
What is your basis for claiming that quantum fluctuation is not the source of its own being? It certainly cannot be my statement that “This quantum fluctuation does not have a underlying cause other than it being the nature of the instability of space.” because the instability of space and the quantum fluctuation is a way of saying the same thing.I think this statement misses the point of the First Mover argument. The quantum fluctuation is NOT the source of its own being, and can’t be.
Additionally, what is your source or reasoning that it cannot be the source of its own being? It certain cannot be because NOTHING can be its own source of being, otherwise this limitation would be extended to God as well.
What then do you suggest is the source of the quantum fluctuation, since it occurs in a vacuum, completely empty space?

Sorry you cannot exclude God from this requirement as you use the argument to prove His existence. That would be logically inconsistent.The entire point of the First Mover argument is that something must be able to account for its own being, it’s own “movement of existence”, unless it’s God.

Yes, that is exactly what they do since they occur spontaneously in an area where nothing else exists to cause their coming into existence.Quantum fluctuations are not the source of their own being, are not the source of their own existence, do not “move themselves from potential existence to actual existence” because they can’t exist before themselves and therefore can’t make themselves.

No the vacuum I refer to is a true void. It is the space between subatomic particles in which nothing exists until the quantum fluctuations spontaneously occur.Likewise a vacuum can’t account for itself, as it’s not a true “nothingness” since it has laws and a nature of its own. This nature must either account for itself, or it must be created. True void can’t even be spoken of, as it lacks any defining characteristics unlike the vacuum you’re describing.

I disagree that the Fifth Argument is completely separate from the argument of the watch maker and the watch. But even if your understanding of it was what Aquinas intended we have other problems in our modern understanding of the nature of creation and its behavior, problems Aquinas was unaware of and which cannot be made similar to the way God works with creation and thus reveals Himself. I refer of course to chaos theory and the inability of us to ever provide a detailed enough model of certain aspects of nature to ever see an intelligent guide behind the mechanical certainty of the events. Chaos theory shows us very clearly that there are systems we CANNOT see the mechanical certainty you claim is there and if we cannot see this we cannot see the need for an intelligent guide and thus we cannot see God revealed in His creation.Your argument against the Fifth Proof is totally unrelated to Aquinas’ actual argument. The “argument from Design” has nothing to do with irreducible complexity like the watch and the watchmaker. The real Fifth Proof is actually closely related to the First in that it points out that “natural laws” operate according to a kind of mechanical certainty rather than a guided will. Since objects without a will can’t operate freely, but according to set laws, and only a will can craft laws then there must be an “ultimate will” behind the natural movements of the universe.