Hmmm. Apparently some folks are still unclear on the concept of why an unordered process CANNOT and WILL NOT
EVER produce a (non-trivial) ordered result, even given all of INFINITY. I tried the example of shaking the parts of a watch in a sack – they would NEVER assemble into a watch. Let’s try a different example, and I’ll demonstrate exactly
WHY a random process CANNOT produce an ordered result.
Consider the old example of monkeys on typewriters. Some people (including educated people) have claimed that if infinite number of monkeys type on an infinite number of typewriters (a metaphor for purely random text generation), one of those monkeys would, at one point, type all the works of Shakespeare.
At first, it might seem reasonable. A random page of text might be gibberish, or it might be a sonnet, right? It’s random – why NOT a sonnet? Seems logical.
Wrong. The English language is a highly ordered product. A random process over an INFINITE time period will NEVER produce more than maybe a very short phrase (a trivial product).
Here’s why: In the English language, some letters occur much more frequently than others (vowels, especially the letter “E” are more common). Some letters are highly uncommon (such as “X”). That’s why your Scrabble game doesn’t have the same number of tiles for each character. But a random process (given a large enough sample) will produce exactly as many E’s as it produces X’s (and A’s and B’s and C’s – they would ALL occur evenly).
But, even if the random process somehow produced characters with a frequency rate that matches English character frequency, it STILL wouldn’t work. Here’s why: English characters aren’t arranged in random fashion (French characters are, maybe, but not English). There are RULES and CONVENTIONS which govern order and placement of characters. For example, the ‘I’ before ‘E’ rule – the letter ‘I’ will usually precede the letter ‘E.’ But, in a random process, the letter ‘I’ will precede the letter ‘E’ as often as it follows it.
Furthermore, certain character-pairs (such as ‘OO’ or ‘AI’) occur much more frequently than other character-pairs (such as ‘NQ’). But, in a random process, the pair ‘NQ’ will occur as often as ‘AI’ (and the letter ‘Q’ will be followed by ‘U’ only every twenty-sixth occurrence, whereas “U” follows “Q” in every English word except one, that I know of).
A random process will NEVER produce a non-trivial ordered result.
For amusement, visit the
Monkey Shakespeare Simulator which uses thousands of distributed computers to compare random text to Shakespearean works. As of this writing, after 579,440 billion BILLION
BILLION simulated monkey-years, a digital monkey managed to type 22 characters (four words and part of a fifth word) from the tragedy Cymbeline.