Brilliant post Alosium!
Before you can address the disease, you must diagnose it (categorize it accurately, analyze it, name it). Henceforth, it will be diagnosed as “THE MYTH OF EVOLUTION.”
Remember the fable, “The Emperor’s New Clothes?” Once there was a powerful Emperor who demanded the finest clothes from his tailors. Nothing they could create was pleasing. Finally, they presented the rarest, invisible clothing, spun from thread so fine it could not be seen. The Emperor was delighted, and paraded his new clothes in the streets. EVERYONE agreed that their Emperor indeed was wearing the finest clothing in the world…all except one little boy, who pointed out that the Emperor was stark naked in public. Suddenly, everyone realized that the little boy was right.
Evolution is not science, and it is unscientific, so why is it “pushed” as truth in the educational system? There is an element of socialized deception at work here. Like the Emperor’s clothes, most people cleave to a group position. People want to “fit-in.” It is difficult to challenge the group, even if they are wrong. Students in the educational system bear the additional onus of getting a bad grade if they object to the socialized myth of evolution. The modern “educational” system aims to indoctrinate the masses.
What purpose does “The Myth” serve? The myth provides a GODLESS explanation for creation. This is very important to escape the supreme morality that must be considered if there is a Creator-God. People are to think ONLY of four dimensional, worldly, reality (length, height, width, time). Other-dimensional considerations such as Heaven, Hell, The Kingdom of God, Angels, Demons, Satan are dispensed with. The door is left wide open for Marx’ “Dialectic Materialism,” and Nietzsche’s “Will to Power,” and “God Is Dead.”
Mis-“education” in “science” is coupled with mis-education in the other disciplines to solidify the “world-as-only-reality” deception. Education in Theology for most is practically non-existent. After very costly mis-education, people emerge from universities with diplomas that tell themselves and others they are EDUCATED. What a sad hoax!
So, where lies the real power behind the myth and the hoaxing that pervades “education?”