European parliament to punish countries that do not approve homosexual “marriage”

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European parliament to punish countries that do not approve homosexual “marriage”
Madrid, Jan. 19, 2006 (CNA) - The EU Justice Affairs commissioner Franco Frattini announced this week at the EU Parliament in Strasburg that member states that do not eliminate all forms of discrimination against homosexuals, including the refusal to approve “marriage” and unions between same-sex couples, would be subject to sanctions and eventual expulsion from the EU.

According to a report by the Archdioceses of Madrid’s news service Analisis Digital, the commissioner’s statements came as the governments of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland ruled against legalizing homosexual “marriage.”

“Homophobia is a violation of human rights and we are watching member states on this issue and reporting on cases in which our efforts have been unsuccessful,” Fratti said. In this way “the Commission and the European Parliament seek to make any refusal to grant homosexual couples the same rights as a married couple a crime of ‘homophobia’,” the report warned.


If this doesn’t prove Europe to be post-Christian, I don’t know what will.

After the EU gets done strong-arming the handful of remaining countries that uphold the natural law into their anti-Family hegemony, they will either boot the Pope out of Europe or at least force Italy to revoke the Vatican’s sovereignty.
Fine with me. The faster the EU disintegrates the better. Get rid og the new Empire.

Fine with me. The faster the EU disintegrates the better. Get rid og the new Empire.

I say get rid of the new Empire and start over again.
As is usually the case, no one takes such a serious issue seriously. Europe, where much of the roots of American Catholicism originate falls into moral and social ruin, we sit back here in our easy chairs sucking down cold beers in front of sunday football (Hopefully after attending Mass earlier).

History tends to witness that ideas originate in Europe and given enough time they wash up on shore here, just look at Massachusettes and Canada. I for one hope for our sake that Europe falls quickly before its marriage redefining ideology is enshrined in our own Nation’s constitution, so Americans wake up and come to realize it is a disaster.

Yes, I would say there is stuff worth worrying about.
I think this stuff is good. the faster governments fall into evil, the sooner Christ will come and get us!
that’s just me, trying to be positive. sigh
What a shame! I wonder what will happen to the vatican in all this mess. :mad:
Those particular countries have been bullied and badgered by the Soviets. I think they don’t scare so easily. I pray they thumb their collective noses at the EU and say “So long!” It would rattle the EU bureaucrats something terrific – and give some other governments the courage to stand on principles as well. (Oh, and yes the US should be really supportive of them if the EU boycotts them financially.)
I think the EU is a pox on Europe. It destroys the sovereignty of the nations that are members. I hope to see it die.
I think the EU is a pox on Europe. It destroys the sovereignty of the nations that are members. I hope to see it die.
It will probably be nationalism that will cause its eventual demise. The egos are too big, especially when you talke about France, Germany, and Great Britain.

It will probably be nationalism that will cause its eventual demise. The egos are too big, especially when you talke about France, Germany, and Great Britain.

In a matter of time this whole new world order will collapse.
It will probably be nationalism that will cause its eventual demise. The egos are too big, especially when you talke about France, Germany, and Great Britain.
Egos to big? This coming from a citizen of the United States.
It will probably be nationalism that will cause its eventual demise. The egos are too big, especially when you talke about France, Germany, and Great Britain.

I wish. But I doubt.

Verity1 (Great Britain).
I’m afraid we’re seeing the devil’s version of the Holy Roman Empire.

What I’m not understanding if the European constitution is “dead,” by what authority are they penalizing pro-Catholic countries?
Some more food for thought.
Pope Benedict XVI: A Man for Europe

Pope Benedict XVI has written widely on the problem of Europe and its need to recover its soul. Even Benedict cannot predict that Europe will revive, but at least he knows what is wrong. This Pope is one of the deepest and most gifted of Europeans, though among secularists he must appear to be self-serving when he insists that Europe is doomed unless it rediscovers its Christian roots and taps into them to sustain its future. Nonetheless, he must tell the truth, and it should not surprise us if in the foreseeable future we are given an encyclical on this subject. We Americans will no doubt read it smugly with our breakfast, forgetting how narrowly our country currently escapes the same deadly malaise.

Most of us can and should pray for Europe as if we are praying for our aging mothers. So much of what is best in the American heritage comes from the greatness of Christian Europe when she was young. In the EU this sentiment will be criticized for being offensive to atheists, whose invariable moral fault is to bite the hand that feeds them. But the plight of Europe has gone far beyond the meager power of atheists to remedy. Only Christ can raise the dead.

From this article:
there is nothing to be shocked about.

The EU is the anti christ what more did you expect from them?
Perhaps some of you forget that Tony Blair is Catholic, and his wife I know is a practicing Catholic - whilst some may consider Europe the anti - Christ, it is not really. It could get alot worse!
Perhaps some of you forget that Tony Blair is Catholic, and his wife I know is a practicing Catholic - whilst some may consider Europe the anti - Christ, it is not really. It could get alot worse!
don’t worry it will.
By worse, I mean that discrimination against Catholics could begin etc, which I do doubt, I think the faith is more likely to simply die away, and then the church will shrink and not be able to support itself etc.
By worse, I mean that discrimination against Catholics could begin etc, which I do doubt, I think the faith is more likely to simply die away, and then the church will shrink and not be able to support itself etc.

just wait… this guy plans on taking this to EU.

It won’t be long and the EU will start to enforce anti-catholic laws
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