You need to consider different scenarios, compatible with both science and Genesis. For example:If you hold evolution and abiogenesis to be true, then you must also hold the story of the Garden of Eden to be false. Clearly all humanity could not be sprung from a single mated pair of humans, or the inbreeding would have led to extinction thru sterility within 7 generations.
Start with a population of unsouled upright apes, call them “huma” because they are not quite human yet. God puts human souls into two of them, Adam and Eve, (or puts a soul into one male, Adam, and clones a female, Eve, from him). Adding a soul does not change the original huma DNA at all. We now have a pair of humans, Adam and Eve, in a population of huma. Adam and Eve are theologically distinct from the huma; they have souls. They are not biologically distinct, they have the same bones and the same DNA. Adam and Eve only mate with each other and have human children with souls. In order to avoid incest, and the consequent inbreeding, their children need to find mates outside their immediate family among the huma. Since huma have compatible DNA such couples are fertile – ‘open to life’. God gives souls to all the offspring of Adam’s children with the surrounding huma. The results of these matings are fully human, they have the correct DNA and they have a soul, given by God as they are descended from both Adam and Eve through one parent. God can continue to do the same for as long as required, ensouling all descendants of both Adam and Eve through either parent. Because only the descendants of the initial pair mate with ensouled huma, all the children from such matings are descended from both Adam and Eve since they will have both as grandparents, great-grandparents etc.
Over time the number of humans increases and the number of huma declines until the huma are extinct.
In scientific terms we have a large interbreeding huma/human population, as shown by the current level of genetic diversity in humans. Theologically all humans are descended from that first ensouled pair and so can inherit original sin. Since souls do not fossilize or affect DNA, science cannot tell whether or not a particular hominid fossil had a soul or not. At most, science can detect compatible DNA.
It is also worth noting that this scenario both avoids the problem with incest that goes with the more traditional interpretation and solves the problem of where Mrs. Cain and Mrs. Seth came from.
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