They did… did you even read the article… or what I wrote before? You know, excessively violent cartels, rampant sexual promiscuity coupled with abortion, significant governmental corruption… etc…
…You seem to have little to no respect for the authority of the Church or for Christ’s promise to be with her. These aren’t simple invented prayers, they are the official prayers of the Church Christ founded and swore to guide. It’s not a matter of effectiveness, it’s a matter of appropriateness. A crucifix is always present at a proper exorcism, as is a consecrated host (I believe, but am not certain on that part.) In genuine cases of possession, it’s likely that the possessed individual is either unwilling, or unable to receive the host.
Also keep in mind that priests who perform exorcisms have to undergo years of specialized training to be able to perform the Rite. Not every priest is capable of it.
The point is, the mass serves a purpose, and a very powerful one at that. The Communion is the source and summit of our lives. It is not a catch all though. We have prayers for sickness, prayers for lost objects, prayers for lost individuals, prayers for just about anything. The Rite of Exorcism is one more specific prayer, which severs a very specific purpose. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the Mass, and pretty much every other grace the Church can impart on us.