Evolution: Is There Any Good Reason To Reject The Abiogenesis Hypothesis?

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The IDvolution position is He did get things right but allows man to have an influence in the outcome.
So, what does IDvolution say about what happened before man existed? Is standard biological evolution correct up to that point?

You have still not answered my question about the non-living intelligence you claim designed life.
Gen 1 reveals to us the order of creation.
No it does not. Genesis 1 has birds (Gen 1:20 before land animals (Gen 1:24).

All the evidence indicates that Genesis is wrong to assign that order. Birds came after the first land animals, not before them.

Your source is scientifically inaccurate.

Since you have still not answered my point about your claim to a non-living intelligence designing life, I shall assume that you implicitly admit that you point was invalid until I see your reply.
If intelligence is required for the origin of life, then you need a non-living intelligence to start life off.
The consequent does not follow immediately from the conditional. Do you have a middle term to support your consequent?

Since there is no evidence of a living material being that is not intelligent then a presumption that a being exists that is both living and non-intelligent is unfounded and certainly unnecessary.

If intelligence is required for the origin of material life then a living-intelligent being necessarily exists before all other intelligent-living creatures.
And substituting “matter” for “intelligence” in the conditional above:
If matter is required for the origin of bodily creatures then you need a non-material being to begin the existence of bodily creatures.
What non-material being do you propose for the origin of bodily creatures?

Probably the same answer.
The consequent does not follow immediately from the conditional. Do you have a middle term to support your consequent?
  1. An intelligent entity (IE) originated life.
  2. Nothing alive existed before the origin of life.
  3. The IE that originated life existed before the origin of life.
    => The IE was not alive.
Since there is no evidence of a living material being that is not intelligent
Are bacteria intelligent in your definition? Are viruses both alive and intelligent? Is an acorn intelligent? You do not appear to be using a standard definition of intelligence here.
a presumption that a being exists that is both living and non-intelligent is unfounded
Pumpkins are intelligent. Hmmm… you need a lot more evidence here I think.
What non-material being do you propose for the origin of bodily creatures?
I do not. The material for living organisms comes from non-living material. We drink non-living water. The water molecules in our bodies were once non-living water molecules outside our bodies. The oxygen atoms originated in non-living stars. The hydrogen atoms originated when the early universe had cooled sufficiently for hydrogen to condense out.
  • An intelligent entity (IE) originated life.
  • Nothing alive existed before the origin of life.
  • The IE that originated life existed before the origin of life.
    => The IE was not alive.
As argued previously, Premise 2 remains an oxymoron.

  • An intelligent entity (IE) originated corporeal life.
  • Nothing corporeal and alive existed before the origin of corporeal life.
  • The IE that originated life existed before the origin of corporeal life.
    => The IE is alive, intelligent and non-corporeal.
Are bacteria intelligent in your definition? Are viruses both alive and intelligent? Is an acorn intelligent? You do not appear to be using a standard definition of intelligence here.
Any corporeal being which contains active DNA and RNA is intelligent.
Pumpkins are intelligent. Hmmm… you need a lot more evidence here I think.
If the living pumpkins contain DNA and RNA then pumpkins are intelligent.
The material for living organisms comes from non-living material.
What non-living material contains active DNA and RNA?
We drink non-living water. The water molecules in our bodies were once non-living water molecules outside our bodies.
Metabolized elements are transformed and incorporated into living beings only by beings already alive.
The oxygen atoms originated in non-living stars. The hydrogen atoms originated when the early universe had cooled sufficiently for hydrogen to condense out.
I think we are looking specifically at the origin of the carbon. Can the lab produce carbon from non-carbon materials?
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  • An intelligent entity (IE) originated corporeal life.
  • Nothing corporeal and alive existed before the origin of corporeal life.
  • The IE that originated life existed before the origin of corporeal life.
    => The IE is alive, intelligent and non-corporeal.
Your conclusion is faulty. It should read:

=> The IE cannot be both corporeal and alive.

