For anybody who loves Father Trigilio, go get his book Catholicism for Dummies
Its a great read and a great gift.
Its a great read and a great gift.
I can’t get into Catholic Communion - msn is saying I don’t exist again.Hey C-Mom!
Good to “see” you here! Just keep in mind Catholic Communion needs you too!
Peace and all good,
What part of the Diocese of Toledo is so far out in the boonies that you don’t get cable? Unless you’re out on one of the Lake Erie islands…Out here in the boonies, we don’t have cable, so we don’t watch television. It’s so funny, on vacations, we hurry back to the hotel room so we can catch as many EWTN shows as possible. Even bring supper back to the room to watch an EWTN show!
God bless,
"By Bronson HavardIt is my understanding that Father Ken Roberts was told to stop his ministry by his bishop. As a good priest, he has submitted. I do not know what the issue was, but I do know it was from the past and eveyone that knows him denies it. Even if I did know, I would not tell. From what I have heard, he is still praying and waiting to resume his ministry
Playboy to Priest,'' about his experiences as a jet-setter prior to his ordination in 1966. He also is the author of a book called
Nobody Calls It Sin Anymore,’’ published in 1997.I don’t have cable (by choice because of the pagan programing these days), but streamlink and watch and listent o ETWN on the Internet! Try it, you will like what you see!Out here in the boonies, we don’t have cable, so we don’t watch television. It’s so funny, on vacations, we hurry back to the hotel room so we can catch as many EWTN shows as possible. Even bring supper back to the room to watch an EWTN show!
God bless,