London Times. “The signs from the industry are encouraging, positive. But if this doesn’t produce satisfactory results, we will proceed to legislation.”

Any new law would focus on commercials aimed at children, especially those using animated characters like those from McDonald’s.
I don’t blame them really. I don’t think their lifestyle in Europe leads to obesity, but they have the right to look towards the future. McDonalds for my family is once a month maybe. Some go there everyday. How they justify it is beyond me, but people do this kind of madness.
McDonald’s characters a menace to society?

Ronald McDonald is sure to grimace when he finds out the latest plan by governments across the Atlantic.

The clown of renown, along with other animated characters like Kellogg’s Tony the Tiger, could be banned from television in Britain and the European Union, as cartoon food hawkers are now regarded as a threat to society.

At issue is the expanding waistlines of children, and health authorities are looking to trim the amount of junk-food advertising to kids.

The European Commission says urgent action is needed to battle widespread obesity, and it’s pressing food companies to take voluntary steps to halt the promotion of foods loaded with sugar, fat and salt to young people.

“I would like to see the industry not advertising directly to children,” European Health Commissioner Markos Kyprianou told the London Times. “The signs from the industry are encouraging, positive. But if this doesn’t produce satisfactory results, we will proceed to legislation.”

Any new law would focus on commercials aimed at children, especially those using animated characters like those from McDonald’s.
Look how fat your kids are, then look at how fat our kids are getting, then figure it out for yourselves. Makes sense to me.
Kids are fat because they don’t play outside as much as they used to. T.V and video games are the what is keeping them from moving around. Banning cartoon characters that advertise junk food is putting a bandaid on a cancer. Unless the EU wants to ban Belgium Chocolate.
Kids are fat because they don’t play outside as much as they used to. T.V and video games are the what is keeping them from moving around. Banning cartoon characters that advertise junk food is putting a bandaid on a cancer. Unless the EU wants to ban Belgium Chocolate.
Another part of it is that Europe is contracepting themselves right out of existance and abortion, you wonder why we have so many fat children. They use the excuse that the baby is only a fetus, and when aborted little do they realize that the food that is over consumed could have used for that child if he had not been aborted. Why? Because the lustful parents couldn’t control their sexual desires.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
Sho, Belgium chocolate is SOOOO fattening and addicting. It’s probably the closest thing on this earth to heaven.
Another part of it is that Europe is contracepting themselves right out of existance and abortion, you wonder why we have so many fat children. They use the excuse that the baby is only a fetus, and when aborted little do they realize that the food that is over consumed could have used for that child if he had not been aborted. Why? Because the lustful parents couldn’t control their sexual desires.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
Bloody Hell!!! and you lot accuse ME of generalisations!!!
Bloody Hell!!! and you lot accuse ME of generalisations!!!
Don’t worry about it Norwich. They do not see themselves at all in all of this. You would think there were no abortions at all in their country. Now it is my turn to generalize!😉

Look how fat your kids are, then look at how fat our kids are getting, then figure it out for yourselves. Makes sense to me.
My kids aren’t fat, in part because I’ve pretty much banned McDonald’s and other faux foods. I also sometimes insist my children play outside, and strictly monitor how much time they spend watching TV or engaging in other sedentary activities.

And all accomplished without Big Brother having to step into my home to tell me what to do.

– Mark L. Chance.
Look how fat your kids are, then look at how fat our kids are getting, then figure it out for yourselves. Makes sense to me.
You could be an advertiser for anorexics:rolleyes:
Let me explain! First, I’m talking about those who deliberately get themselves fat and some of them are the same people who support abortion, got one, use condoms and reject the original purpose of sex. And with the extra food they consume deprive poor people of food and the aborted baby who could of used that food. Secondly, the use of condoms and misuse of sex has blinded our society into such things as people deliberately overeating and are selfish and care only about themselves.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
I think it’s a stretch to connect contraception and McDonald’s I think Europe has every right to question fast food advertising now. What do we care? I don’t work for McDonald’s. Every country should be able to control that type of thing.

Most aware parents here is the USA don’t overuse McDonald’s. Most of our kids aren’t fat, so don’t be silly about that either. My kids have always been involved in activities and have been too busy to overeat. This starts at home. If you teach them right, then there’s no problem.