As an aside, thank you for confirming that buffalo’s argument relied on an equivocation between corporeal life and non-corporeal life.
If the living pumpkins contain DNA and RNA then pumpkins are intelligent.
We will have to differ on the meaning of “intelligent” here.
What non-living material contains active DNA and RNA?
DNA from fossils, such as mammoths or Neanderthals has been sequenced. Those fossils are dead and contain DNA. I an not sure about RNA, it is less stable and so would likely decay faster.
Metabolized elements are transformed and incorporated into living beings only by beings already alive.
A tautology, if the being is “already alive” than you are not talking about abiogenesis. Science has shown the origin of amino acids, purines, pyrimidines, lipid bilayers and short strings of RNA in non-living environments.
Can the lab produce carbon from non-carbon materials?
No need. The carbon was already produced in stars. It was present on earth from the start, well before the appearance of life.
Let’s consider our existence.

Clearly there is time, of which we are a part and witness. We know that within that flow, for pretty much all of it, we do not exist other than as someone relating to it.

We know something here. What we also know is that we are made of atoms, organized as cells, which communicate with one another. These words, this knowledge is one with the neurology that, if we live long enough, will shrivel up leaving us without any sense of who we were. We should be mindful of such realities, as it makes us appreciative of all this wonder.

At the Root of all this that is happening this moment, and every moment, is what we might call Life or Existence itself, in other words, God. All senseless fears of death disappear with the knowledge that when we die, the Source of our being remains. That we continue, to then be resurrected, gives meaning to this journey. That there is One Being, relational in nature, triune, who is the Ground of all our being, makes us all brothers and sisters, united in Love.

The Father begets the Son, the Word of God, the Logos, the Principle of Divine reason and order to creation. From the First and Second Persons of the Trinity comes the Spirit of God, the Third Person of the Godhead, uniting them in Love as One God. It is from that eternal Fount that all this exists, here and now, in every moment, with different kinds of being, doing what they have been created to do. Through us, in Jesus Christ, it all journeys to into final communion with God.

As we sang at my church this last Sunday:
All creatures of our God and King,
Lift up your voice and with us sing,
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Thou burning sun with golden beam,
Thou silver moon with softer gleam!
O praise Him! O praise Him!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Thou rushing wind that art so strong,
Ye clouds that sail in heav’n along,
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Thou rising moon, in praise rejoice,
Ye lights of evening, find a voice!
Thou flowing water, pure and clear,
Make music for thy Lord to hear,
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Thou fire so masterful and bright,
That givest man both warmth and light.
And all ye men of tender heart,
Forgiving others, take your part,
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Ye who long pain and sorrow bear,
Praise God and on Him cast your care!
Let all things their Creator bless,
And worship Him in humbleness,
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son,
And praise the Spirit, Three in One!
O praise Him! O praise Him!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
The joy, the concepts and emotions that we may feel are aspects of our nature, like the molecules that are one with the perceptions, establishing us here in time and space, as we are brought forth into existence as one being, a person. The elements contained within the physical, psychological and spiritual dimensions that describe that unity of being, are not reducible to the relationships that define matter but are aspects of the kind of being that we are. Humanity required a new creation, separate from those that brought forth plants and animals, and the building blocks of life before them.
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Your conclusion is faulty. It should read:

=> The IE cannot be both corporeal and alive.
Your conclusion is weaker but possible and does not negate my stronger conclusion.
We will have to differ on the meaning of “intelligent” here.
To examine the difference in hopes of a synthesis, you will need first to give us your definition.
DNA from fossils, such as mammoths or Neanderthals has been sequenced. Those fossils are dead and contain DNA. I an not sure about RNA, it is less stable and so would likely decay faster.
Fossilized remains of plants, animals and Neanderthals are safely presumed to have been alive and the DNA is no longer active. So the question remains: Do we have any examples of “non-living material containing active DNA and RNA”?
A tautology, if the being is “already alive” than you are not talking about abiogenesis.
No, the reply was in response to the claim that elements through the metabolic activity of living things is equivalent to abiogeneisis.
The material for living organisms comes from non-living material. We drink non-living water. The water molecules in our bodies were once non-living water molecules outside our bodies.
All the evidence indicates that Genesis is wrong to assign that order. Birds came after the first land animals, not before them.
I remain unconvinced. Science speculates and has assumptions and no empirical evidence.
I remain unconvinced. Science speculates and has assumptions and no empirical evidence.
We have fossils, those are empirical evidence. Show us a bird fossil dating from before the first land animals.

