such an answer serves to nitpick rather than advance understanding
In order to help with communication so that people don’t merely talk at each other, I will offer some feedback. On the this side of the judgemental divide, this comment is does not advance understanding at all. What it does do is offer insight about the author. Unfortunately, what comes across is the converse of the comment, that one is dealing with unclear and imprecise thinking.
In evolution’s case, it is my opinion that understanding the physical allows us to gain understanding on how God created us. Then we ask why Genesis has 6 days. It must use figurative language. What does that figurative language reveal? That God is awesome. That He loves us.
There is no disagreement as to science’s potential to reveal the nature of God and how we came to be. It is the weaving of that data into the weird fabric that is evolution that’s the issue. The genetics and research into the fossil record do reveal His power and glory. There is no contradiction between the actual science and the faith. In fact, it is the mind staggering complexity, the awesomeness of this miracle that includes ourselves that fuels such alternatives as Intelligent Design. At issue is the incompatability of the secular mythos and creation.
Among the various objections to evolution is that our existence did not happen randomly and did not asise as a result of necessity, as is its unverifiable claim. To this point, an argument in favour of theistic evolution should address how chemical events, by their own capacities under the selective environmental pressures, came to play in the creation of, for example, the human brain (I’ve asked this before and had no reply.) necessary for the expression of our spirit, let alone the intricacies of the human mind.
In opposition to the belief of evolution, I’m going to suggest that we were created perfect, with no abnormal genes, and that the accumulation of such has happened in time since the fall. This fits with reality as it is acknowledge by all of us whenever we put on sunscreen, lead aprons when undergoing radiograhic imagining, and avoid toxins like nicotine. Random changes of the genome are bad. There are built-in genetic and epigentic mechanisms, created with the first organism of its kind, whereby we can explain the diversity present in life on earth.