Evolution and Creationism

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Firstly, we should be cautious concerning fossils from China, which have already fooled us with Archaeoraptor.

Secondly, those feathers in Anchiornis are fully formed. They are no different to those of modern birds (and this species seems to be already somewhat similar to birds, hence the name).

Kulindadromeus, along with many similar species, didn’t have feathers (those ‘filament types’ are about as different as the hair on my head and the hair on my arms)

I’m not asking for you to tell me how filaments became feather (there are no proto-feather fossils, showing a half-filament, half-feather stucture).

I’m asking you to show me how scales became feathers.
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Without using any of the ‘dinofuzz’, because that it provides just as much evidence for being a seperate hairlike structure. And there’s no evidence to show how scales became filaments in the first place.

Do feathered dinosaurs exist? Testing the hypothesis on neontological and paleontological evidence.
Recent discoveries from the Early Cretaceous of China have highlighted the debate, with claims of the discovery of all stages of feather evolution and ancestral birds (theropod dinosaurs), although the deposits are at least 25 million years younger than those containing the earliest known bird Archaeopteryx. In the first part of the study we examine the fossil evidence relating to alleged feather progenitors, commonly referred to as protofeathers, in these putative ancestors of birds. Our findings show no evidence for the existence of protofeathers and consequently no evidence in support of the follicular theory of the morphogenesis of the feather.
“Fossil remains of a bird which lived between 142 and 137 million years ago were recently found in the Liaoning province of northeastern China. The discovery, made by a fossil-hunting farmer and announced by a c Chinese/American team of scientists, including Alan Feduccia (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) and Larry D. Martin (University of Kansas), provide the oldest evidence of a beaked bird on Earth yet found. … The Chinese bird, claim its discoverers, probably lived at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary–prior to the arrival of Deinonychus and Mononykus–and could not possibly be descended from them.” “Jurassic Bird Challenges Origin Theories,” Geotimes, vol. 41 (January 1996), p. 7

The time frame between Liaoningornis and archaeopteryx (the least disputed ‘first bird’) is a little small, so it couldn’t be a descendant of that first bird (because comparing to older fossils, birds clearly don’t have four wings).

If we go back further so something like Aurornis, then we reduce the timeframe those ‘filaments’ could’ve evolved into actual feathers.

A similarity between scales and feathers may be found in chemistry (hence the quote from my last post), but there is far more similarity (including the complexity) between feathers and hair (especially the follicles).
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I do, it is just that you do not believe it.
Yes, you have faith in macro and I do not. I think your faith in macro is irrational and your emotion has blinded your reason.
You can’t even provide the beginning of an explanation.
And neither do you have a scientific explanation.
I have the evidence. Your rejection of the evidence does not mean that it does not exist.
I’ve provided citations showing the community of scientists has refuted your so-called evidence as probable or rational.
I do, it is just that you do not believe it.
Yes, you have faith in macro and I do not. I think your faith in macro is irrational and your emotion has blinded your reason.
You can’t even provide the beginning of an explanation.
And neither do you have a scientific explanation.
I have the evidence. Your rejection of the evidence does not mean that it does not exist.
I’ve provided citations showing the community of scientists has refuted your so-called evidence as probable or rational.
Let’s accept that you believe all that. What is your alternative proposal?
So there’s nothing I can further do to persuade you that I have a scientifically valid proposal.
Further? Good try. So far, you have offered no facts or rationale that supports macro as a scientifically valid proposal. The most likely reason, after your many vacuous and feeble posts to deflect from answering, is you don’t have an answer. That’s OK, because there isn’t one.

So, since macro is not a valid scientific hypothesis, no scientific alternative is necessary to refute. Next question?
There is life which is independent from chemicals of life.
Place a single living bacterium on a place. One at a time, remove all the molecules of “chemicals of life” from that living bacterium. What is left on the plate is your life that is independent of chemicals.

Life is an emergent property of those chemicals of life. Otherwise what you have is what is left on the place after the chemicals have been removed: nothing.
You have shown us nothing. You have no explanation for the origin of rabbits.

