European parliament to punish countries that do not approve homosexual “marriage”

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just wait… this guy plans on taking this to EU.

It won’t be long and the EU will start to enforce anti-catholic laws
Would this mean punishing Countries like the Vatican? If so, this could get very ugly in a hurry.
Perhaps some of you forget that Tony Blair is Catholic, and his wife I know is a practicing Catholic - whilst some may consider Europe the anti - Christ, it is not really. It could get alot worse!
Well, Tony Blair isn’t actually a Catholic, although there is much speculation that he will convert when he leaves Number 10. He got into trouble a while back for receiving communion while not a Catholic.

As for Europe, you are entirely right. I find it quite amusing that some people here are accused of rampant anti-Americanism in what they post, yet people seem to think they have carte blanche to post whatever insults they like about Europe. Ho-hum :rolleyes:

Much ado about nothing, friends.

The present population of the EU is about 450 million, with 15 million of them Muslims.

However, the native birth rate among many European countries is low or even negative. Muslim births in Europe, on the other hand, double about once every twelve years.

This means that by 2050, there will 240 million Muslims in Europe, and that’s not counting Muslim immigrants.

Do the math.

Once Sha’ira replaces the European court, homosexuals won’t be getting “married”, they’ll be getting beheaded.

(shrug) It’s sad, but it’s also the way it is, folks. The wave of the future.

Ya illah Allah…Mohammed rasul Allah. Salaam.
Whilst the numbers of Muslims may increase, I certainly doubt that the power they hold over Europe shall. Europe has had a taste of this western democratic way of life, there would be outcry if we started to move backwards again.

If it does start to become out of hand, it will simply die, and people will ignore it, just like the League of Nations did.
First, this issue is probably why the Holy Spirit / the Cardinals selected a German to be the Pope during this critical time.

Second, we may find out what the 21st Century version of persecution means.

Remember the TV commercial for a credit card: “WHAT’S IN YOUR WALLET?”

Well, here it is: " How STRONG is YOUR faith???"
Could EU force the Vatican to join? Although I could doubt it.
The EU may not want to have the Vatican. They probably have predicted that it would give the Vatican a stronger pulpit in which to spread the Catholic message, something they may consider dangerous.
If this doesn’t prove Europe to be post-Christian, I don’t know what will.

After the EU gets done strong-arming the handful of remaining countries that uphold the natural law into their anti-Family hegemony, they will either boot the Pope out of Europe or at least force Italy to revoke the Vatican’s sovereignty.
Fantastic! “Only civilised behaviour is allowed in our club!”

Much ado about nothing, friends.

The present population of the EU is about 450 million, with 15 million of them Muslims.

However, the native birth rate among many European countries is low or even negative. Muslim births in Europe, on the other hand, double about once every twelve years.

This means that by 2050, there will 240 million Muslims in Europe, and that’s not counting Muslim immigrants.

Do the math.

Once Sha’ira replaces the European court, homosexuals won’t be getting “married”, they’ll be getting beheaded.

(shrug) It’s sad, but it’s also the way it is, folks. The wave of the future.

Ya illah Allah…Mohammed rasul Allah. Salaam.
that’s a very bloody wish you have there.

Luckily, western society is highly seductive. You doom filled curses will probably come to nothing.
As is usually the case, no one takes such a serious issue seriously. Europe, where much of the roots of American Catholicism originate falls into moral and social ruin, we sit back here in our easy chairs sucking down cold beers in front of sunday football (Hopefully after attending Mass earlier).

History tends to witness that ideas originate in Europe and given enough time they wash up on shore here, just look at Massachusettes and Canada. I for one hope for our sake that Europe falls quickly before its marriage redefining ideology is enshrined in our own Nation’s constitution, so Americans wake up and come to realize it is a disaster.

Yes, I would say there is stuff worth worrying about.
As I look at Massachusetts, I don’t see a problem. There were dire predictions prior to gay marriage. Now that we can see a society with gay marriage, what’s the beef? And half the population is Catholic.
As I look at Massachusetts, I don’t see a problem. There were dire predictions prior to gay marriage. Now that we can see a society with gay marriage, what’s the beef? And half the population is Catholic.
Passage of pro-homosexual laws doesn’t result in armageddon over night, bit in 20 years you will see the beef.

