EWTN's Daily Mass?

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That’s so very true. Many protestant ministers can budget 20+ hours to prepare their Sunday sermons as they don’t have to celebrate Mass on a daily basis, hear confessions, etc.

I agree with the 7-10 duration. The EWTN homilies seem artificially too long at times.
However…Protestant ministers DO a lot of hospital visiting, home visits, attend various meetings, teach classes, counsel people, care for their families, attend to thier own prayer lives, AND prepare sermons…
I am a new member and have only listened to broadcasts of EWTN’s daily Mass on our local Catholic radio station, while driving. As a cradle-Catholic, I loved Mass locally, but had no idea what Mass could really be 😃 . I just sense this is how Mass ought to be. It’s so unfortunate that our local parishes (and others around the country, as I have noted by reading other threads) seem to miss the reverent and full message that EWTN upholds. I am so happy that there is something out there that is correct, rubrically speaking. And that gives me hope that change can happen locally as well.

Marie Cecilia

Instaurare Omnia in Christo
I love the EWTN Mass. The homilies are excellent with much good teaching. If you don’t have cable or Dish, you can pick it up on WEWN shortwave with an inexpensive (as low as $40) shortwave receiver. The audio quality is usually very good, comparable to a local AM station.
Of course with the internet you can download real tv or radio and see it or listen live!
This is my first post on this forum and I do also enjoy the Mass from ETWN.

However, I am dismayed by people complaining about the length of the homily & the Liturgy. This is honor due to the Lord, it is not for one’s benefit to get it done so we can watch sports, go here & there etc.

My honor & praise is not ruled by a watch.

James, I’m with you I could listen to anyone of the wonderful homilies given on EWTN. The Liturgy is so solid. I’m blessed to have it 24 hours a day so I can watch the Mass over and over. I just can’t see how any good Catholic could find fault with this wonderful network! We should all get down on our hands and knees and give thanks! Some of our ‘treasure’ would be nice too since they do need the money.🙂
CD4 said:
However…Protestant ministers DO a lot of hospital visiting, home visits, attend various meetings, teach classes, counsel people, care for their families, attend to thier own prayer lives, AND prepare sermons…

On average, the workload of a Protestant minister is not in the same league as that of a Catholic priest.

Catholic priests do everything you mentioned above, plus daily Mass, plus the Divine Office, etc.
I like their masses and it’s great to have them on television but I would rather attend a mass which may be lacking a little in person than watch a perfect mass on TV. It would be wonderful it EWTN could produce a good reverent Catholic sitcom situated around a parish.
There is a good sitcom based on a Catholic parish. “Oh Father!” It was made by the BBC, and is set in the '50’s, I believe. It is a bit on the irreverent side, but is not anti-Catholic in anyway. Check it out.
There is a good sitcom based on a Catholic parish. “Oh Father!” It was made by the BBC, and is set in the '50’s, I believe. It is a bit on the irreverent side, but is not anti-Catholic in anyway. Check it out.
Do you mean “Bless Me Father”? I love that show!
Haven’t seen this, but as far as EWTN goes, I especially like:

Web of Faith
Household of Faith
Fr. Corapi (he’s so good)
Fr. Corapi and the CCC
Anything with Fr. Groschell
Threashold of Hope
World Over

**Anything with Fr. Straub **
I like the weekend Chaplet of Divine Mercy

**I do not enjoy Penny and Jack (?) Lord.I don’t know why, but they irritate me. **
A new season of Web of Faith was taped last fall but they haven’t aired it yet. I’m tired of the old re-runs, I have them almost memorized. Fr. Trigilio also does a show explaining papal encyclicals which is very good. I wouldn’t mind seeing Levis and Trigilo every day, they are such good teachers and never seem like they’re lecturing from notes.

I usually watch “Live on the Rock” but it’s usually too youth-oriented for me. Sometimes they have good guests. Several series are hosted by converts/ex-ministers (Household of Faith, Carpenter’s Shop, Journey Home, and others). These don’t appeal to me, I have tried to figure out why and I think it’s because they often have a Protestant feel to them. Not that they are teaching incorrect things, but they are more into “personal testimony” and less into actual teaching like the priests do. Just not what I’m used to, I suppose.
I do not have cable so I do not catch the EWTN daily Mass. I have been to Irondale and Hanceville and have attended Mass at both (in fact, I am going back this month). I recommend making this trip at least once. People go all over the country on vacations, why not stop here? I found the Mass at both places to be completely reverent and grace-filled. I love the mixture of Latin and English! I feel uplifted to see so may religious at Mass. We don’t need entertainment at Mass, we need the priest to follow the liturgical rules set down in Redemptionis Sacramentum and not their own agenda. This allows us to focus on the Eucharist, the main reason we are there. We need to stop ignoring Jesus in our tabernacles. We need to take time before and after Mass, first to prepare for this Sacrament, and after to thank Him. Prayers said for more devotion to Mary are extremely necessary! The blasphemies against Our Lord AND His Mother are rampant.
I have experienced the Mass at EWTN both in person and on television and radio, in fact, now that the wonderful Sirius service is available, I get to listen to the first half hour which includes the homily.

I have always been edified by the homilies, true, there are some priests that really have an outstanding gift for preaching, but the point is you always get solid Catholic teaching.

I would definitely recommend everyone visiting Irondale and Hanceville. We are so blessed to have such a holy place here in the United States! And I must put a plug in for the Sirius radio service. I live in North Carolina, and feel it is highly unlikely we’ll ever get Catholic Radio. I now can hear it loud and clear 24/7, we have shortwave too and love it, but the signal was poor in the afternoon.
EWTN has a lot of money and I think they should replace the present chapel, and especially those creaky pews.
Are you kidding? at last check they were $400,000+ in debt!
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