Your own personal disbelief in science does not invalidate the work done. Sorry.

You have nothing to show us. It is you who needs to do the work.
So, since macro is not a valid scientific hypothesis, no scientific alternative is necessary to refute.
Again (and this is becoming tiresome), I am not asking for a refutation. You’ve already done that (and I’ve said that multiple times). I’m asking you how you think we’ve arrived at this point.

Accept, refute or ignore any previous comments by anyone at all who has commented on this subject. Accept or deny any definition they have used. Compile your own definitions. Lay down your own criteria for a response.

As rossum just said, you have given us nothing. So here is your opportunity. Please give us your version of events.

We eagerly await your response…
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Can you prove it happened in the past with fossils? Or should we just assume it did?

Half the experiments in a lab would never occur in nature, so why should I have any reason to believe this occurred in nature too, without proof?

Birds have the genetic code for both scales and feathers. Inducing their formation is no different than making use of the information that is already present. For that information to arise (which is far more complex than that required for hair or scales) would require a significant amount of time, which clearly isn’t present between a Kulindadromeus with filaments and an Archaeopteryx with fully-formed feathers (and then Sinosauropteryx seems to reverse the complexity).

So either show me a fossil progression of a filament becoming increasingly morphologically complicated, or a scale doing that instead. And don’t forget the appearance and formation of the follicle, because without that, the feather can’t survive.

And when you’ve done all that, you’ll need to explain how within that same period of time, the entire anatomical and genetic structure of how something that couldn’t fly in only a few million years transitioned into a full bird (without the transition being detrimental to the organisms’ survival, such as half-formed wings making it difficult to run or climb).
You have shown us nothing. You have no explanation for the origin of rabbits.

Your own personal disbelief in science does not invalidate the work done. Sorry.

You have nothing to show us. It is you who needs to do the work.
Whatever caused you to think that I don’t believe in science? Au contraire, Science works! Macro, not so much.
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Can you prove it happened in the past with fossils?
What past? You think the planet is only 6,000 years old. What on earth are you doing trying to discount events that you believe didn’t have time to happen.

Why isn’t that your prime argument? If I say scales gradually evolved into feathers then all you need to say is that there wasn’t enough time.

If I say that bacteria evolved to more complex life forms then all you need to say is that there wasn’t enough time.

If I say that water based life forms gradually evolved into land based ones then all you need to say is that there wasn’t enough time.

If I say we share a common ancestor with apes then then all you need to say is that there wasn’t enough time.

Why bother with anything else? What on earth are you doing putting forward arguments against proposals that you think are impossible? Why not just say so?

And that’s not a hypothetical. It’s a genuine question.
I am not asking for a refutation. You’ve already done that …
So, you agree that there is no valid scientific hypothesis explaining the diversity of life? And, most certainly none which demonstrates the probability of a common ancestor for all life?

It’s a “yes or no” question. If “no” demonstrate the validity. If you cannot just say so.
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Place a single living bacterium on a place. One at a time, remove all the molecules of “chemicals of life” from that living bacterium. What is left on the plate is your life that is independent of chemicals.

Life is an emergent property of those chemicals of life. Otherwise what you have is what is left on the place after the chemicals have been removed: nothing.
What remains is death/dead which includes self replicating RNA or protein.
Life does not emerge from any process, it creates those processes.
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What remains is death/dead which includes self replicating RNA or protein.
Life does not emerge from any process, it creates those processes.
God Created Life on Earth and all its processess.
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I am not asking for a refutation. You’ve already done that …
So, you agree that there is no valid scientific hypothesis explaining the diversity of life? And, most certainly none which demonstrates the probability of a common ancestor for all life?

It’s a “yes or no” question. If “no” demonstrate the validity. If you cannot just say so.
So what would happen if I did? Yet again. If I give what I think are examples of the validity of the evolutionary process then do we get your version? Is that what you propose?

Or are you saying that if you don’t think they are valid then you don’t have to give your version?

Which is it?
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