Many of the processes that take place at the cellular level are very complex. They require many steps to do what must be done. I"m talking about things like photosynthesis, the ADP-ATP cycle, even blood clotting.
Yes, many things in the cell are complex.
Here"s the problem. One mutation would not cause any of these processes to appear in an organism. It would require quite a few. All of these mutations would have to occur in a single organism simultaneously. If all parts of the process did not appear simultaneously, there would be no advantage to them so natural selection would not select for it. (That assumes they would not be detrimental in their partial state.)
You are correct in that such a complex system will not arise by direct evolution, however such systems can, and do, arise by
indirect evolution.
Here is a complete list, mutation by mutation, of such an irreducibly complex system evolving from a non-IC starting point.
Needless to say, the mathematical odds against all of the right mutations occurring simultaneously are astronomical.
Correct, which is precisely why biologists are looking for indirect routes to IC systems. For example,
here is a piece about the evolution of the bacterial flagellum (yes, the one the Behe talks about). You will notice that the proteins used in the flagellum also can have alternative functions: they can evolve to fulfil the other function and then be co-opted into the flagellum later.* Total number of proteins listed: 42
- Total number thought to be indispensable in modern flagella: 23 (55%)
- Total number “unique” (no known homologs): 15 (36%)
- Total number of indispensable proteins that are also “unique”: 2 (5%)
Behe lays all this stuff out very nicely with diagrams in his book Darwin"s Black Box. Definitely worth reading if you are at all interested in this issue.
Oh dear, I am afraid you are behind the times. Behe has changed his argument since DBB. Even Behe himself has produced evidence that IC systems can evolve: see
Behe and Snoke (2004). To quote from the abstract:We conclude that, in general, to be fixed in 10[sup]8[/sup] generations, the production of novel protein features that require the participation of two or more amino acid residues simply by multiple point mutations in duplicated genes would entail population sizes of no less than 10[sup]9[/sup].
What Behe is saying here is that a simple IC system (“two or more amino acid residues”) can evolve in a population of a billion bacteria in about 20,000 years (“10[sup]8[/sup] generations”). There are about ten million times as many bacteria in a single ton of soil (10[sup]16[/sup]). It is absurdly easy for IC systems to evolve in real populations and in real timescales.