And what makes you think that?100% false. They are manmade aircraft.
And what makes you think that?100% false. They are manmade aircraft.
Saucer shaped ?100% false. They are manmade aircraft.
Yeah…if you could spin it like a frisbee.Yes. Very airworthy.
No, it actually means that the evolution of body structures does not depend on rigid genetic codes to begin with. This, in turn, means that any argument from complexity or specificity is even weaker than it was before.Then it supports ID over random mutation.
Pluripotency does not necessarily imply design from a scientific perspective. You are coming to question with a philosophical assumption, namely teleology, rather than simply looking at the data as it is. We can’t deduce teleology just by looking at the fact that cells can take many forms.The cells are flexible as in stem cells. They have the programming instructions already built in. These are the 500 or so conserved core components I have previously posted about and the ability to build any body plan. Right there at the get go. The design is so obvious.
The data said the ability was primordial, there in the beginning.ather than simply looking at the data as it is.
Why on Earth would they need to know what they’re doing? Cells need to have information and material, but they don’t need to have a goal per se. Material that falls into place in a manner that preserves its existence will tend to exist more than material that falls apart. Over time the cream rises, so to speak, because it is prone to rise; cream doesn’t have to know how to rise.Not true. Cells need to know what they are doing. So where do the instructions come from? Where do new instructions come from?
Well, those appear to be just crude experimental flying machines.
There at the beginning of divergence of multicellular animals from single-celled living creatures, not at the beginning of life. What the research is pointing to is that complex life already had stem-cell like qualities before it became multicellular, and that this stem-cell like nature likely led to the development of multicellular organisms. Previously it was assumed that stem-cell like abilities developed later, after the divergence between multi-cellular organisms and single-celled life.The data said the ability was primordial, there in the beginning.
A true UFO can appear in one section of the sky… disappear and reappear in another section in a split second.Amazing that you read the entire book just based on the description. A little background: There is a joint US/Canadian intelligence process called CIRVIS: Communication Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings. Remember that: Vital - Intelligence - Sightings. A poster was published and among the air vehicles was a saucer with a dome on the top middle.
HuhI’m done. Bye.