Eucharist in the Hand

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Actually, the option to receive kneeling is not a canonical right. The priest is not allowed to refuse communion to you based on your posture. The canonical right is to receive communion not to kneel.

Communion in the hand is permitted by indult in the US.
actually Ham, the Vatican said Catholics who kneel for communion are not to be denied communion, so yes, it is a right Catholics have, as stated in the latest documents on the liturgy and by 3 letters the CDW sent to the US in 2002-03.
Actually, the option to receive kneeling is not a canonical right. The priest is not allowed to refuse communion to you based on your posture. The canonical right is to receive communion not to kneel.

Communion in the hand is permitted by indult in the US.
Do we have to go in circles again???
Are you familiar with Maria Simma? She died in March of 2004 but from the age of 25 until her death (in her 90’s I believe) she was able to see and talk to the Poor Souls in Purgatory. She said many souls came to her who were priests who were in Purgatory for allowing and encouraging Communion in the Hand. (The laity is not held responsible, but the priests and bishops who allowed this were.) Read the book Get Us Out of Here! before you judge her as a fake.
:clapping: It seems that certain Catholic dioceses in the USA always wants to get an “indult” from the VATICAN’S official Liturgical Laws. Vatican: refuse the indults.
  Because there have been so many priests (IN THE USA: HERE THEY LOVE NOVALTY) denying Catholics the RIGHT to receive Communion on the tongue, the Vatican's Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments had had (on many an occasion;) ) has had to intervene.  If ALL US Bishops would immediately castigate any priest religious or diocesan when these priests refuse (often with angry attitudes) Communion on the tongue to any catholic, ROME would NOT have to intervene.  However, as with the case of EXTRA-ordinary Eucharistic "ministers", the issue of Communion on the tongue, finds itself over and over in the hands of Rome, when MANY complaints (PLEASE: anyone who is denied communion on the tongue, hire a good Canon Lawyer, and WRITE to Rome!!) are given to the Holy See.      
 Note: the OPTION is Communion on the HAND.  The NORM is Communion on the tongue (not the other way around:tiphat: ).
I constantly tell all my Catholic friends that if they are denied Communion on the tongue, to please let me know, and I will put them in contact with a good Canon Lawyer priest friend, and I will also give them the address to: Cardinal Arinze’s Congregation.:dancing:
Well some Indults are good Indults (Like the one allowing Tridentine Mass:D )

The interesting thing about Communion in the hand is that so many Catholics think it was an innovation of Vatican II and do not even realize it is an Indult and as such is not the norm but the exception.

Kevin Johnson, in his book Why Do Catholics Do That notes:

“The current rule permitting reception of the Sacrament in the hand is particularly interesting. Vatican II never discussed the idea and evidently never envisioned its introduction. Some countries had introduced the practice illicitly though, and Paul VI surveyed the bishops of the world about it. They almost unanimously called for maintaining the customary manner, distribution on the tongue. The Pope then granted and Indult (a concession to do something not permitted by Canon Law*) that let those countries that already had the practice continue. Oddly enough, the bishops of the United States–where the practice had never before existed—asked permission of the Holy See to introduce it here. Even more amazingly, the got it. Still, universal Church law does not permit reception of the Sacrament in the hand, and John Paul II strongly disapproves of it.”

*I have read this paragraph many times and only now did it cause me to wonder - what Canon Law forbids the Tridentine Mass? Or is the author’s definition of an Indult in error?
Still, universal Church law does not permit reception of the Sacrament in the hand, and John Paul II strongly disapproves of it.
Maybe, but I doubt it. I know I’ve seen him distributing in the hand (obviously several years ago) on television. Let me find a picture. If he didn’t approve, would he do it?

Let’s see if we can simplify this.

In the very early Church communion was in the hand.

Then receiving on the tongue became the norm and IS STILL THE NORM.

However several Church in Europe returned to the practice of receiving in the hand.

Pope Paul VI surveyed the Bishops of the world about this practice and they voted almost UNAMIOUSLY to maintain the customary manner of receiving on the tongue.

In spite of this, the Pope granted an INDULT to those countries that were already practicing communion in the hand that they might continue.

Then for reasons I have never found out, the U.S. Bishops petitioned the pope for the Indult for this country as well and it was granted.

So you see the story is essentially correct and on the tongue is still the norm and only in some countries can one choose to receive either on the tongue or in the hand.