We don’t have to ban McDonald’s here, we just have to use it right. I personally was glad when my kids got older and never asked to go there again. It is a non issue.
Fitz one sin leads to another one. Banning McDonalds is crazy. If that doesn’t open your eyes, I don’t what will.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
Let me explain! First, I’m talking about those who deliberately get themselves fat and some of them are the same people who support abortion, got one, use condoms and reject the original purpose of sex. And with the extra food they consume deprive poor people of food and the aborted baby who could of used that food. Secondly, the use of condoms and misuse of sex has blinded our society into such things as people deliberately overeating and are selfish and care only about themselves.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
I know of no one that fattens themselves up on purpose. They may want to eat all the food they want and NOT get fat and NOT get pregnant. They may have a eating disorder that they cannot seem to conquer, no different than any other addiction on this planet but deliberately doing so…I tend to disagree. It has been my experience that people are wanting to be thinner even if they are only a few pounds heavier. They may love food but do not want to pay the consequences of being heavier…on the whole.

And what does fat people have to do with abortion? or condoms? or misuse of sex? This is found in a variety of people…ultra-thin, thin, average, fat to obese. It is found in all races…I fail to see the connection. Morals is what usually guide a person…not their weight.

I respectfully ask you to enlighten the sitation again…

Fitz one sin leads to another one. Banning McDonalds is crazy. If that doesn’t open your eyes, I don’t what will.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
I just don’t understand not wanting the advertising of Ronald McDonald to be a sin anywhere. WE are getting darn near close to that here where people claim it is McDonald’s fault if our kid is fat. How ridiculous to be sure.

Restricting the ads or not wanting McDonald’s in a town in Europe is inconsequential to me. I don’t think they will get rid of all fat by excluding McDonald’s but let them try. It is their future they are planning not ours.

I have an opinion about why they don’t want McDonald’s there, but it makes no difference. I think it is none of our business. McDonald’s has enough money and they need to advertise to the people they already reach.

I think you are making an unfair comparison to morals. I just don’t see it.
I just don’t understand not wanting the advertising of Ronald McDonald to be a sin anywhere. WE are getting darn near close to that here where people claim it is McDonald’s fault if our kid is fat. How ridiculous to be sure.

Restricting the ads or not wanting McDonald’s in a town in Europe is inconsequential to me. I don’t think they will get rid of all fat by excluding McDonald’s but let them try. It is their future they are planning not ours.

I have an opinion about why they don’t want McDonald’s there, but it makes no difference. I think it is none of our business. McDonald’s has enough money and they need to advertise to the people they already reach.

I think you are making an unfair comparison to morals. I just don’t see it.
I’m not condemning McDonald’s advertising at all. I’m talking about overeating.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
This kind of proposal seems to be another example of the lack of free speech and the propensity to overregulate that seems to pervade Europe. Banning a company from using a form of advertising? That would be unheard of on this side of the pond. And anyone who thinks banning Ronald McDonald will prevent obesity is seriously misguided.
 But it doesn't stop there. When Cardinal Meisner compared abortion to the Holocaust last week, there were many in Germany who seriously advocated bringing criminal charges against him. Same for Cardinals in Spain and Belgium who dared to criticize homosexuality. 

It never ceases to amaze me to hear European leaders speak quite casually about prosecuting people for what they say or banning speech solely because its content is deemed "offensive." Have they learned nothing? Curtailing free speech is never the answer to perceived "problems" and never succeeds in quashing the ideas the speech represents. I think there are some executed European monarchs and dictators who can attest to that.

First, I’m talking about those who deliberately get themselves fat and some of them are the same people who support abortion, got one, use condoms and reject the original purpose of sex.​

So people make themselves get fat? Is that what gastric bypass surgery about?
I think your gross generalizations need to be addressed.

First, I’m talking about those who deliberately get themselves fat and some of them are the same people who support abortion, got one, use condoms and reject the original purpose of sex.​

So people make themselves get fat? Is that what gastric bypass surgery about?
I think your gross generalizations need to be addressed.
You must be blind if you think that overeating is deliberately getting fat. I don’t even at McDonald’s period. Get over yourself.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
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