
jjanderson,I need some advice on this subject from someone out there. I homeschool and am uncertain how to approach this subject with my elementary aged children.
I would not worry about. Teach your children about the diveristy of life on the planet. Teach them how everything is related together–how habitats work, how species depend upon each other for their survival. Teach them how to identify the animals and plants they see and create in them a awe for the majesty of Creation.
Science and religion do not conflict, I cannot emphasize that enough. Science deals with facts and things (and theories developed from them). Religion is about man’s relationship to God and God’s relationship to man.
I am not a teacher, but that is how I explain it to my seven year old. She loves animals and natures and I wish my faith was half as strong as hers. Science is not the problem, our culture is.
…on the other hand, growing numbers of people are abandoning religion in pratice. Unlike former days, the denial of God or of religion, or the abandonment of them, are no longer unusual and individual occurrences. For today it is not rare for such things to be presented as requirements of scientific progress or of a certain humanism. In numerous places these views are voiced not only in the teachings of philosophers, but on every side they influence literature, the arts, the interpretation of the humanities and of history and civil laws themselves. As a consequence, many people are shaken. Vatican II, Gaudium et spes 7
That was written in 1965—it has certainly gotten worse!!! My whole point in all of this is to not blame evolution, blame the mindset the uses evolution as a tool to deny God. We need to meet them head on and take that tool away from them. We do that not by proving evolutionary theory wrong, rather we do that by showing them there are making invalid inferences.
PS I would stay away from Protestant material. Their Christianity may not be reconcilable with your Catholicism. Just my opinion. I do not homeschool so take this opinion with a grain of salt if you wish (just this opinion though