You could ask all these same questions of an individual exorcism, which now makes clear that you doubt altogether the Christ-given power of exorcism. Do you doubt that individual exorcism was given as a power to the Church? You’ll have a lot of splainin’ to do for various passages in scripture that affirm exorcism as an authentic way to combat the devil. And there is no injunction anywhere in scripture against exorcising whole nations, if the devil has possessed them entirely.Interesting you keep questioning the value of evidence when the exorcists themselves are hoping for evidence of “positive repercussions”. But I think I’ll wait patiently for you to first answer my questions before I answer yours. Here they are again:
Where in the bible does Jesus or any apostle cast out demons from a large number of people who were miles away at the time?
If this kind of mass exorcism works (has “positive repercussions”), why hasn’t the Church been doing it full-time across the globe for the last two thousand years?
When these demons are expelled, where do they flee to? Do they flee from Mexico to the rest of the world, taking a wave of crime elsewhere? Until other exorcists expel the demons from their own countries and the demons flee back to Mexico? Is this the start of an exorcism arms race?
You seem to be a stickler for biblical authority, but then when the authority is presented to you, you have a way of dodging it in favor of “empirical” evidence and silly questions like, where does the devil go when he is exorcised? Of course he will go elsewhere, either back to hell or into another nation where there is no power of collective or individual exorcism even exercised.
The question about an exorcism arms race is childish and sarcastic.
Why hasn’t the Church been doing it full time across the globe for the last two thousand years?
It has. Read the Catholic ritual for baptism. Every baptized child or adult is asked to reject the devil and all his works. This is to keep the devil at a distance. Thousands of miles of distance if possible. If not possible (because the devil is persistent) at least far enough away to do the least harm.
But when the devil is in a position to do the most harm, exorcism itself is the most effective way to combat him. And if he is effectively combating and possessing a whole nation, why not exorcise the whole nation? If the Church decides that is the method to use, who are you to criticize the Church? Are you the Church? The Church has the power to govern itself in ways beyond those mentioned specifically in Scripture.
Matthew 18:18
“I tell all of you with certainty, whatever you prohibit on earth will have been prohibited in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will have been permitted in heaven.”