Makeing doctrine more understandible is not the definition of a reform. Today the Church accepts that Protestants and some non-christians can attain heaven. 50 years ago you were considered a heretic for believeing exactly what the church teaches today. Another example is anti-semitism. In 1916 the church condemned it. But 500 years ago the Church encouraged, or at the very least didin’t do anything to stop, anti-semitism.And I repeat again, the Catholic Church has NEVER taught error in 2000 years. That is why you cannot get any agreement by anti-Catholic protestants, atheists, secularists, news media, etc. on any error they can find. For there is no error in Church teaching.
Second, whether the Pope accepts evolution is a moot point. What the Pope believes is not Church teaching. The only thing Catholics have to know is if the Pope teaches that evolution is part of God’s Divine Revelation. And he never has. Also, there are many different theories of evolution. He could never teach a Darwinian evolution, because that evolution rejects God. He could possibly teach an evolution in which God is control of everything that happens. That is why he said there are many theories of evolution.
The personal beliefs of the Pope are not Church teaching. Only what the Pope defines as a matter for all Christians to believe is Church teaching.
Also, the Church has never revised any doctrine. The Church has never contradicted any previous teaching. Once the Church teaches something, that teaching will never change. The Church is infallible, because God founded the Church and gave the leaders of the Church HIS DIVINE AUTHORITY.
Thus, the Church is NOT a man-made organization. It is a DIVINE organization, made up of sinful men, under the leadership of a sinful Pope, who cannot teach error when teaching for the whole Church on matters pertaining to faith or morals.
The reason Jesus founded the Church was so that sinners would have the grace to overcome their sins and eventually spend eternity in heaven with Him.
Thus, Jesus did not start the Church in order to condemn sinful men, but He founded it so that sinful men would have a source of grace to be freed from their sins and have some degee of happiness in this world.
In other words, Jesus loves athiests and He wants them to believe in Him and join His Church so that they can find happiness now on this earth and forever, by the grace He merited. He gives us this grace freely through prayer and through His sacraments. He wants all to have this grace. He wants everyone to be happy.
And if Christ never condemned, then why did the Church do so to harmless “heretics” diring the inquesition?