Are you going to address Ripperger’s arguments…
The ones that lead to the conclusion that the planet was created ’in a
very short period of time - a week or so’? Those arguments? The ones that lead to the conclusion that a literal reading of the first chapter of the bible is the correct one? The ones he uses in that video to which I linked where he shows a catastrophically inept understanding of evolution?
The guy really thinks creation happened in a week. That literally all the animals were produced in a few days. That they all wandered around not doing much (not even eating) until the fall. At which point I presume they started eating each other.
Whatever arguments he uses (and boy, can the guy talk), they reach a conclusion that is so patently wrong that it defies all understanding that you could possibly demand that they should be treated with any respect. Philosophy is a worthy endeavour but it’s a foolish person that relies upon it even when it reaches conclusions that can be
proved to be monstrously wrong. Do you really think that anyone
except a creationist of the most fundamentalist stripe could read anything he says and reach the same conclusion?
If the premises in any philosophical argument can be shown, without any doubt, to be correct, then it’s a fair chance that the conclusion reached will be correct. But good heaven’s above, if the conclusion can be
proven to be wrong, then the arguments are
obviously not correct. I’ve not read any philosophical arguments that show the world to be flat. But I know for a fact, without reading them, that they’d be spurious. That it would be an utter waste of my time even contemplating them.
As I said upstream, I don’t waste my time discussing the pros and conns of ark construction with any great flood proponent. And if someone proposed a philosophical argument for the flood then equally I wouldn’t be the
slightest bit interested. Similarly, if someone wanted to discuss the exact time of day that fish were created then do you
really think I’d be interested?
You seem to think that a philosophical argument by the very nature of the fact that is ‘philosophical’ grants it some quality that rises it up above the mundane and must therefore be treated with reverence and respect. But an argument that reaches a patently absurd conclusion is in itself patently absurd.
Ripperger is free to believe in whatever he likes. He is a creationist of the most fundamental variety. And you believe his arguments are correct. So you are likewise a creationist. Of the most fundamentalist variety. Good luck to both of you. I commend you both on the passion in which you both hold these beliefs.
And yeah, I know, this is the philosophical section of the forum. But please don’t think for a moment that I will grant your views, or his, any credibility whatsoever because they are couched in philosophical terms. We all now know where you stand. We now know what you believe. It took quite some time to find that out but we have got there at last. Personally speaking I will henceforth be treating all your posts in the light of that knowledge.