Tom of Assisi:
Darwin’s natural selection idea was created by him to show how humanity could have “happened” naturally (without Divine assistance). Of course it is used by atheists to attack Christians. Natural selection makes the atheists’ point.
How can Adam be a myth or a metaphore when Christ and the CCC refer to him as a person?
Why do Catholics who accept the Virgin Birth and the miricles of Jesus think that Genesis is just a story?
- Darwin’s natural selection idea used God’s creation (nature) to evolve humanoids. God breathed his spirit into Adam to create humanity giving man a spirit.
- The Catholic Church officially condemns anyone who
a) does not believe in the existance of Adam
b) believes that Adam represents a collection of people
c) believes that Adam was one person but his decendents married with other people
[Gaudiem et Spes, documents from Council of Trent, as referenced by the Catechism of the Catholic Church (paragraph 390] - what is wrong with something being just a story—but you should leave off the words ‘JUST A’. The Church teaches that the bible is true in whole and in part but must be read according to the type of liturature being written. The Church also teaches that the bible was orally transmitted before being written down (just a story), both the New and Old Testaments.