You are the one with assumptions and no empirical evidence.
If intelligence is required for the origin of life, then you need a non-living intelligence to start life off.
Intelligence is required for the origin of physical life. Therefore, you don’t need a non-living intelligence to start life off, just a spiritual intelligence which is intelligent.
Your earlier statement about intelligence being required to start life is obviously wrong.
I think it’s obviously correct. A “non-intelligent being” wouldn’t possess the volition to create life, would it? I mean, puppies don’t come from rocks, do they? (OK, I’m being facetious, but you get my point, right?)
Intelligence is required for the origin of physical life. Therefore, you don’t need a non-living intelligence to start life off, just a spiritual intelligence which is intelligent.
As I pointed out above, buffalo’s idea requires equivocation about the type of ‘life’ that is meant.
I think it’s obviously correct. A “non-intelligent being” wouldn’t possess the volition to create life, would it? I mean, puppies don’t come from rocks, do they? (OK, I’m being facetious, but you get my point, right?)
Here I disagree. Chemicals do not possess volition. Does an oxygen atom possess volition to bind with two hydrogen atoms, not one, not three but two? There is no volition involved.

You are projecting a volitional process where no volition exists.

Any living being intelligent enough to create life has to be complex enough to be in need of design itself, at least according to ID. The Abrahamic God is a counter-example to ID; a very complex entity that was not designed.
Here I disagree. Chemicals do not possess volition. Does an oxygen atom possess volition to bind with two hydrogen atoms, not one, not three but two? There is no volition involved.
Water is not “life”, though, no?
The Abrahamic God is a counter-example to ID; a very complex entity that was not designed.
The Abrahamic God is not physical, nor composite, and therefore is a special case. Some would call this “special pleading”, but they would be wrong, since that only is relevant if there’s no reason to posit a difference. Here, there is – God is not a creature, is not composite, and is not physical. The demands of ID simply do not apply.
We have fossils, those are empirical evidence. Show us a bird fossil dating from before the first land animals.

You are the one with assumptions and no empirical evidence.
You are resting on having 10 pieces of a million piece puzzle that has been mixed up many times by catastrophic events?
You are resting on having 10 pieces of a million piece puzzle that has been mixed up many times by catastrophic events?
No I am not. It is you creationists who do not have the evidence. Where is the evidence of divinely created purines and pyrimidines? Where are the divinely created amino acids?

I agree that science does not have all the pieces yet. This is in contrast to creationists, who have none of the pieces.
Water is not “life”, though, no?
If you want a more complex example, then science has all the ingredients to make RNA, and has done so. Scientists can make short random pieces of RNA in the lab, and some of those pieces have enzyme-like actions, such as ligation. The chemical reactions involved did not require volition.
The Abrahamic God is not physical, nor composite, and therefore is a special case.
ID would seem to disagree with you. I have not seen any exceptions allowed in the ID literature: all complex specified things require design. This is what I would expect, given the political purpose behind ID.
Some would call this “special pleading”, but they would be wrong, since that only is relevant if there’s no reason to posit a difference. Here, there is – God is not a creature, is not composite, and is not physical. The demands of ID simply do not apply.
I do not call it special pleading, I call it an exception to ID’s claim, which disproves that claim. If the information in human DNA, as present in the mind of God, does not require design then that exact same information as present in the human genome does not require design either. In both cases the information is identical.

The original, in God’s mind, was undesigned. Humans have a copy of that original and copying is a mindless process that does not require intelligent (name removed by moderator)ut. A bacterium is capable of copying its DNA and a bacterium is not intelligent.

The Abrahamic God refutes the ID claim that complex information requires design. Given the existence of the omniscient Abrahamic God, then all information in the material world today has existed eternally, without design, in the mind of God and has merely been copied. No design is needed.
God refutes the ID claim that complex information requires design.
I think not.

ID claim as conditional:
If a being possesses complex specified information then that being is intelligently designed.

Contra-positive (same truth value):

If a being is not intelligently designed then that being does not posses complex specified information.

God is not designed. God does not posses complex specified information.
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