Evolution and Creationism

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Sliding your argument to suggest that Ripperger is talking about complexity and that denies macroevolition is again proved wrong by simply referencing again the paper you linked to which spends a great deal of time giving arguments for why macroevolution exhibits said complexity.
Would you please try that paragraph again in English. ???
It’s a reasonably important one because it shows that the papers to which you link believing that they support your argument are papers which themselves put forward arguments directly contradicting what you believe. So let me break it up into manageable chunks the better for you to follow:

Sliding your argument to suggest that Ripperger is talking about complexity and that denies macroevolition is again proved wrong.

(It is wrong) by simply referencing again the paper you linked to.

(The paper) spends a great deal of time giving arguments for why macroevolution exhibits said complexity.

I hope that helps your comprehension. Now…if you could give us the maximum numbers of micro changes allowed within evolution? As I said, you can define micro as you please and feel free to back it up with any evidence you feel is relevant.
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“Ahead warp factor six, Mr. Sulu.” You are making an assumption about the universe, which my scriptures tells me is wrong.

And maybe that film that the Pentagon just released is an example of what you are asking for…
Are you now trying to smuggle in aliens? We are talking about earthly animals and humans. Humans are exceptional.
Else according to the fossil record, god must have been creating and obliterating species on a near continuous basis.
Creation was phase 1, Providence is phase 2. After God created the archetypes lineage splitting is a result of the fall. Since then the universe is in a state of decay.
Else according to the fossil record, god must have been creating and obliterating species on a near continuous basis.
Creation was phase 1, Providence is phase 2. After God created the archetypes lineage splitting is a result of the fall. Since then the universe is in a state of decay.
Lineage splitting with a loss of function once had? Now that’s called…macro something or other. I remember you posting something about that.

And can you confirm the timelines for this? We understand you to believe that the planet is 6,000 years old. We’ll have to go with that unless you tell us we’re wrong.
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How do you prove that more recent specimens are “more decayed” than those that preceeded?

How is this measured?

Which species are “the archtypes”?
And can you confirm the timelines for this? We understand you to believe that the planet is 6,000 years old. We’ll have to go with that unless you tell us we’re wrong.
Asked and answered,
Well, to save me searching a gazillion posts, how about you type out a number?
Loads of intermediate sequences observable.
Atheist interpretations
The only one that makes sense. Else according to the fossil record, god must have been creating and obliterating species on a near continuous basis.
Just because something went extinct doesn’t automatically make it a transition species, plus they are finding new species all the time, that they thought went extinct.
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  1. God violates the PSR
  2. There are often more than one possible cause for an outcome (think quadratic functions)
  3. The PSR itself is offered as a “Brute Fact”
  4. The PSR offers no clues, in and of itself, as to what the “X” that causes “Y” may be, other than it exists
There are others, but this is just off the top of my head.
  1. God transcends the PSR.
  2. Has nothing to do with PSR.
  3. If to you self-evident is synonymous with “Brute Fact” then you confirm PSR.
  4. Nor would one expect the PSR to provide such clues. That revelation is in its application.
Again, evolution has the fossil record as evidence. Loads of intermediate sequences observable. It’s just a case of you not wanting to drink what’s offered.
How’s that fossil record working out for you? Not good, not good at all. Kool-Aid, anyone?
Go visit one of our fine national and state parks and prepare to be amazed.
Go visit one of our zoos and let us know who runs them.
There are several behavioral experiments claiming to show abstract reasoning among other animals. Just a google search away.
Still waiting for the citation that supports your claim that science is not prescriptive.
No, that is not photosynthesis.
Yes it is.

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“Ahead warp factor six, Mr. Sulu.” You are making an assumption about the universe, which my scriptures tells me is wrong.
“Beam me up, Scotty. There’s no intelligent life down here.”

I do not see value in further debate with one who sees the universe subjectively. You have said your scriptures inform you that precise observations are/may be illusory, and your rational process rejects the principle of non-contradiction. So you choose what you wish to be true and choose to reject what you wish to be untrue.
It’s a reasonably important one because it shows that the papers to which you link believing that they support your argument are papers which themselves put forward arguments directly contradicting what you believe. So let me break it up into manageable chunks the better for you to follow:

Sliding your argument to suggest that Ripperger is talking about complexity and that denies macroevolition is again proved wrong .

(It is wrong) by simply referencing again the paper you linked to.

(The paper) spends a great deal of time giving arguments for why macroevolution exhibits said complexity.

I hope that helps your comprehension. Now…if you could give us the maximum numbers of micro changes allowed within evolution? As I said, you can define micro as you please and feel free to back it up with any evidence you feel is relevant.
And you claimed to be a wordsmith! Gobbledygook.

Try again, Fred. Please correct your misuse of pronouns that lack antecedents and use the active voice instead of the passive voice.
It seems like I can learn something from anyone. And, I have seen you all debate and discuss with skills that I don’t have. However, in the end what happens in the end and in the future is more important than what happened “in the beginning” and in the past.

Will there be an afterlife? Will there be a general resurrection and an eternity to follow? Will there be a judgment, a heaven, a hell? Will some receive mercy and some receive severe justice in the judgment?While on earth, was there a God to seek and to serve? Has Almighty God already revealed enough of Himself that we will be without excuse (Romans 1:20)? Will the sufferings of this earthly life be not worthy to be compared with the glories to be enjoyed (by some) in the Presence of God for eternity (Romans 8:18)? Are there spiritual realities in addition to the material realities we perceive? Did Jesus Christ rise from the dead and will He return in glory? Will Almighty God’s character be shown to be righteous and holy?

Like many across the generations of human history, I believe that the answers to these questions is “yes”.
Fred want maximum number micro changes. You give please.
Well, way back in post #173, I asked tanfan2 and never got a answer. Why don’t you direct your question to another believer in macro.
How many microevolutions eventuate in a macroevolution?
Now, back to the issue of macroevolution violating the PSR. Got anything readable yet?
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