Thanks SocCatholic for the post. Basically you are saying both sides should use good reason, respect science, and respect each other. OK, I agree. Now on to Newman60’s recent post who hasn’t read or learned a darn thing in the 4.5 billion posts on this subject.
Newman60 << Please don’t kid yourself. >>
Okay I’ll try not to.
Newman60 << Evolution has not been measured or observed. >>
Yes it has. And it has again. These are observed instances of speciation, and evolution is directly measured and observed small scale. The
evidence for macroevolution is partly an extrapolation of that, but its based on other evidence as well.
Here is a summary of that article with many “missing links” = transitional fossils.
Newman << There is no missing link. >>
There are plenty of “missing links” if you mean by that transitional forms in the fossil record. I’ve provided them, look to the posts above. There are the mammal-reptiles and reptile-mammals, the evolution of birds, of elephants, of horses, of whales from land mammals. The missing links are no longer missing, see my found links above (pun intended). Here is one,
Ambulocetus Natans, the walking whale that swims
I’m just scratching the surface, many folks who have posted on this subject on these boards are much more knowledgeable.
Newman60 << If you or any evolutionist use the regular tests of true science like replication, you cannot prove evolution. >>
Evolution is not about
"proof" but evidence. Science doesn’t deal in absolutes but does deal in data, evidence, observations, and making predictions based on those, and yes repeatability. But it also makes inferences from these. There is lots of
good evidence from various scientific disciplines. And in case you didn’t know,
Evolution is considered both a Fact (common descent) and a Theory (natural selection).
Newman60 << You are just using a different faith and different assumptions than are creation scientists. It really is so much easier to believe in creation than in evolution. >>
Creationism might be easier for some from a faith standpoint, but not a science standpoint. Classic “creation science” (or creationism) is bad science and this has been shown in the courts (starting with the
Arkansas Creationist Trial in 1981-2). It has also not demonstrated its case to the
scientific community. There’s a few more missing
links for you to chew on.
I am looking to meld together good science with good theology, not terrible science and okay theology.
Phil P