Evolution and Creationism

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We to have evidence to support us (evolution and Creationism share a lot of the same evidence, but use different interpretations).
I have seen articles on YEC sites using a 30,000 year old carbon date to argue for a young earth. That is the same evidence, but it is not a “different interpretation” it is a gross error. If the date is correct, then a 6,000 year old earth is wrong. If the date is an error, then no valid conclusions can be reached on that basis.
use different interpretations).
I have seen articles on YEC sites using a 30,000 year old carbon date to argue for a young earth. That is the same evidence, but it is not a “different interpretation” it is a gross error. If the date is correct, then a 6,000 year old earth is wrong. If the date is an error, then no valid conclusions can be reached on that basis.
I agree, Rossum,
You used those dates the wrong way. They indicate the strength of the magnetic field at the time time of the coal’s formation, depending on which the concentration of atmospheric C14 would be lower.
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How much about radiometric dating do you know? Regardless of the element involved.
You used those dates the wrong way. They indicate the strength of the magnetic field at the time time of the coal’s formation, depending on which the concentration of atmospheric C14 would be lower.
Please provide a reference to a second, independent piece of evidence for this large change in the earth’s magnetic field sufficient to cause such a major change in measured dates.

There are variations in the rate of C14 production. Those variations have been measured out to about 50,000 years and they are nowhere near large enough to reduce a 30,000 year date to a 6,000 year date.
Please provide a reference to a second, independent piece of evidence for this large change in the earth’s magnetic field sufficient to cause such a major change in measured dates.

There are variations in the rate of C14 production. Those variations have been measured out to about 50,000 years and they are nowhere near large enough to reduce a 30,000 year date to a 6,000 year date.
I’m not sure which side various posters are on but I do know that the earth isn’t just 6000 years old.
The theory behind it is good. Some elements like uranium 238 can be used to find a theoretical age from a long, long time ago (a 4.5 Ga half life is certainly something). And some like carbon 14 can date things closer to the present (the half life is roughly 5730 years). However, this shouldn’t be used on its own because of several assumptions made concerning the the radioactive object itself (like a rock or crystal). So it needs to be combined with other dating methods to find an average date.
Unless God is trying to deceive us,which He isn’t, the sciences behind astronomy, cosmology etc. show the earth is old. Dinosaur bones weren’t planted to test our faith.
2 Cor 5:7 For we walk by Faith and not by sight…

I still don’t understand how astronomy, cosmology e.t.c can show you anything when you are the one who decides what they are and what they should show you. And you can not say God deceived anyone, it is your own deception.
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I said God DIDNT deceive us.
But He said we shouldn’t go by sight, so it is your sight that deceives you.
He says by faith we understand that He created the universe and you are saying by sight (Science) you have a different understanding.
But He said we shouldn’t go by sight, so it is your sight that deceives you.
He says by faith we understand that He created the universe and you are saying by sight (Science) you have a different understanding.
Why do you think they’ve uncovered thousands of dinosaur fossils? Why do you suppose diamonds and other rocks date so old?
Why do you suppose light from a star is X amount of light years away from earth?
Why do you think they’ve uncovered thousands of dinosaur fossils? Why do you suppose diamonds and other rocks date so old?
Why do you suppose light from a star is X amount of light years away from earth?
And this is where the problem is, who decides what time is? Does a fossil really measure time? does a travelling light really determine time or is time an experience by consciousness?
And this is where the problem is, who decides what time is? Does a fossil really measure time? does a travelling light really determine time or is time an experience by consciousness?
God blessed some men and women with the level of intelligence to be able to come up with various answers. That’s good enough for me.
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