Jennifer J:
Actually I am sure the evolutionists will come up with a lengthy scientific explanation about the transitional forms between chimp and human and why they are no longer here but the chimps and humans are.
But Darwin on this point claimed that there are some races amongst us that are closer to the apes than others - not quite as human as some other humans that are higher on the evolutionary scale. He said this in his book Descent of Man. Darwin was quite a racist.
If this were the case I guess you’re saying, since chimps are the closest species to humans, that one day a chimp gave birth to a male human named Adam and another chimp gave birth to a female human named Eve and they met in the park one day and started the human race.I vowed to myself I would stay out of these treads as I’m not really qualified. I wish I could convince my dh to contribute as he’s the Catholic biologist/researcher in the family. But I think I have something to say.
Some keep saying that death didn’t enter the picture until after the fall, isn’t that death for animals (I mean why would our sin affect the animals)? What if, through evolution, humans branched off (caused by God) from other similar animals? Now I know this can’t be proven, but it seems it’s a valid way to make the leap. God used the “materials” he created (animals) to make Adam and Eve and by giving these creatures a soul he made them human (and granted them immortality until the fall). Does that make sense? It works for me in dealing with this whole evolution thing. Evolution seems to exist, but it doesn’t deny God. Now some scientists deny God, but that’s their problem, not mine. Science should deal with the physical world, religion with God and spiritual matters.
I hope I made some sense. This whole topic can get confusing and overwhelming.
Actually I am sure the evolutionists will come up with a lengthy scientific explanation about the transitional forms between chimp and human and why they are no longer here but the chimps and humans are.
But Darwin on this point claimed that there are some races amongst us that are closer to the apes than others - not quite as human as some other humans that are higher on the evolutionary scale. He said this in his book Descent of Man. Darwin was quite a racist.