Let me overturn this one right quick, before it gets a bit technical with your other posts. I say “right quick” because it is actually fallacious to suggest that one must put forth a sophisticated definition of what he understands by ID before he would reject evolution. Recall that, historically speaking, evolution is the later theory. It comes later temporally and it thereby seeks to displace something previously held for a very long time. There is no problem with this as such, of course. The only requirement for breaking away from previously held and long-standing traditions in any discipline, however, is that one has incredibly good reasons for doing so. A lack of transitional fossils, along with a lack of argument for why evolution is necessary to doing contemporary biology, along with an obvious lack of philosophical rigour in embracing evolution (since it violates fundamental principles both of biology (like ‘life only comes from life’) and reality (that ‘something cannot come from nothing’), etc. all work together cumulatively leaving one with very little reason, at the end of the day, for adhering to evolution.