Half of Massachusetts may be Catholic by birth, but not by belief. Nothing in Catholicism teaches that God created man for man or woman for woman, if nothing else it rejects such a concept. That is in a nutshell why Catholics reject same-sex marriage.
Catechism of the Catholic Church:
2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.
Passage of pro-homosexual laws doesn’t result in armageddon over night, bit in 20 years you will see the beef.

Half of Massachusetts may be Catholic by birth, but not by belief. Nothing in Catholicism teaches that God created man for man or woman for woman, if nothing else it rejects such a concept. That is in a nutshell why Catholics reject same-sex marriage.
What will we see in 20 years?
that’s a very bloody wish you have there.

Luckily, western society is highly seductive. You doom filled curses will probably come to nothing.
Well, time will eventually tell as to which one of us made the better guess.

And by the way, I am wishing nothing, nor cursing anyone. All I’m doing is making projections based on current demographic trends.

If I did have a wish, it would be for Europe to return to solid Christian faith, such as most Europeans had before the 20th century came along.
If we have gay-marriage, I care not to guess.
Oh, come on. If you have a time frame, that time frame must be based on some predicted events or situations. What do you predict?

I don’t know what will happen 20 years.
The Catholic News Agency in Rome, Zenit reports it like this

European countries that do not recognize same-sex unions have been condemned as “homophobic” by a resolution of the European Parliament. The nonbinding resolution passed Thursday by a vote of 468-149. There were 41 abstentions. Mario Mauro, vice president of the European Parliament, said in statements to ZENIT that “an ideological document has been approved that has very little to do with the concrete protection of people’s fundamental rights.”

Mauro said that the document, which refers to religious freedom as a “source of discrimination,” is “in open contradiction with treaties and even common sense.” Riccardo Cascioli, president of the European Center of Studies on Population, Environment and Development, told ZENIT that **“for the umpteenth time, a European institution pronounces itself on a topic – such as the family – which is the strict domain of each of the member states.” **

“It is obvious,” Cascioli said, “that human rights have become a pretext to affirm an ideology that not only has nothing to do with the good of the person, but that is even a source of violence against individuals, communities and peoples.”
If this doesn’t prove Europe to be post-Christian, I don’t know what will.

After the EU gets done strong-arming the handful of remaining countries that uphold the natural law into their anti-Family hegemony, they will either boot the Pope out of Europe or at least force Italy to revoke the Vatican’s sovereignty.
Do you think that the EU could force Italy to revoke the Vatican’s sovereignty? Is it even remotely possible?
Oh, come on. If you have a time frame, that time frame must be based on some predicted events or situations. What do you predict?
Okay, since you insist on an answer. I predict within 20 years of gay-marriage being introduced, marriage as God intended it to be will be replaced by innumerable relationships which are closed to the gift of life, as two of the same gender cannot procreate. But that is just me, I can’t predict what will happen in 20 years, I am not God. Sorry to dissapoint you if my answer doesn’t satisfy you.
Half of Massachusetts may be Catholic by birth, but not by belief. Nothing in Catholicism teaches that God created man for man or woman for woman, if nothing else it rejects such a concept. That is in a nutshell why Catholics reject same-sex marriage.
This is the case in virtually all modern countries that have a longish history with the faith.
Okay, since you insist on an answer. I predict within 20 years of gay-marriage being introduced, marriage as God intended it to be will be replaced by innumerable relationships which are closed to the gift of life, as two of the same gender cannot procreate. But that is just me, I can’t predict what will happen in 20 years, I am not God. Sorry to dissapoint you if my answer doesn’t satisfy you.
That isn’t really a consequence though, it is not talking about all the bad things that will happen because of gay marriages, in essence this is really just defining what a gay marriage would be - a marriage in which the two partners could not create a child.
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