Well, I AM a scientist.
In physics, there are three LAWS (not “theories,” but LAWS) which are the fundamental basis of all physical sciences. These are called the LAWS of Thermodynamics. The word “thermodynamics” is intimidating to many people – it need not be – it is simply another way of saying “energy.” So, essentially, these are the three LAWS of energy.
The LAWS of thermodynamics are both simple and complex (much like theology). On a simple level, you may express the three LAWS thus: You cannot win (you never get more energy out of a system than you put in), **you cannot break even ** (you always loose energy), and you cannot ever get out of the game (energy exchange is always taking place).
The Second LAW of Thermodynamics is of particular interest in the evolution debate. A Christian need not reject macroevolution because it is bad theology – s/he can reject it because it is BAD SCIENCE.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics (also called the Law of Entropy, or the Law of Chaos) maintains that an ordered system will break down (fall into entropy, or chaos) unless there is an EXTERNAL (outside the system) application of energy.
Think of your own house. If you do nothing to it, what happens? Does it re-paint itself? Repair its own plumbing? Fix its own roof? Of course not! It would eventually crumble into dust (literally), unless YOU (an external force) exert energy to maintain it.
Ordered systems break down into unordered systems, unless there is an EXTERNAL (outside the system) application of energy. That’s the Second LAW of Thermodynamics.
Evolutionists claim that the unordered gave rise to the ordered. The unintelligent gave rise to the intelligent. Non-Life gave rise to life.
If the evolutionists admit an EXTERNAL application of energy (which could ONLY be God!) than that’s fine! But if they suppose that this happened within the system itself (ie, within Creation) then they have proposed a “theory” which is contrary to a LAW of physics.
In fact, the very existence of the universe (and, especially our own world) confounds the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Our own world should have crumbled into space dust eons ago! Theists can explain this easily (“our existence continues by the Will and Grace of God), but atheists have a scientific problem with the very fact that our world exists. This has given rise to a whole new modern psuedo-science called “Chaos Theory.” The latest twist in this is that the universe exists on the “edge of chaos” which somehow corrects itself. It’s a very Yin/Yang philosophy which has very little resemblance to Physical Science. The people who perpetuate such theories are more philosophers than scientists.
Evolutionists claim the universe was the product of random chance. Let me explain why this is NONSENSE with this example:
Suppose you took the parts of a pocket watch and put them in a sack. Now, suppose you shook the sack for a long time. What would happen to the parts? They would turn to DUST, of course! (as the Second Law of Thermodynamics says) But, imagine the parts (and the sack) were somehow indestructible. How long would you need to shake the sack before those parts assembled themselves (by random chance) into the original watch?
It should be obvious to most people that the parts would NEVER assemble themselves into the original pocket watch, no matter how many BILLIONS of years you shook the sack. Maybe a couple or three parts might momentarily come together in the correct placement, but would quickly be disoriented.
That’s because an unordered system cannot produce an ordered product. That’s the Second LAW of Thermodynamics. Consider that a pocket watch has – what? – maybe a couple hundred parts? A DNA molecule (the “building block” of life) has three BILLION parts! Three BILLION. Three THOUSAND MILLION.
Macroevolution is an absurd theory. The Second LAW of Thermodynamics PROVES it to be absurd.