EWTN's Daily Mass?

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What do you all think of the daily Mass on EWTN? All I can say is I sure wish the Mass was celebrated at my parish the way they do it in Irondale.

The adherence to the rubrics is awesome. I also enjoy their use of Latin. What I like most however is the reverence and solemnity at each and every Mass. They really follow the Church and not man. I appreciate it a great deal.

All in all EWTN shows just how wonderful the Novus Ordo Mass can be when celebrated in a manner sans liturgical abuses. In sum, it’s a match for any Tridentine Mass.

The only thing I could ask for in some cases is “better” homilies, but the crew at EWTN do far better than most priests…
I find it hard to take issue with thier homilies. I guess that is because I am so starved for good instruction, I get a snack and I think it is a feast.
What do you all think of the daily Mass on EWTN? All I can say is I sure wish the Mass was celebrated at my parish the way they do it in Irondale.

The adherence to the rubrics is awesome. I also enjoy their use of Latin. What I like most however is the reverence and solemnity at each and every Mass. They really follow the Church and not man. I appreciate it a great deal.

All in all EWTN shows just how wonderful the Novus Ordo Mass can be when celebrated in a manner sans liturgical abuses. In sum, it’s a match for any Tridentine Mass.

The only thing I could ask for in some cases is “better” homilies, but the crew at EWTN do far better than most priests…
They do Liturgy very well! The congregation is very reverent. As far as the homilies from experience it takes a lot of work to prepare a good homily. Lots of prayer, exegesis (study) and reflection. A good homily can usally be given in 7 to 10 minutes. Anything longer than that is too long. 👍
I love the Fransican Masses at EWTN. Only problem is sometimes the Homilys take up a good amount of time, thus they later seem to rush the Mass as they have an hour time slot on tv (1.5 hours on Sunday). I’d also love to see the main Sanctuary on tv for Mass more often. It’s a very nice if you haven’t seen it before. The last time I saw them use it live was for Divine Mercy Sunday.

Anyone ever make a pilgrimage there? I’m not too far away since I live in Orlando and I believe they are located in Northern Alabama. I’m hoping to go on a pilgrimage one day with my family. A former Sunday school substitue teacher of mine has made at least two pilgrimages there. The last being not to long ago. As a matter of fact, a few days ago when Brothers Miguel & Dominic were ordained.
They do Liturgy very well! The congregation is very reverent. As far as the homilies from experience it takes a lot of work to prepare a good homily. Lots of prayer, exegesis (study) and reflection. A good homily can usally be given in 7 to 10 minutes. Anything longer than that is too long. 👍
That’s so very true. Many protestant ministers can budget 20+ hours to prepare their Sunday sermons as they don’t have to celebrate Mass on a daily basis, hear confessions, etc.

I agree with the 7-10 duration. The EWTN homilies seem artificially too long at times.
I too love how the masses are done on EWTN! 🙂 I hope to get
to Irondale someday.
My brother con-celebrated Mass at EWTN in Feb 2003, and he said that the sanctuary is actually smaller than what you see on TV. Yet he personally met all the priests there.
When my brother told me that he met Fr. Angelius, I just about fell out of my chair! :eek:

Go with God!
My wife and I were there just after Easter. Irondale is in central Alabama and is a suburb of Birmingham.

As most have observed, the mass is notable for it’s reverence. What perhaps was not noted was that large percentage of the audience, and the chapel is much smaller than it appears, are EWTN staffers. They are not required to attend, they attend out of love of the Church and for what EWTN stands for. If you look closely and are a frequent viewer you will notice the same faces very often.

All their pilgrims are advised to visit the shrine at Hanceville. If you think the televised mass from Irondale is reverent, Hanceville is the epitome of reverence. You feel it in your entire person. It can be seen in the peoples attitudes, the architecture, and the liturgy. You have no doubt that you are truly in God’s presence. It’s not that you aren’t in our parishes, it is just that reverence is emphasized and perhaps that is not true at home or certainly not to the same extent.

Again we deal with the “dimensions” of our faith. Both are important the vertical, love of God, and the horizontal, love of neighbor. The two great commandments.
Mass is a very intense experience for me, and I usually only tune in for the scripture readings and homily. I don’t feel that I can properly experience the Eucharist on TV.

EWTN flashes the Eucharist and monstrance at some unexpected times, like when I sitting home eating potato chips or sipping a coke. I feel very irreverent at times like that.

I would like to suggest that they use the “prayer of the faithful” in a more spontaneous way. They have virtually a boilerplate (this is to say, very rigid) list of petitions, starting with the prayer for the Pope, the bishops, the priests, the brothers, the religious, for an end to abortion. And, they very rarely, if ever, pray “for the intentions of those participating in the Mass” or for EWTN’s benefactors in the viewing audience, or the like. They are “in charge”, so they are always praying for themselves. There are a lot of sick people out there besides Mother Angelica. There are a lot of lonely people out there, for example. In other words, they’re very self-centered, which is … very self-centered of them.

To be very specific and picky: Once in a while they have a petition that God would allow more devotion to Mary. That makes no sense to me.

EWTN has a lot of money and I think they should replace the present chapel, and especially those creaky pews.

