Unfortunately that was the problem with Einstein and other famous physicists who would not accept the expanding universe for years and years. It was only because the inventor of the big bang theory, a Catholic priest, accepted God that he came up with the theory. It was only because Einstein and others rejected God at first that they would not accept the theory. It was resisted for years and years, despite the overwhelming evidence, because of their prior assumption that one must exclude God.
You are making the same assumption. If you exclude God, then you are not being open minded. You are being closed minded.
Furthermore, the Catholic Church has never taught error. The Church has always claimed that truth. Yet, you have obviously blindly believed the Chuch taught error in regards to Galileo, etc. If you were more open and investigated the Church’s claims, you would see the Church taught nothing about Galileo.
For the only teaching authority in the Catholic Church is the Pope and those few bishops in union with the Pope. And the Pope never taught a thing about Galileo, when using his divine teaching authority as head of the Church.
It was some theologians who had errors about Galileo. Theologians are not part of the teaching authority of the Church.
Are you serious? Einstein rejected it through first observation. Christians gererally say that the universe needs a creator, which is false. It’s most likely like:
(1) Whatever begins has a cause.
(2) The universe began to exist.
(3) Therefore, the universe has a cause.
You might interpet that cause as the creation.
So since God has no beginning you do not believe he had to have a cause. So I will show you how it is possible how the universe need not have had a beginning and indeed could also very well be partially outside of time. Lets take a look, shall we?
While (1) can be challenged on a number of fronts, let me just mention one rebuttal that has been made from physics. Quantum electrodynamics is a fifty-year-old theory of the interactions of electrons and photons that has made successful predictions to accuracies as great as twelve significant figures. Fundamental to that theory is the spontaneous appearance of electron-positron (anti-electron) pairs for brief periods of time, literally out of “nothing.” Thus we have a counter example to statement (1), something that begins without cause.
For this purpose, it should be adequate for me to provide a scenario in which the universe occupies both halves of the time axis. I do not feel compelled to prove that this scenario is true, just show how this is possible within the framework of existing knowledge.
My scenario is provided by inflationary big bang cosmology. Most creations and evolutionists both agree that the big bang is strongly supported by astronomical observations. Inflation remains less firmly established, but remains the only current theory that successfully explains a wide range of observations. Furthermore, the model is falsifiable, and so maintains good scientific credentials. Indeed, with the 1992 COBE observation of a 1/100,000 fluctuation in the temperature of the cosmic microwave background, inflation passed at least one risky falsification test.