To accomplish what actually happened (higher life forms including man), the selective forces you mention must also be non-random and be guided/directed/designed/etc.
No evolution supporter claims that selection is random. Selection is constrained by the local environment.
Leaping to a philosophical conclusion from the scientific facts, this means God. It is my understanding that the theory of evolution says that the “selective forces” are not directed, etc.
So, actually, our differences are rather slight. The philosophic leap, although not invalid, is beyond science.
As far as “selective forces”, scientists claims that the “selective forces” are directed, in much the same way that water in a river or a cloud is directed. The local environment constrains the water in the river to a specific path and the wind, gravity, etc. constrain the clouds. Direction need not require direct design nor continual direct intervention. However, this does not mean that God cannot effect such things, nor does it mean that he did not in the past.
Personally, I take the philosophical position that God set everything in motion and may have intervened in evolution, but I don’t claim that there is any science to support this, because I can devise no test that could determine what seemingly chance events were direct intervention and which seemingly chance events were random; Nor can I devise any
scientific test to differentiate between the two options: 1)the universe was designed to allow us to exist in this specific form, (2) We exist in this form because of the features of our universe. While I find option 1 more compelling, that does not make it scientifically supported.
As an aside (not going to argue about this) I tend to think that the “process” is not actually totally random either.
I won’t argue with you here. I really only get drawn into these conversations when people make the stronger claims that the science of evolution is flawed, supported by fraud, inherently atheistic, etc.