Eucharist and Einstein's Miracle Year of 1905

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A reposting with COMMENTS:

“RELATIVE” to Archbishop Sheen and Fr. Groeschel, and Pope JPII please consider these quotes:.

“Einstein is mysterious; that is why the world likes his religion. The human mind likes mystery for the simple reason that it is meant for the mysterious infinite. But here the modern mind falls into a queer inconsistency. On the one hand, it refuses to accept anything beyond reason or without proof and declares that henceforth religion must be free from dogmas and mysteries. On the other hand, it accepts the dogmas of Einstein—every scientific statement is a dogma—and makes a religion out of them because they are mysterious. That brings up the question why the world should accept the mysteries of Einstein rather than the mysteries of Christ”

Old Errors and New Labels, 1950​

***COMMENT: ** * Even way back in 1950, it was recognized that Einstein’s science was holding sway over American sensibilities and that a polarization was in the works…ACCEPT EINSTEIN, OR ACCEPT CHRIST. Our Catholic belief in the REAL PRESENCE (down to 30% now) should tell us who’s winning this battle of hearts and minds.

**Fr. Groeschel ** is fond of telling the story about the great Einstein having a deep conversation with a Catholic priest on the topic of the Church’s definition of transubstantiation. After a pause, Einstein asked this priest (a Fr. McTeague still living in NJ)

‘Please get him all the books he could find that are written in German on the subject of transubstantiation.’ (Paraphrase)

This was during the time that Einstein was stymied in his attempt to find a UNIFIED theory of energy, the last 33 years of his life.

***COMMENT: ** * Father Groeschel and Einstein both love mysteries and talking about LIGHT and ENERGY. Ponder this a moment, why would a Jew be so interested in finding out about Transubstantiation? (I wish Catholics were so predisposed)

I have my theories…

Pope John Paul II
The Theology of the Body p. 243

This escatological experience of the living God will not only concentrate in itself all man’s spiritual energies. But at the same time, it will reveal to him, in a deep and experiencial way, ***the self-communucation of God to the whole of creation ** * and, in particular, to man. This is personal self-giving by God, in his very divinity, to man, to the being who, from the beginning, bears within himself the image and likeness of God. In this way, in the other world the object of the vision will be that mystery hidden in the Father [OF LIGHTS]]] from eternity, a mystery which in time was revealed in Christ [LIGHT FROM LIGHT]]] in order to be accomplished incessantly through the Holy Spirit. That mystery will become, if we may use the expression, the content of the escatological experience in the form of the entire human experience in the dimension of the other world. Eternal life must be understood in this escatological sense, that is, as the full and perfect experience of that grace (charis) of God, in which man becomes a participant through faith during earthly life [MASS]]] and which, on the contrary, will not only have to reveal itself in all its penetrating depth to those who take part in the other world [BEATIFIC VISION]]], but also will have to be experienced in its beautifying reality.

Note: I added the ]]] words to show what is clearly implied but not stated

COMMENT: Our Holy Father is very close to describing the correlation in the above passage. He is talking about ETERNAL HOLY COMMUNION WITH JESUS AND THE ACCOMPANYING BEAUTIFIC VISION, the light at the end of the tunnel that is hidden in mystery. He says that it will be a CONCENTRATION OF OUR SPIRITUAL ENERGIES…seems to me that this is akin to achieving the CRITICAL MASS…
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