Evolution and Creationism

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Homosapiens are the smartest species on the planet, currently. But the list of animals capable of crude reasoning is pretty long.

“This treat is over there, I can’t get to it with my beak but I can if I use that stick” - all done in whatever passes as internal language for a raven.

Humans are exceptional. We’re just not that exceptional.
On the contrary. The difference between an animal using tools and human engineering couldn’t be farther apart.

If you think otherwise I seriously hope you aren’t a mechanic.
Again, I’ve no debate about us being smarter. But reason itself is not a solely human attribute, as indicated by your fallacious attempt at dismissal, here.

On engineering specifically, we’re inspired by the feats of insects and other animals rather often.

But granted, a raven won’t do as well as a human on a math test. Similarly, a human won’t do as well as a raven in a demonstration of flight.
Read what you just wrote and tell me if any of those creatures you just mentioned has reason like a man?
You are assuming that reason is superior. What is your objective justification for that?
There isn’t one. Just a vague concept of human exceptionalism that gets a little weaker each and every time we study animals in more detail.
No. Only the function’s existence matters.
Then other animals have reasoning, albeit not as advanced as ours. We completely lack the function of photosynthesis; human photosynthesis does not exist. Therefore, by your argument above, we are not higher functioning beings.
Then we’re at an impasse on two issues:
  1. You’re either unwilling or unable to accept the obvious limits of the PSR.
And what do you suppose are those “obvious” limits?
  1. You’re largely unwilling to accept natural processes that take longer than a human lifespan and completely unwilling to accept natural processes that take longer than 5000 years or so - the length of recorded history.

Science is unwilling to accept hypotheses that have no evidence (precise observation), does not explain the phenomena observed (complexity), cannot be falsified (50,000 years). Or predict. Or offer mankind a measure of control over nature, i.e., expressed mathematically.

So am I.
Unfortunate, but “eh”. Most don’t have the problem so the social problems I’d encounter from the proliferation of your views are pretty non-existent.
You have friends? Why would I care about your social problems?
Humans are exceptional. We’re just not that exceptional.
Take me on a tour of all the museums and cities that non-humans have built. Include all the designs and inventions.
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Then other animals have reasoning, albeit not as advanced as ours.
Animals have intelligence but only man has abstract reasoning as evidenced by, say, the use of articulated language.
We completely lack the function of photosynthesis; human photosynthesis does not exist.
No. We can photosynthesize vitamin D3. Currently suspected as an aid to the immune system’s defense against COVID-19.
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I thought it was a theological standard in Christianity that all who go to heaven do so by grace.
God opening up Heaven for Mankind was a free gift, but your degree of glory there is determined by your good works.
Apropos, Mother Theresa deserved to go to hell too, right?
The Just went to Abraham’s bosom which was the upper part of Hell/ Hades where they waited for the Messiah.
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Then we’re at an impasse on two issues:
  1. You’re either unwilling or unable to accept the obvious limits of the PSR.
And what do you suppose are those “obvious” limits?
  1. God violates the PSR
  2. There are often more than one possible cause for an outcome (think quadratic functions)
  3. The PSR itself is offered as a “Brute Fact”
  4. The PSR offers no clues, in and of itself, as to what the “X” that causes “Y” may be, other than it exists
There are others, but this is just off the top of my head.
Science is unwilling to accept hypotheses that have no evidence (precise observation)
Again, evolution has the fossil record as evidence. Loads of intermediate sequences observable. It’s just a case of you not wanting to drink what’s offered.
You are assuming that reason is superior. What is your objective justification for that?
Ironically my objective justification is my reason.
If you don’t think humans are superior to plants and animals please don’t invite me over to dinner.
Animals have intelligence but only man has abstract reasoning as evidenced by, say, the use of articulated language.
There are several behavioral experiments claiming to show abstract reasoning among other animals. Just a google search away.
No. We can photosynthesize vitamin D3. Currently suspected as an aid to the immune system’s defense against COVID-19.
More specifically, we can’t photosynthesize carbohydrates, or, which would be very useful in our case, ATP. We can photosynthesize previtaminD3, not vitamin D3.
engineering specifically, we’re inspired by the feats of insects and other animals rather often.

But granted, a raven won’t do as well as a human on a math test. Similarly, a human won’t do as well as a raven in a demonstration of flight.
On the contrary. I believe an airplane could out perform a Raven.
No. We can photosynthesize vitamin D3. Currently suspected as an aid to the immune system’s defense against COVID-19.
No, that is not photosynthesis. Photosynthesis produces glucose from carbon dioxide, water and sunlight, releasing oxygen.
6CO2 + 6H2O + light photons → 6O2 + C6H12O6 (glucose)
Humans cannot perform that function.
Take me on a tour of all the museums and cities that non-humans have built. Include all the designs and inventions.
“Ahead warp factor six, Mr. Sulu.” You are making an assumption about the universe, which my scriptures tells me is wrong.

And maybe that film that the Pentagon just released is an example of what you are asking for…
No, that is not photosynthesis. Photosynthesis produces glucose from carbon dioxide, water and sunlight, releasing oxygen.
6CO2 + 6H2O + light photons → 6O2 + C6H12O6 (glucose)
Any chemical reaction driven by photons is actually referred to as a photosynthesis. It is just that the one plants use is sloppily referred to as the only one.
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