I think you will come around - eventually, if you are a truth seeker.But ID explains nothing. ID can’t even really identify what would need intelilgent intervention. IC is utter failure.
I think you will come around - eventually, if you are a truth seeker.But ID explains nothing. ID can’t even really identify what would need intelilgent intervention. IC is utter failure.
Update your reading list.Nowhere in any of this is there a claim they are “degenerate”.
If I come to believe in God (and I’m not as far away as you may think), it won’t be based on fake science like ID. Theological evolution would be the appropriate route, which doesn’t require basically lying about evolutionary theory.niceatheist:![]()
I think you will come around - eventually, if you are a truth seeker.But ID explains nothing. ID can’t even really identify what would need intelilgent intervention. IC is utter failure.
You do not think there are any issues with TE?Theological evolution
Good. Neither do I. The science must be sound and correctly reasoned. Right?it won’t be based on fake science
From a scientific perspective, it’s not a consideration. It’s the means by which a person of faith can reconcile their faith with science without breaking their faith or science.niceatheist:![]()
You do not think there are any issues with TE?Theological evolution
And for that to happen, science can’t reference supernatural causes, and neither can it reference pseudoscientific concepts like “irreducible complexity”. So for someone like me, if you’re trying to convince me to believe in God (and as I said, I’m not as far away from that as you may think), referencing bad pseudoscience developed in the late 1980s because the US Supreme Court rejected teaching Creationism in public science classes, you’re going in the wrong direction. That’s intentionally trying to make a metaphysical argument sound like a scientific one. I’d argue ID is even bad metaphysics. TE doesn’t answer scientific questions either, but neither does it pretend to answer scientific questions.niceatheist:![]()
Good. Neither do I. The science must be sound and correctly reasoned. Right?it won’t be based on fake science
First off, we don’t do science based on a judges decision. Research will go on and enter the public domain.And for that to happen, science can’t reference supernatural causes, and neither can it reference pseudoscientific concepts like “irreducible complexity”.
It isn’t? Then why are the evo folks trying to use experiments to refute it? In addition, the complexity of this motor is a further challenge that cannot be ignored.The problem is that IC isn’t a scientific claim
I will start here. God is so beautiful, loving and merciful etc He overshadows all. I do not depend on any science to confirm my experience of God.I have to ask though, why is any of this necessary? What fundamentally is incompatible between evolution and Christianity? Would you stop believing in God if you couldn’t lean on IC? Is that the nature of your faith, to seek out direct evidence of God’s intervention?
Intelligence is a part of biological systems. Selective breeding and genetic engineering are both examples of intelligent designers. But the only creature we know of that does this is humans, and that intelligent activity leaves its traces; in selective breeding it often leads to animals and plants of pretty intense specialization, and for which we have, if not actual organisms, then fossil records of the original stock. As well, selective breeding often breeds for forms that, to be honest, wouldn’t survive long without continued intervention. As to the latter, well that’s an example of intelligently-guided horizontal gene manipulation or transfer, and suffers some of the same problems as selective breeding.niceatheist:![]()
I will start here. God is so beautiful, loving and merciful etc He overshadows all. I do not depend on any science to confirm my experience of God.I have to ask though, why is any of this necessary? What fundamentally is incompatible between evolution and Christianity? Would you stop believing in God if you couldn’t lean on IC? Is that the nature of your faith, to seek out direct evidence of God’s intervention?
I enjoy research and science. I understand faith and reason cannot be opposed. There are areas where they do not intersect. In areas that they do, both must be true.
The usual way this goes is science has trumped Revelation. That I do not agree with. Revelation absolutely must be considered in the areas of intersect and gives us a more informed view of the universe. Revelation and properly reasoned empirical science will complement each other. Scientism does not complete the picture.
Catholics understand the universe to be intelligible and worthy of study. Why wouldn’t this intelligence be also part of biological systems?
Perfect. …But the only creature we know of that does this is humans, and that intelligent activity leaves its traces
That doesn’t help you, because as I said, the only beings we know that intervene in evolution are humans, and they at best only started doing that in the last 20,000 to 30,000 years (the presumed period when the first wolves were domesticated). There is no evidence of any previous designers.niceatheist:![]()
Perfect. …But the only creature we know of that does this is humans, and that intelligent activity leaves its traces
It sure does. When we see design and it is not done by humans and by your admission not done by evo, who did it? Science cannot answer the who, but can answer it was not done by evolution.That doesn’t help you, because as I said, the only beings we know that intervene in evolution are humans, and they at best only started doing that in the last 20,000 to 30,000 years (the presumed period when the first wolves were domesticated). There is no evidence of any previous designers.