Thank you buffalo.
The Church reaffirms man’s dignity and recognizes his fallen nature. Through my own Catholic education, I thought about God all the time and this was reinforced and strengthened through the solidly Christian examples I was surrounded with.
Education - knowledge - must be centered on our actual Creator. The relationship we have with God is with a living God, right now.
Our fallen natures means we are inclined to sin. As we move closer to God, as we experience the power of the Holy Spirit, that sin natures fades. As we learn spiritual truths and live them, we see that we are truly living, not living as slaves to sin. As we follow the good teaching, it becomes manifested in our daily lives. It becomes ‘good fruit.’
Knowledge, when used, must be combined with a worthy purpose. The Bible tells us: As a man thinks so is he. But if we are little more than hairless apes with souls, then what is our destiny and what is our motivation? Survival and reproduction is what scientists tell us.Yet that is not why we are here, and that is not who we truly are.
It may interest you to know that Catholic Universities began to sever their ties with their associated religious groups in the 1970s. Secular individuals began occupying their boards. Recently, in an article in a Catholic newspaper, a Cardinal stated that Catholic Universities needed to be explicitly Catholic, that their Boards of Directors needed to be Catholic. How, he asked, could a Catholic University give anything authentically Catholic to its students if it didn’t have it to give?
The scientific questions surrounding evolution are being dealt with correctly by the Church, and only the Church. Pope Benedict has stated that science limits access to forms of reason which we still need. While recognizing science as a tool, what the Church is correctly guarding against is that tool being used as a way to promote atheism, immorality and materialism. Or to put it another, way, to not promote things that reflect our fallen state but that reflect the truths of God.
Thanks again,