And, I, for one, know of no other church or chapel that uses Latin like they do. I think they’re trying to make a point by using a few sprinkles of Latin. I think they could exercise a tremendous leadership role by setting a standard of how a good Mass in English should be conducted, as that is certainly the norm throughout this country. Instead, they’re using a mixed rite which will never be universally used.

Someone in this thread has pointed out that the chapel is small. I think it’s bad manners to seat all those tall priests and brothers in front of the congregation, who’s view is thereby obstructed.

I could go on, but I think you get my drift.
Maybe the point they’re making is that it IS possible to be faithful to Sacrosanctum Concilium “The use of Latin… is to be maintained.” I see nothing wrong with being a leader in demonstrating faithfulness to VII.
When my brother told me that he met Fr. Angelius, I just about fell out of my chair! :eek:
I have nothing to add nor detract. I just want to say that I’ve met Fr Angelus (been on a retreat led by him, in fact), prior to his move to AL
Mass is a very intense experience for me, and I usually only tune in for the scripture readings and homily. I don’t feel that I can properly experience the Eucharist on TV.

EWTN flashes the Eucharist and monstrance at some unexpected times, like when I sitting home eating potato chips or sipping a coke. I feel very irreverent at times like that.

I would like to suggest that they use the “prayer of the faithful” in a more spontaneous way. They have virtually a boilerplate (this is to say, very rigid) list of petitions, starting with the prayer for the Pope, the bishops, the priests, the brothers, the religious, for an end to abortion. And, they very rarely, if ever, pray “for the intentions of those participating in the Mass” or for EWTN’s benefactors in the viewing audience, or the like. They are “in charge”, so they are always praying for themselves. There are a lot of sick people out there besides Mother Angelica. There are a lot of lonely people out there, for example. In other words, they’re very self-centered, which is … very self-centered of them.

To be very specific and picky: Once in a while they have a petition that God would allow more devotion to Mary. That makes no sense to me.

EWTN has a lot of money and I think they should replace the present chapel, and especially those creaky pews.

And, I, for one, know of no other church or chapel that uses Latin like they do. I think they’re trying to make a point by using a few sprinkles of Latin. I think they could exercise a tremendous leadership role by setting a standard of how a good Mass in English should be conducted, as that is certainly the norm throughout this country. Instead, they’re using a mixed rite which will never be universally used.

Someone in this thread has pointed out that the chapel is small. I think it’s bad manners to seat all those tall priests and brothers in front of the congregation, who’s view is thereby obstructed.

I could go on, but I think you get my drift.
1.) I think it’s wonderful to hear a prayer for the Church, the pope and the priests…

2.) EWTN does not have a lot of money. It essentially runs on a month to month basis per Deacon Bill, their Chairman.

3.) The use of Latin is encouraged in the Novus Ordo Mass. My parish often uses the Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei in Latin.

4.) I think it’s WONDERFUL to have so many clerics in full view up at the front!
I like their masses and it’s great to have them on television but I would rather attend a mass which may be lacking a little in person than watch a perfect mass on TV. It would be wonderful it EWTN could produce a good reverent Catholic sitcom situated around a parish.
I must agree that I truly appreciate the Mass from EWTN. Having parts of the mass in Latin is also great but in my thinking not specifically necessary. Of more importance from my thinking is the genuine piety and true outward expression of love for our Lord Jesus Christ. If all our parishes would establish a high standard of expectation for participation in the Mass and impose an expectation of quiet upon entry with a real reverence during the liturgy I think that this would spread the marvelous experience of what we Catholics know as the perfect form of prayer.
I have a couple comments regarding this thread. First: I really love the latin in the EWTN mass! I am at a universtiy dorm without any form of cable, so I don’t have television, and as a result can’t watch EWTN! 😦
Long homilies? I LOVE LONG HOMILIES! 😃 (as long as they are engaging and interesting, which EWTN has a tendency to do well!)
When I first started going to RCIA, one of the carmelite team members offered up the thought that mass should be kept outside of the concept of time. In otherwords, when we go to mass we should be focused on the mass and not how long things are taking. I often find myself becoming immersed in the rhythem of the liturgy, and most frequently forget how long things are taking. Let’s put this into perspective…
When a man is making love to his wife, he does not time how long it is taking. The mass is our love affair with God. Should we not give him the focus and attention He deserves?
God Bless!

I like ewtn’s daily mass and about everything else they do. Where would we be without them? It is almost a miracle that they started with nothing and is now the biggest religious broadcaster in the country. We should support them with our prayers and donations.
This is my first post on this forum and I do also enjoy the Mass from ETWN.

However, I am dismayed by people complaining about the length of the homily & the Liturgy. This is honor due to the Lord, it is not for one’s benefit to get it done so we can watch sports, go here & there etc.

My honor & praise is not ruled by a watch.

I caught the end of a Daily Mass on EWTN shortly after Easter and was greatly disappointed that they turned my favorite Easter Hymn, “Ye Sons and Daughters”, into a dirge 😦 !
I listen to EWTN mass on the “net” at work. I’m glad its one a couple of times during the day because I hate to miss any of it. Its fantastic, makes me wish for the “good old days”
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