One more thing to add. This Indult does not apply to Tridentine Mass (Mass said in accordance to the 1962 and before the Indult) where communion is still served on the tongue with the people kneeling.
As a Eucharistic Minister I give Communion both ways to people. Believe me, it is difficult to put the Host into some of the (very dirty) hands I see. I don’t touch people’s tongues to give them the Host!! The Host touches their tongue and it sticks!
Maybe, but I doubt it. I know I’ve seen him distributing in the hand (obviously several years ago) on television. Let me find a picture. If he didn’t approve, would he do it?
They allow comunion in the hand at the Vatican. Just because the pope does this dosn’t mean it’s a good idea. You’re confusing infalliblity with faith and morals with impeccability. He’s a man like everyone else with a special charism so that he dosn’t err in matters of faith and morals in an offical “ex cathedra” manner.

Plenty of popes made unwise decisions. Peter was rebuked by Paul. Look at the western schism or the childrens crusade.

I DO know the difference between the two. I was asking a question. Would the pope distribute communion in the hand if he disapproved of the practice? I don’t think so. Ergo, at least he doesn’t disapprove.

I wasn’t commenting on whether or not it should be done. (BTW, I am glad it is common practice now.) Actually, as most know, they were reviving an old practice.

I’m fairly familiar with bad papal decisions. Any leadership role that has been in existence for nearly 2000 years is bound to have bad decisions made.

The historical argument for legitimizing communion in the hand doesn’t work. I believe they made it manditory to recieve on the tounge because of eucharistic abuses. Look at all the abuses now.

Whether or not I feel it is good or bad doesn’t matter. For the church to change something that’s common to all of the eastern christians as well, and I believe is required in the Council of Trent (could be wrong), they have to have just reason.
Can anyone give me a good reason why communion in the hand is a good discipline?
I agree with ICHthus: IT IS ONLY by Indult!! That communion in the hand is tolerated(I wonder why these Us Bishops always look for the EASIER way of doing thing and seek the LIBERAL indults? The Vatican should deny them these liberal indults).

I always receive Christ on my tongue, and after I instructed them my WHOLE FAMILY and all my friends do likewise, I don’t care what priest does not like to give communion on the tongue: too bad, it is NOT his personal choice to deny anyone Communion on the tongue. If I am ever denied communion on the tongue by ANY priest here, I will not only inform the Bishop, then begin a signature drive to have the priest removed, but i would also inform the Holy See. The priest would have to give a PUBLIC apology during Mass. I know of one Bishop here in the USA who ordered his priest to do that.:clapping:
I see phrases “only by indult” and " just a discipline". If communion in hand is allowed by the church, then no one has the authority to judge another much less to judge the wisdom of the church. Discipline still requires obedience. Let us together build a bridge so we can all get over this.
"As a Eucharistic Minister I give Communion both ways to people. "

Unless you are a priest, you are not a Eucharistic Minister but an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
I always receive Christ on my tongue, and after I instructed them my WHOLE FAMILY and all my friends do likewise
I suppose you are free to instruct your WHOLE FAMILY (why the shouting?) as you like, although if I felt the need to do so I’d tell them the whole truth and respect their free will enough to allow them to decide for themselves. But your friends too? You must have unusually tolerant friends.
It is exactly because I want my family and all my friends to know the teachings of the church(not as many who want to give their personal whims, over what the church officially teaches) that I inform them, as any catholic who has done his or her homework, not just what their local pastor tells them that Communion on the tongue is the NORM, and Communion on the hand is the OPTION:clapping:
In the meantime, thank you Holy See for giving me the right to receive Christ on my tongue. All of us must tell our priests: "father I am sad to know you like like to give communion in the hand, but the VATICAN has given me the right." If Father persists, inform the Bishop, and also his provincial superior if he is from a religious order (the old orders, more than diocesan priests are the MORE liberal ones), and if the Bishop does nothing, make copies of the letter you sent him , his response, then write to the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments in the Vatican;) . In my case, I am good friends with a Priest canon Lawyer(a faithful young priest) so I would get his help in doing all this.
Communion on the Tongue is the NORM, and (with speacial permission, only in certain countries) and Communion on the hand is the OPTION:dancing: .
All I hope for, is that all of those who receive the Eucharist by hand would be more reverent of how they take it from their hand to their mouth.

Perhaps what is needed, is a refresher in how this is to be done.

Myself, about a year ago, always receive the host on my tongue.
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