Evolution and Creationism

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The universality of RNA in life is one of the strongest sources of evidence for the evolution of life from a common source.

If you want to look for a field that is condemning of the theory of evolution, you won’t find much of a home in genetics.
Or simply a very useful design element.

Oh yes you will. Stay tuned. The tree of life has fallen because of genetics.
No, you just want that to be true.

Genetics shows us that all life has the same basic code. RNA

Genetics shows us how speciation occurs. In sexually reproducing species, the differences amass to the point that gene sections in the two different specimens have actually, physically changed. What was the location of the genes for claws no longer line up with the same section in the other mate. they now line up with, say, fangs. Viable offspring thus cannot be created.

In asexual species, it occurs much faster. However the examples of this receive nothing but denial from the creationist camp.
Could you be a little more vague…please
If you want me to explain to you the details of how genetic information is passed on through genes within chromosomes between mating pairs, you need to take a class, not get on an internet forum.
Well, that’s convenient. There goes both falsification and verification and experimental confirmation …
Geologists, astrophysicists and the like seem to be able to get by somehow…
I gotta tell you, it’s not looking good in the bones in the rock studies.
You and your creationist compeers keep saying that but you don’t have any reasonable objections from scientific sources. It’s all from ideological organizations that only “do science” toward the ends of that organization. The greatest joke recently produced being ancient dinosaur “flesh”, being found, unfossilized.
I do prefer your definition of speciation to Rossum’s. However, both definitions require that a single magical moment occurs in what mom and dad thought would be just another microevolutionary coupling turns out to be a macroevolutionary moment: mom and dad just produced a monster. Gotta have some evidence for such a singular event. Haven’t seen any yet.
You see it every time a small dog mounts a cat and they don’t successfully produce offspring.

Horses and donkeys are so different that they produce, occasionally, offspring that themselves cannot mate. Same with lions and tigers.

You just don’t want to accept commonly seen evidence for the phenomenon as such because at an emotional level you do not want to.
Plants reproduce sexually as well. Would be nice to see that “coupling” produce a barking, meowing, or even grunting animal.
We’ve addressed this. You and the fern have the same ancestor. But they divided early in the history of life when the ancestor looked much more like a modern protist.
tRNA, mRNA, rRNA and snRNA

Next question?
These did not produce the code. Studying them they are very complex and only make the step by step evo explanation more difficult.
You asked for the send, receiver and decoder and I provided.

The source that created it was either mitosis or meiosis - depending if you’re talking about somatic cells or gametes.

Life comes from the life before it.
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Codes always come from a mind. A sender, receiver and decoder is needed.
tRNA, mRNA, rRNA and snRNA

Next question?
No, he means the Mastermind that had to put all that together for it to work.
Chance. The same “mastermind” behind the creation of the moon, the sun, the galaxy next door and all objects beyond the observable universe.
So, your answer is just a lucky throw of the cosmic dice ?
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ou asked for the send, receiver and decoder and I provided.
You provided the telegraph and the codebook, in other words the hardware not the mind behind the code.
There doesn’t seem to be a mind behind the code that we can observe.

If I’m wrong, please do point me to where I can observe this and with what tools.
Life comes from the life before it.
hmmmmm - and where did the first life come from? Empirical evidence? Unless we are back to spontaneous generation…
There we are. We don’t know yet.

Feel free to invoke “God of the Gaps” here if you want, but that poor chap keeps losing turf.
You already tested your own memory and it was wrong. There are plenty of past posts you can refer to.
So, you cannot tell us and you cannot even provide a link to where you claim to have told us.

Unless and until you inform me otherwise I shall put you down as a YEC.
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