tpw,Iowa Mike,
First re: the nun to whom I referred…her confessor, a priest in perfectly good standing with the RCC, told her she could not be faulted in her decision to abort.
In certain extreme situations when two goods conflict (the life of mother - the life of the fetus) there are not simply good answers. It’s not as clear as you or I for that matter want it to be.
Second, homosexuality refers to an existential condition. Homosexual activities refer to actions. What is forbidden is homosexual activity, not homosexuality as an existential condition which cannot be helped anymore than heterosexuality as an existential state.
I disagree with you re: the Catechism especially on moral activities. Unless you know how to interpret the Catechism and morality you do grave danger to people whom you desire to instruct. “Lists” of sins do not identify the conditions under which people act and which affect their actions.
We are no longer unaware of conditions which shape decision-making. While we definitely hold that people are responsible for their actions, these actions are conditioned - we’re not absolutely free.
Thanks for praying for me…You too are in my prayers…
The CCC references I provided you are very clear and represent the position of the Catholic Church. So you are not disagreeing with me you are disagreeing with the Church.
I’ve tried to find a record of the nun you referenced in an earlier post. If you are speaking of Sister Dianna Ortiz. She was kidnapped, raped and tortured beginning November 2, 1989. But, there is no record of her becoming pregnant so I must have the wrong situation. This is a link to her story:
Regardless Catholic teaching would not bless the murder of an innocent child. Any priest that would say differently would also be wrong. Do you remember the controversy surrounding the rape of a nine year old girl in Brazil? She subsequently aborted the baby to the condemnation of the Church. There was a Catholic Cardinal that hinted that the abortion might have been called for and he was roundly corrected by the Church. No elective abortion is acceptable to the Church.
Check out this link for one story on the matter:
I would appreciate a link to the nun described in you post, I’d like to look into it in a bit more detail.
God Bless,
Iowa Mike