Evolution and Creationism

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Are you also too busy to keep up several conversations of this quality going at the same time? I can understand how time consuming this is.
I readily admit that I cannot to your satisfaction. So what would your proposal be for an alternative?
Methinks you cannot make a case for macro’s validity to any rational person’s satisfaction.

As macro has no one to support its validity as a scientific hypothesis then your macro is just imaginative speculation. Agree?
Whereas God Created Adam out of Dust…
You came into being via the seed of your human father
Which is procreation whose roots go back to the Creation of Adam
Nope. I choose to talk from the spiritual side than from the temporary physical side.

Spiritually I was created by God on the 6th day
Physically, He knew me before i was conceived - yet i find myself in this fallen world not to fulfill worldliness and biology but to come to the understanding that i’m spiritual first and i’m being reconciled to the spirtual.
It turned out either there was one massive one, or several smaller ones. A single 10km asteroid wouldn’t be enough.
I can never get a straight answer on this…dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago…and yet they still managed to morph into birds.
So tell me, when everything is being reconciled back to God, does that include Biology?
So answer this:
Was Man’s Investigations / Studies of Life - God’s Creation? Or Man’s Opinions?
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As macro has no one to support its validity as a scientific hypothesis…
That’s just a silly statement.
The statement would only be silly if we ever got anything from you on the validity of macro as a scientific hypothesis. Why do you keep ducking this legitimate question? Two possibilities come to mind: you cannot answer, or the answer shows macro is not a scientific hypothesis. Which is it?
They apparently morphed into birds first. But all rests on their interpretation of the fossil record concerning Archaeopteryx. If it isn’t a bird, then the real oldest bird that came later wouldn’t have had enough time to evolve into a bird from whatever Archaeopteryx was. If it is a bird, then why does it (and several other creatures with fully formed feathers) precede or live alongside several other creatures that have ‘feathery filaments’? There’s simply no time for something as complex as a feather to have arisen from those filaments (they genuinely look like hair). And that is because there really isn’t a transition fossil concerning the evolution of the feather. At least, none that doesn’t require an framework of interpretation (which they accuse us of anyway). And it’s not like they have evidence of follicle evolution that would be absolutely necessary for the feather to survive.
So answer this:
Was Man’s Investigations / Studies of Life - God’s Creation? Or Man’s Opinions?
Depends by what you mean by Man’s investigations but so far it is not perfect because:

2 Cor 5:7 For we walk by Faith and not by sight…

I also have a question about Adam and Eve for you:

Gen 3:7…at that moment their eyes were opened…

Q. What do you think was going on here? Did God create them with their eyes closed?
ll rests on their interpretation of the fossil record concerning Archaeopteryx.
If it isn’t a bird,
aka It’s Historical science aka Make Up a Story - versus Empirical Science. 😆

Cold Blooded Reptiles – Feathered Birds - completely different respiratory systems
in one fell swoop?

As Abe Lincoln said - One can fool some of the people all of the time.

" Archaeoraptor " is the informal generic name for a fossil chimera from China in an article published in National Geographic magazine in 1999. The magazine claimed that the fossil was a “missing link” between birds and terrestrial theropod dinosaurs. Even prior to this publication there had been severe doubts about the fossil’s authenticity. Further scientific study showed it to be a forgery constructed from rearranged pieces of real fossils from different species. Zhou et al. found that the head and upper body actually belong to a specimen of the primitive fossil bird Yanornis .[1] A 2002 study found that the tail belongs to a small winged dromaeosaur, Microraptor , named in 2000.[2] The legs and feet belong to an as yet unknown animal.[3][4]

The scandal brought attention to illegal fossil deals conducted in China as well as evolutionary scientists - claiming to be the world’s foremost experts on Darwinism .

“Archaeoraptor” was an insane example of The Sky is Falling! FORGERY!
I’m specifically speaking of what some refer to as “science” 😇
Well, there’s no reality outside our collective consciousness and this ‘physical reality’ that we observe is also caused by sin in us otherwise the perfect that was created is still in us and that’s what is being reconciled back to God.
As macro has no one to support its validity as a scientific hypothesis…
That’s just a silly statement.
The statement would only be silly if we ever got anything from you on the validity of macro as a scientific hypothesis.
You said no-one supported it (highlighted above). That’s a silly comment. Even if that patently farcical statement were true then you have the opportunity to put forward your opinion on the matter.

Every time you post on a thread concerning evolution I will give you the opportunity.
That’s why we need to be so careful with fossils from China.

The Chinese government need evolution to be true, so they can continue to indoctrinate their population into thinking that there is no God of the Bible, Torah, Quran, etc. That way, they can be the people’s god.

It’s a lot easier to convince people there is no God if you start by proving His Miracles to be nothing more than ‘natural events’.
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They apparently morphed into birds first. But all rests on their interpretation of the fossil record concerning Archaeopteryx. If it isn’t a bird, then the real oldest bird that came later wouldn’t have had enough time to evolve into a bird from whatever Archaeopteryx was.
How old do you think Archaeopteryx is?
Well, there’s no reality outside our collective consciousness and this ‘physical reality’
Well, reality/actuality/Creation/Existence -Including God, Heaven and hell as well?

Meanwhile - our ‘conscience’ alone - contains gist for further exploration.
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