- Any group of organisms is related by descent from a common ancestor.
Yet again…this is nothing more than pointing out that lineages can be traced backwards exactly as you can trace your own and that a group of, for example, cousins can be traced back to a common ancestor. That they are linked. Simple groups of individuals can be linked to a family - almost by definition. And then families to genus. And so on.
It would serve you well to follow on from the page to which you linked to see how the process works. One cannot continue unless the preceeding step indicates that there are no conflicts in the interpretation. And then the subsequent phylogenetic tree can be used to
make predictions about other aspects of the evolutionary process.
If the predictions prove to be valid then it adds weight to the veracity of the tree. Nothing is proved. But the weight of evidence in favour of the process increases to even greater degree. And this is a small subset of one of the very many methods used to validate evolution. To dismantle even the validity of cladistics for just one small family to genus would be a monstrous undertaking. And nobody has done it.
You need to ask yourself why.