At least from Catholic dogma the teaching is that God created the world from nothing, and God is not a creature. Catholic dogma rejects pantheism.There was always everything, including your God.
At least from Catholic dogma the teaching is that God created the world from nothing, and God is not a creature. Catholic dogma rejects pantheism.There was always everything, including your God.
Hmm… you’re not thinking of “growing block universe” theory, are you?There’s a theory of space and time, which posits that time isn’t just the movement thru space, time is also the movement of space. ( Sorry, I can’t recall what this theory is at the moment )
That would imply that time isn’t constant, wouldn’t it? That there would necessarily be a certain “red-shift” in time itself, right? And, that would imply that time isn’t a measure at all, but merely an effect. (It would kinda be like saying that one meter was a certain length 1000 years ago, but it’s a different length today… which would make the notion of measurement moot.)It proposes that if space is expanding, and space and time are connected, then time must be expanding as well. And it’s this constant expansion of time that we perceive as the flow of time.
You seem to be conflating “what one person thinks” with “what a person, in general, can know.” They’re not the same thing.Ask almost any of the theists on this forum if they know for certain that God exists and they’ll almost universally reply yes. And yet they can’t know that for certain, and if they’re intelligent, free thinking beings, then they should realize that they can’t know that.
Nice. Those who think different than you are sub-human. Good approach. Hope it works out for you…Now I could come up with any number of theories as to why they do this, but perhaps the simplest explanation is that they’re just one step removed from being monkeys.
I don’t think I would characterize that as “monkey” behavior. It seems to be pretty common in the world, so perhaps it’s simply “living being behavior.”To a great extent we’re still acting like monkeys. My troop against your troop.
Why are you presuming that’s a bad thing? After all, that’s precisely what you’re doing, here, as well… .So how do you stop doing that? First, realize that you’re doing it. You’ve formed a set of beliefs, and now you’re ardently defending those beliefs against anyone who might question them.
Two thoughts:when it comes to the question of why there’s something rather than nothing, the correct answer is…I don’t know.
OK, so… why?Contrary to what you believe, I think that the answer to this question may actually be yes. To be said to exist, something must exist within space and time.
So then, all you’ve done is discover that there exist concepts which only have meaning in the context of the physical universe. Again, this does not prove that all concepts require this particular context!So even a concept, like the number one, requires a context in which to give it meaning. What does the concept of “ one ” refer to, if not to something that has an expression in space and time?
Only when you constrict your worldview by pre-defining that God does not exist.But not just meaningless, it’s impossible to construct the concept of things outside of the concept of space and time.
I think you’re answering a different question than the one you’d asked. You were talking about your answer, and somehow extrapolating from it what anyone can know. Those are two vastly different notions, my friend!Then I just wish that if I ask someone if they “ know ” that God exists, that they’d be forthright enough to admit that they don’t. If you can do that, then you’ve gone a long way in earning my respect.
You mention that you’re a solipsist. That means that your base position is “I don’t know.” If what earns respect in your book is that someone admits “I don’t know”, then aren’t really just saying that what earns your respect is that someone assents to the validity of your position? Isn’t that what you just complained about, a few posts up – that people form sets of beliefs and “ardently defend those beliefs against anyone who might question them”? Perhaps your advice – “stop doing that by first, realizing that you’re doing it” – applies particularly well to you, as well…they’d be forthright enough to admit that they don’t. If you can do that, then you’ve gone a long way in earning my respect.
Because people don’t have to accede to your worldview. I think the question you have to ask yourself is “why do I think that all must accept my position in order for me to consider them ‘rational’?”And the reason that it’s bad is that if you’re as rational and reasonable as you contend, then you should be able to admit that you don’t know. What I find interesting, is that a great many people won’t. So once again I have to ask myself…why.
Good questions. They’re three distinct questions, and if we’re speaking with precision, they don’t follow on one another! Let’s look closely at them:Would you agree that the universe, or the multiverse, or whatever space and time ultimately consists of, has existed forever? That it has existed since the beginning of time? And that it’s meaningless to refer to something as existing “ before ” the existence of time?
The reason any theist would say that they are certain of an ultimate intelligent being that is the cause of our reality is because it follows necessarily according to the principles of reason. They are certain because reason would not be possible otherwise and the idea of existence itself would be rendered incoherent if such a being did not exist.But the odd thing is that a lot of people don’t end up with that answer. Ask almost any of the theists on this forum if they know for certain that God exists and they’ll almost universally reply yes. And yet they can’t know that for certain, and if they’re intelligent, free thinking beings, then they should realize that they can’t know that. Yet if they do, they won’t admit it. Why?
You don’t even know that infinity exists. You have no evidence that reality is not finite. It was recently thought that matter could neither be created nor destroyed, but now it is thought that matter and energy are two forms of the same things, but the reality is that you can’t know that, either, because you don’t accept that anything can actually be known based on faith or the testimony of external authority.Infinity is infinity, a place only.
Time is movement of something in infinity.
To me it must relate to the smallest thing, i call it “the something”.
Is it solid, or a force? Does it have gravity? How does it combine? Is it multi state?
I try to think of answers. To me everything is made up of these “somethings”.
Mathematicians have great formulas, but they “roundoff”, the solids and forces in infinity don’t
roundoff. Every little something is accounted for.
You think like a religious fundamentalist.Can god talk?
If we are the image of god, he/she must have vocal cords.
You’re saying it is impossible for energy to interact with a human brain without use of something to physically generate sound? Surely you jest.Can god talk?
If we are the image of god, he/she must have vocal cords.
Does your god also hold his cell phone number onto him/her self?
Is he/she toying with you? Or are you toying with yourself?